[x3d-public] X3D working group agenda 12 JUL 2019
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
brutzman at nps.edu
Fri Jul 12 03:30:27 PDT 2019
Here is agenda for today's meeting, which will be edited to become our minutes.
Lots of progress recorded here for group review, no new technical topics planned for today.
0. *Attendees* TBD.
Invited experts are welcome to join members in this important activity. We are an open organization. Please let us know if you have an important topic to present or discuss.
Today's continuing goal: tracking progress of implementation support for draft X3Dv4 specification.
Information inputs are always welcome. With much X3D activity occurring there is typically plenty to review each week. We work cooperatively to ensure that progress continues to be clearly recorded and communicated.
TODO confirm: all information in these weekly minutes is releasable publicly.
Recently Web3D meetings have switched to Zoom channels, to good effect. Zoom allows use of internet audio, screen sharing, and chat with links. Connection information is available for members on the following page.
Web3D Members: Teleconference Information
We meet regularly on Fridays 0800-0930 pacific. To join the teleconference:
Web3D Teleconference
The X3D Graphics Working Group addresses all X3D specification issues and coordinates the technical development of future improvements.
Each week we report out both public and member-only information - membership has value. To become a Web3D Consortium member:
Join the Web3D Consortium
1. *Prior recent meetings and current developments*
X3D working group minutes 7 June 2019: tracking implementation support
X3D working group minutes 14 June 2019: volume component additions
Thanks for various informal meetings and progress during my recent absences.
There were several availability problems for this week's Korea Chapter/HAnim call Wednesday. We will retry next week, one hour earlier at 1600 pacific.
a. ISO Status.
- TODO: review all pending decisions and recommendations by providing updated Plan of Actions Milestones (POAM) at Web3D 2019.
- Still awaiting final final ISO editorial review and approval of HAnim v2. We think they are finalizing IS (International Standard). Once done, we publish on web3d.org site.
- Good news: Web3D made a number of recommendations regarding Web publication of standards. All (or nearly all) suggestions were formally accepted by parent organization JTC-1, and that resolution has gone forward to relevant ISO editorial board.
- ISO SC24 annual planned in Takamatsu Japan, 26-30 AUG 2019. Dick and Don are making preparations to attend, as are other international participants.
- Likely 2020 meeting will be in Melbourne Florida, hosted by Harris Corporation.
- Potential for Web3D Consortium membership renewal in INCITS, the USA standards body. There has been some discussion about mutual memberships, further followup needed with Bill Protzman. No progress observed.
b. CAD Design Printing Scanning Working Group. Steady work continues on recent BIM exporter announcements and ISO SC24 WG16 liaisons.
c. Geospatial Group. Multiple presentations planned for CARTO BOF: MBARI canyon exploration using X3DOM VR, SPIDERS3D new release, and highlights of Virginia Tech geospatial models.
d. HAnim Working Group. Renewed work possible on implementing HAnim 2, proposing Level of Expression (LOE) facial models, and designing various organ models. Meeting planned for SIGGRAPH as part of Korean Chapter meeting.
e. X3D Semantic Web group made important progress during recent visits by Dr. Jakub Flotynski to Virginia Tech and NPS.
[x3d-public] X3D Semantic Web announce: new X3D Ontology
f. Web3D Birds of a Feather (BOF) meeting at SIGGRAPH:
Monday July 29, 2pm - 6pm
Web3D Korea Chapter Standardization Meeting
Tuesday Web3D BoF, may include Khronos regarding glTF in X3Dv4. High priority is describing X3Dv4 progress and Web3D Consortium membership. Focus on 3D authors and end users is important - not just developers. Can we do it all, hopefully?
2. *Recent and Upcoming Events*
Thanks for patience with my partial presence over past weeks, am keen for all of us to keep building momentum for our upcoming annual milestone conferences.
If you want to participate in these compelling conferences, the time to register and reserve rooms is now!
a. Web3D 2019 Conference
Los Angeles, 26-28 July
b. SIGGRAPH 2019
Los Angeles, 29 July - 1 August
c. Communications team meets weekly on Wednesdays to continue promoting Web3D, X3D and HAnim. Member participation welcome. Public summary:
Web3D Communications Team
3. *Draft X3Dv4 specification*
Status page for tracking progress:
X3Dv4 Implementations Status
Tagging and updating corresponding Mantis issues is occurring with each revision.
Thanks to Johannes Behr and Fraunhofer team for last week's update of Inline and Networking component.
[x3d-public] Inline, X3DUrlObject allowed to add additional file types, etc.
