[x3d-public] JinLOA4.x3d, Blender, ChatGPT work

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Thu May 4 19:55:34 PDT 2023

I'm guessing there's something that the Koreans, Nicholas Polys, and
Gina-Lauren using for editing skeletons (HAnim nodes). I got stymied in my
attempts at loading an HAnim Armature/skeleton (JinLOA4.x3d) into Blender
with the X3D import button.   Does anyone have code to load an HAnim
Armature/skeleton, or have another modeling environment and/or file format
which loads HAnim Armatures/skeletons and makes it available for scripting
(I want to bring the skeleton to origin)? X3D-Edit?

I'm pretty bamboozled why HAnim is not fully supported in Blender.  Should
I start putting in effort there, or use X3D-Edit?

What is the format that people use for rigging/skinning that one can bring
into popular tools?  FBX?  glTF?   USD?  Are those all triangle based?

It would also be good information to plug into ChatGPT so that mere mortals
don't go down some rabbit hole.

ChatGPT--Not usable with Blender HAnim Armatures right now (at least HAnim
2.0).  Armatures are NOT loaded into bpy, AFAICT.  I did see some
referenced to adding an armature at index -1?  But not really clear on how
that works.  I'd just like to load in an HAnim file (with import) and get
the armature to show up with this script, or a modification of this script:

armature_obj = bpy.data.objects
for arm in armature_obj:
    print(arm.type, arm.name)

On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:00 PM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'll be working on offsetting JinLOA4.x3d to the origin tonight.  I'll try
> to get to scaling tomorrow.
> Note that I'm only shifting the skeleton, not geometry, so that's an
> issue.  We're trying to get centers for HAnimJoints in hands and feet.
> I'll probably post blender/python code and offset JinLOA4.x3d tonight.
> If anyone knows the Joints to average to find offset to move to origin,
> that would be terrific.  I'll look through my code as well.
> John
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