[x3d-public] X3D 4: Change whether ambientParameter is affected by diffuseTexture?

Michalis Kamburelis michalis.kambi at gmail.com
Tue Mar 16 00:59:21 PDT 2021


Thanks to Victor Amat, I became aware that I did break compatibility
in X3D 4 light equations, compared to X3D 3 treatment of Phong
Materials. The fix is very trivial if you agree, read on:

In X3D 4 right now, in " Phong lighting model" (
) says that ambientParameter is calculated using ambientIntensity,
diffuseColor and ambientTexture.

This means that that Material.diffuseTexture and Appearance.texture
*do not* affect the ambient term. Only diffuseColor does. This is

- unrealistic (a normal "black body", like black velvet, should not
make ambient or diffuse light -- think of what happens if you express
this "black body" using a black diffuse texture)

- incompatible with X3D 3. The lighting equations in X3D 3 (
) said that ambient_i is affected by O_Drgb which in turn is (citing)
"""diffuse colour, from a node derived from X3DMaterialNode,  a node
derived from X3DColorNode, and/or a texture node""".

The fix is extremely trivial: In

  ambientParameter = ambientIntensity × diffuseColor ×

shoud change to

  ambientParameter = ambientIntensity × diffuseParameter.rgb ×

IOW just change "diffuseColor" to "diffuseParameter.rgb". The
"diffuseParameter" is defined above, it is determined by diffuseColor,
diffuseTexture, possible per-vertex colors etc.

What do you think?


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