[x3d-public] Compilable, but haven’t linked C++ SAI “app”

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Sat Mar 30 15:44:59 PDT 2024

For those interested in C++ SAI, here’s an app created with X3DJSONLD’s


(Thanks for those who are developing AllenDutton.x3d and the C++ SAI)

I don’t have any running, but I have ~115 compiled .cpp files as .objs.

My purpose for is to open the discussion about a C++ encoding similar to
XML and JSON, a limited parseable form, not a full programming language,
essentially interpreted data structures.  No, I haven’t written a parser
yet.  I have written a parser in the past, and I might be able to dig up
some similar code, or create a grammar in ANTLR.

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