[X3D-Public] Bug with Contact Billboard

Michalis Kamburelis michalis.kambi at gmail.com
Sat May 12 02:13:26 PDT 2012

Dave A wrote:
> What I expect, and what I DO see in Instant Player, is that this cone
> ALWAYS points at me, no matter what I do. What I see in Contact, and
> Vivaty too (same bug!), is that it points probably along a line parallel
> to the line joining the camera and Billboard, but not at the camera.
> It's more like pointing infinitely far behind the camera. Easy to see
> when you Slide navigate right/left, but just rotating around, you should
> not see apparent shift in object orientation.

Seems like Contact/Vivaty adjust Billboard axis to be parallel to the 
*camera direction*, instead of *the vector from the camera position to 
the object*. If I understand the issue right, view3dscene will give you 
the same result as InstantReality (billboard will point at you always), 
and it's correct with respect to X3D spec I think (Billboard spec says 
to "point at the viewer").

> Try yourself, or I can send or post the file. I have not yet tried this
> in Xj3D or FreeWrl.

I'd like to see it, to make sure that we speak about the same thing. And 
to actually test it in view3dscene, of course :)


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