[x3d-public] X3dToJson.xslt stylesheet in a web page was [Re: X3D JSON Loader updates.]

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Tue Dec 1 02:51:10 PST 2015

Don, we need to decide if we want to support X3dToJson.xslt as a SaxonCE application in a web page.  Apparently, the results are very different than what xmlsh produces.  See conversions coming out of: http://coderextreme.net/X3DJSONLD/index2.html  I will update the stylesheet and see if there are differences.  I will also try to get SaxonCE running inside node.js.

Loader source code is at: https://github.com/coderextreme/X3DJSONLD <https://github.com/coderextreme/X3DJSONLD>

> On Dec 1, 2015, at 4:21 AM, John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have updated my X3D JSON Loader.  Highlights include:
> Moving loadX3DJSON function from “library” JavaScript to HTML files.
> Links are:
> http://coderextreme.net/X3DJSONLD/index2.html  (with preliminary XML -> JSON support)
> http://coderextreme.net/X3DJSONLD/ (with file select)
> http://coderextreme.net/X3DJSONLD/bubbles.xhtml (single file load).
> You will start noticing differences as I exercise different features of the X3D players.  Notably prototypes and shaders and soon, VRML scripts.
> John

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