[x3d-public] I'm getting lots of warnings like this from X3DJSAIL

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Thu Oct 26 22:11:41 PDT 2023

 I suggest that X3DJSAIL's CommandLine program on the entire archive
perhaps?  Or at least HumanoidAnimation.

Some errors indicating that the content may be wrong:

   [apply] Processing C:\Users\john\x3dschema\examples\Marine.x3d
    [apply] org.web3d.x3d.sai.InvalidFieldException: IndexedFaceSet
containing Coordinate node with 153 values must also include coordIndex
    [apply] [exception] during validation: IndexedFaceSet containing
Coordinate node with 153 values must also include coordIndex field
    [apply] Processing C:\Users\john\x3dschema\examples\Marine.xml

Here's a good ant target for running CommandLine on a whole set of files.
apply is build into ant, AFAIK.

        <target name="commandline" depends="compile">
          <apply executable="java">
            <arg value="-cp"/>
            <arg value="${classpath}"/>
            <arg value="org.web3d.x3d.jsail.CommandLine"/>
            <arg value="-validate"/>
            <fileset dir="${examples}" casesensitive="yes">
                <include name="**/*.x3d"/>


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