[x3d-public] Non regexp StackOverflow issue with Python API (Java). Try equivalent Java. error in toFileX3D.

Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV) brutzman at nps.edu
Tue Apr 30 08:20:41 PDT 2019

Thank you John.  I got the same error, log excerpts follow for python and java builds.

Haven't uploaded the updated build.python.all.txt because it ballooned to over 90MB from reporting numerous regular-expression stack-overflow errors, which means the python version repeatedly runs out of memory to run tests while performing self validation.

Some progress made on that score, added a timeout of 5 minutes when exec-uting Python from Ant.  The entire set of python tests did complete in 4.5 hours last night, was previously getting hung by python.  Nevertheless found afterward that 4 zombie instances of python tasks were still lingering in Windows 10, these might be contributing factor (but not primary cause) of memory reductions.  Those string-too-large errors can occur but far more rarely when processing .x3d .java or .json versions of the same scene.

The memory issues are occurring somewhere in the ant-exec-python-java handoffs prior to launching x3djsail.jar.  Will keep working on them.

create python:
node xml2all.js C:\x3d-code\www.web3d.org\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//SeaStarSimple.x3d
Moving 1 file to C:\x3d-code\www.web3d.org\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors\KelpForestExhibit\_archive
Moving 1 file to C:\x3d-code\www.web3d.org\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors\KelpForestExhibit
Attempting to rename: C:\x3d-code\www.web3d.org\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors\KelpForestExhibit\SeaStarSimple.future.py to C:\x3d-code\www.web3d.org\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors\KelpForestExhibit\SeaStarSimple.py
SeaStarSimple.x3d converted to archive/SeaStarSimple.py (verbose syntax) and SeaStarSimple.py (pipeline syntax)
- - - - - - - - - - -
validate python:
Loading archive/SeaStarSimple.py (verbose syntax) with python, if successful then saving and validating as archive/SeaStarSimple_RoundTrip1.x3d version:
Moving 1 file to C:\x3d-code\www.web3d.org\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors\KelpForestExhibit\_archive
CommandLine parameter: "-validate" for model validation
parameter: source file SeaStarSimple_RoundTrip1.x3d filesize 3832 bytes
Parsing using Document Object Model (DOM) based X3DLoader...
validate results: success, no problems noted
archive/SeaStarSimple.py (verbose syntax) RoundTrip load test #1 complete
- - - - - -
Loading SeaStarSimple.py (pipeline syntax) with python, if successful then saving and validating as SeaStarSimple_RoundTrip2.x3d version:
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "C:\x3d-code\www.web3d.org\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//SeaStarSimple.py", line 192, in <module>
   File "jnius\jnius_export_class.pxi", line 766, in jnius.JavaMethod.__call__
   File "jnius\jnius_export_class.pxi", line 843, in jnius.JavaMethod.call_method
   File "jnius\jnius_utils.pxi", line 91, in jnius.check_exception
jnius.JavaException: JVM exception occurred: java.lang.StackOverflowError
Result: 1
CommandLine parameter: "-validate" for model validation
[Error]  [org.web3d.x3d.jsail.CommandLine] file not found: C:\x3d-code\www.web3d.org\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//SeaStarSimple_RoundTrip2.x3d
SeaStarSimple.py (pipeline syntax) RoundTrip load test #2 complete

ant -f C:\\x3d-code\\www.web3d.org\\x3d\\content\\examples\\X3dForWebAuthors processScenes.java
Verifying Apache Ant XML Catalog resolver classpath: C:\apache-ant-1.10.5\lib/resolver.jar (84091 bytes)
C:\x3d-code\www.web3d.org\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit//SeaStarSimple.x3d converted to SeaStarSimple.java
Compiling 1 source file to C:\x3d-code\www.web3d.org\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors\classes
now run and validate the java model
java -classpath classes;../../../stylesheets/java/jars/X3DJSAIL.3.3.full.jar X3dForWebAuthors.KelpForestExhibit.SeaStarSimple
Java program "SeaStarSimple" self-validation test results: success


On 4/29/2019 6:38 PM, John Carlson wrote:
> I think this is pretty much the last category of serious problem we’ve got left to deal with.  Please capture Java execution log of same X3D file and report.
> Thanks,
> John
> processSingleScene.pythonValidation:
>       [echo] processSingleScene.python C:\x3d-code\www.web3d.org\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors\KelpForestExhibit\SeaStarSimple.future.py
>       [echo] Loading X3D model as .py program, if successful then saving as round-trip .x3d version:
>       [exec] Traceback (most recent call last):
>       [exec]   File "C:\x3d-code\www.web3d.org\x3d\content\examples\X3dForWebAuthors\KelpForestExhibit\SeaStarSimple.future.py", line 192, in <module>
>       [exec]     X3D0.toFileX3D("/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/KelpForestExhibit/SeaStarSimple_RoundTrip.x3d")
>       [exec]   File "jnius\jnius_export_class.pxi", line 766, in jnius.JavaMethod.__call__
>       [exec]   File "jnius\jnius_export_class.pxi", line 843, in jnius.JavaMethod.call_method
>       [exec]   File "jnius\jnius_utils.pxi", line 91, in jnius.check_exception
>       [exec] jnius.JavaException: JVM exception occurred: java.lang.StackOverflowError
>       [exec] Result: 1
>       [echo] =====================
> Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows 10

all the best, Don
Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br       brutzman at nps.edu
Watkins 270,  MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA   +1.831.656.2149
X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics http://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman

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