The Web3D Board of Directors has approved the release of an X3Dv4 specification draft at Web3D 2019 and SIGGRAPH conferences. Release likely soon. Current update is now available as .zip archive for Web3D members in GitHub, now checked in (4.3 MB) and linked on README.
Request that Web3D webmaster be prepared to retrieve and publish latest zip after next week's expected review and approval by X3D Working Group.
Dick and Don meeting twice weekly to perform updates approved by X3D Working Group.
a. Automated quality assurance (QA) testing using HTML Tidy confirmed working satisfactorily.
Example build-log output identifying an issue follows, multiple small errors are now all fixed:
../index.html: Doctype given is "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN"
../index.html: Document content looks like HTML 4.01 Frameset
no warnings or errors were found
line 408 column 76 - Warning: discarding unexpected </a>
line 408 column 76 - Warning: missing </span> before </li>
Architecture.html: Doctype given is "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
Architecture.html: Document content looks like HTML 4.01 Transitional
2 warnings, no errors were found!
[... etc. ...]
b. Next: finish integrating Volume component contributions from Ander.
c. Dick, am getting warnings from multiple tools that our reference bookmarks use improper syntax, NMTOKEN does not allow [square brackets]. Can you please compare the IDs with recent ISO changes to HAnim v2 document so that we might reconcile the syntax as legal HTML.
> references.html
> line 43 column 9 - Warning: <a> attribute "id" has invalid value "[I639]"
> line 50 column 9 - Warning: <a> attribute "id" has invalid value "[I3166]"
> [... etc. ...]
d. Not sure what is going on with having two files index.html and index5.html at top level, I think one was experimental by Roy. We need to diff/merge to consolidate these.
4. *X3D Node and Statement Inventory Comparison*
TODO no updates/revisions yet received: to X3D Node and Statement Inventory Comparison.
Most of the inventories are simply updated by comparing to each implementation's documentation.
Now recording implementation support in X3D SAI codebases: X3DJSAIL, X3D Python, C/C++/C# SAI builds.
Repeat request: We request that interested developers and users update their node coverage in preparation for the conference. We hope to show updated support for each X3D player (X_ITE, FreeWrl, Castle Game Engine, X3DOM) and X3DJSONLD.
Also added column for X3D JSON Schema. Plan is for John Carlson to update our design patterns for X3D JSON Schema using new draft v08, then we will automate production from X3DUOM (for all versions of X3D, versions 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 and 4.0). Of note is that, similar to .java and .py source, .json versions of entire X3D Examples Archives are already published online.
Perhaps we should add another tab for authoring support? Might put Titania and X3D-Edit there, for starters.
5. *Status of X3D Language Bindings and File Encodings*
X3D Language Bindings are now condensed and moved to
X3D Resources: Programming Languages
Much work is active and continuing. We are working to make X3D model construction, modification and publication both consistent and easy for any programmer. This work is especially important for X3D v4 Implementations to advance the draft specification.
a. Humanoid Animation (HAnim)
- HAnim specifications are a closely related ISO standard
- FDIS submitted to ISO, final comment resolution in progress.
- New zip available to members containing both volumes together.
- HAnim version 2 is included already in X3Dv4
- Resuming work on implementing in X3Dv4 by Joe Williams and Don Brutzman, next step is further implementation.
b. JSON encoding for X3D
- Build outputs now in version control, available at
- X3DJSONLD summary, status: improved README status would be helpful
- JSON Schema update
https://json-schema.org has finally been updated to draft-08
JSON Schema is a vocabulary that allows you to annotate and validate JSON documents.
- Review requested: JSON Schema Work In Progress Feedback
"The forthcoming draft is now feature-frozen [...]"
- Thanks to John Carlson for initial review of this update.
[x3d-public] X3D JSON schema, next
- TODO: can X3D JSON schema matching draft-08 be validated?
- TODO: update X3D JSON schema to match next version, then autogenerate from X3DUOM
- TODO: create X3D JSON specification
c. X3D Java language binding
- Stable, complete and working using
X3DJSAIL: X3D Java Scene Access Interface Library
- Build outputs now in version control, available at
- TODO: review and update Java specification
Software progress: X3DJSAIL has integrated two open-source implementations for Efficient Extensible Interchange (EXI) compression for XML and JSON: Exificient and OpenEXI. Current work is focused on facilitating round-trip comparison testing between the two. Next capabilities on deck are XML Encryption (privacy) and XML Signature (authentication) using Apache Santuario libraries.
