[x3d-public] Updated summary of my changes to X3Dv4, and reasoning "why do we need UnlitMaterial"

Michalis Kamburelis michalis.kambi at gmail.com
Sat Mar 7 15:31:11 PST 2020


1. I have improved a "summary page" documenting my proposed changes for X3D v4:


That page is designed to be a quick introduction to all the changes.
It will also serve as a summary of my talk on next Friday (13th of
March) on Web3D teleconference.

2. I wrote a dedicated page about "Why do we need UnlitMaterial
node?". It's not so trivial question, and I gathered some arguments
before I decided it's the right course of action. It's all documented
on this page:


Enjoy :),

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