[x3d-public] Hyperlink and form support

Leonard Daly Leonard.Daly at realism.com
Tue Dec 11 07:47:48 PST 2018

Hi Albert,

X3D (in strict specification sense) cannot be integrated with HTML5. 
There are fundamental incompatibilities that prevent that from happening 
(see node and attribution case, Script node name, name scoping, and 
event handling for major examples). I started developing XSeen 
(https://XSeen.org/) to address to issues. XSeen is fully integrated 
with HTML5 allowing mixed DOM and 3D content throughout the page.

The W3C Immersive Web WG is addressing many of the issues you have 
raised in this and other emails. Some of these issues end up being much 
more involved than what appears on the surface, especially when 
involving device fingerprinting, security considerations, or user 

In particular your question about incorporating 2D web pages into 3D 
scene very quickly starts down the part of security considerations. For 
example, does the 2D content have access to the 3D space? Does the 3D 
context have access to the 2D pages? How do you ensure that a click on a 
2D page element (e.g., checkbox) really gets handled by the 2D page and 
is not completely intercepted by something in the 3D space?

If you are developing some hardware with associated software that will 
work in the XR space, it might be very good to get involved with them. I 
can provide contact information if you need it.

Leonard Daly

> Thank you Vince for your reply.
> The Anchor is indeed what I somehow failed to find earlier in the 
> specification.
> The situation we envision is when XR glasses will be commonly used to 
> access 3D websites that have similar possibilities for businesses as 
> the current 2D sites. This means that 3D website builders should be 
> able surround a (part of a) text, an image or a 3D object with an 
> anchor. Also one needs normal text fields, radio- and checkboxes etc. 
> for users to be able to fill-in their choices and post back to the server.
> Is this already possible to do in X3D?
> Regards,
> Albert Jan
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Van:* vmarchetti at kshell.com <vmarchetti at kshell.com>
> *Verzonden:* zondag 9 december 2018 22:43
> *Aan:* Albert Jan Wonnink
> *CC:* X3D Graphics public mailing list
> *Onderwerp:* Re: [x3d-public] Hyperlink and form support
> Albert
> X3D does supports responding to mouse clicks on an elements of a 3D 
> scene graph through the TouchSensor node 
> (http://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/pointingsensor.html#TouchSensor) 
> , and there is also  functionality of following a URL attached
> to a shape in the Anchor node: 
> http://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/networking.html#Anchor
> There is a basic example of the Anchor node on the X_ITE website: 
> http://create3000.de/users-guide/components/networking/anchor/#example
> I'm not sure what form support would mean in the context of a 3D 
> Scenegraph, but there is a specification for capturing and responding 
> to keyboard presses in the StringSensor node: 
> http://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/keyboard.html#StringSensor
> Can you say more about how you would like to extend the familiar 
> interface patterns of hyperlinks and input forms into the 3D and VR 
> worlds?
> With Regards.
> Vince Marchetti
>> On Dec 9, 2018, at 3:36 PM, Albert Jan Wonnink <awonnink at hotmail.com 
>> <mailto:awonnink at hotmail.com>> wrote:
>> About a year ago we started a proof of concept of a browser suitable 
>> for HoloLens and supporting business processes. We choose X3D as 
>> basic format, but because of lack of knowledge of the full 
>> specification, and having the focus on the technology, we added our 
>> own tags using a separate namespace.
>> The most important features for which we couldn't find the X3D 
>> implementation where hyperlinks- and form support.
>> Does X3D support these? If so, where can I find the specification?
>> Regards,
>> Albert Jan Wonnink
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*Leonard Daly*
3D Systems & Cloud Consultant
President, Daly Realism - /Creating the Future/
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