X3D Java Scene Access Interface Library (X3DJSAIL)
d. X3D Python Language Binding
- active work implementing by John Carlson and Don Brutzman, good assistance by Loren Peitso, Masaki Aono and Andreas Plesch.
- We continue tuning compilability and "Pythonic" elegance of syntax candidates.
- We have long been using X3DUOM/X3DJSAIL as an initial implementation to test Python syntax alternatives, with 80% success but some critical problems blocking full success.
- Key blocker confirmed. Pyjnius wrapping of X3DJSAIL is mapping of return types sometimes reverts to parent interfaces instead of the same class. We no longer think that our customized Pyjnius configuration can fix this. Internal improvements to Pyjnius might be useful someday but we are no longer considering that path.
- Breakthrough progress: we have shifted to autogenerating a native Python implementation of X3D Python package.
[x3d-public] X3DPSAIL no need to wrap simple types; PyJNIus issues isolated;
work next on native Python package
[x3d-public] X3D Python package design considerations - let Python be Python
[x3d-public] native Python package for X3D
Work continues. We hope to have a draft package and fully updated examples in time for Web3D/SIGGRAPH conferences.
Future follow-on work once that is achieved:
- TODO Deployment: create a PIP module for X3D Python.
- TODO resume deployment experimentation with Jupyter Notebook has begun, looking at multiple ways to compute or present X3D.
- TODO write up implementation capabilities and then create specification.
- TODO someday a second implementation, hopefully with Korea Chapter's forthcoming C SAI implementation.
e. X3D C, C++, C# Language Bindings
- Last reviews at Web3D Korea Chapter meeting Seoul January 2019
- TODO update status, plans for SIGGRAPH code releases and encouraging additional use.
- TODO: create specifications
- Wondering, might a monthly "code drop" (or somesuch) permit further review and familiarization?
- Note that compilation is requirement for eventual submission to ISO
- Recurring review might help attract second implementation for each
g. X3DUOM: X3D Unified Object Model (X3DUOM)
- X3DUOM is a full set of object-oriented interfaces for all nodes, fields and statements in the X3D Architecture Specification.
- Continued small improvements in X3DUOM and annotated X3D XML Schemas occur each week as we continue implementing and evaluating both X3DJSAIL for Java, and native package for Python. Special thanks to John Carlson for extreme coding!
- Experimental integration of X3DUOM as first-class programming object in X3DJSAIL, created via Java API for XML Binding (JAXB).
- Cross-referencing types and documentation as X3D Semantic Web Working Group has successfully produced initial-draft X3D ontology. Much ongoing work to compare and align multiple additional 3D ontologies.
6. *References and Resources*
X3Dv4 Implementations Status
X3Dv4 Development page
X3D Specification Relationships
Mantis Issues (requires member login, twice)
Web3D Specifications on Github: X3D (members can request access)
Communication of priorities is welcome. We will focus on one or two topics every week.
7. *Upcoming topics*
Next week: final conference preparations, release draft X3Dv4 specification.
- X3DOM release status?
- Unity3D exporter release status?
Topics list:
- Projective Texture Mapping (PTM) component.
a. Mantis issue 1255 created for keeping track of status.
b. TODO Add zip of spec/examples/information that has been submitted on mantis issue
c. Prose already present in github components directory as ProjectiveTextureMapping.html
43 Projective Texture Mapping Component
d. TODO Add example scenes to X3D Basic Examples Archive
e. TODO List existing implementations, then issue call for additional implementations.
- Annotation Component
a. Much work already accomplished. Time to land any existing draft prose in github specifications, and review what work is occurring.
- MetadataSet implementation efforts
- Jupyter notebook explorations
- X3D Architecture Design and Event Passing, compare implementations
a. how have X3DOM and X_ITE each implemented events?
b. What differences exist?
c. Are ROUTE connections consistent?
d. X3DOM is still missing some important/simple Event Utility nodes - is there a problem?
e. Highlight how does syntax disambiguate handling of HTML5 Script and X3D Script?
f. Reviewing our tagging of Mantis issues as #X3Dv4 for completeness.
g. Ensure that goals and concepts on relationships between HTML5 and x3D are clearly expressed.
No major showstoppers are noted, rather we continue getting closer to a comprehensive X3Dv4-HTML5 architecture each week.
All feedback and engagement welcome. Steadily progressing with X3Dv4! 8)
all the best, Don
Don Brutzman Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br brutzman at nps.edu
Watkins 270, MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA +1.831.656.2149
X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics http://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman
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