[x3d-public] thinking about X3DJSONLD/X3DOM/glTF interoperability

Andreas Plesch andreasplesch at gmail.com
Thu Jul 6 07:14:03 PDT 2017

> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2017 00:33:16 -0400
> From: John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com>
> To: X3D Graphics public mailing list <x3d-public at web3d.org>
> Subject: [x3d-public] Fwd: thinking about X3DJSONLD/X3DOM/glTF
>         interoperability
> Message-ID:
>         <CAGC3UEmRmDtMBadSXX+yAoBobV8MpHCQ5pO5ofVyDy8q2U-k+
> w at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> XSeen is taking the approach of treating glTF as a model.   What are others
> doing?  Is anyone considering the whole scenegraph?  Why or why not?  Is
> glTF as a model done because Three.js treats glTF as a mesh (I don't know
> if three.js does this or not)?
> What do people think of the low level nature of glTF as opposed to X3D?
> While it makes it less understandable, I can see how keeping glTF low level
> would improve performance at the expense of file size.   Has anyone
> compared and contrasted the two standards?
> Are there glTF importer/exporters for blender yet? If not, why not?
> John
> I?m thinking about glTF and X3DJSONLD interoperability since X3DOM is
> starting to support glTF (I think).  What do you think the synergies might
> be?
Yeah, I started to look into it:


A-frame just uses Three which treats gltf more like a subscene, eg. very

glTF is supposed to be more like JPG for complete 3d content. Dynamic but
not mutable.

glTF can be binary, with a small file size.

The main difference to X3D is (lack of) events, eg. the kind of scene graph.

I would guess there is a blender gltf exporter, not necessarily importer.

It will be quiet a job to produce a x3dom gltf2 external group/shape node.
Perhaps the Three loader can be reused to some extent.


Andreas Plesch
39 Barbara Rd.
Waltham, MA 02453
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