[x3d-public] PROTO authoring. How is is done?

GPU Group gpugroup at gmail.com
Sun Mar 1 16:13:25 PST 2020

without commenting on specific authoring tools, I can say freewrl -and
likely flux/vivaty- x3d browser/renderer uses the same code to render the
body of a proto, inline and scene.
The difference between a scene and proto body: The body can have IS that
connect fields to the proto interface.
So in theory an authoring tool could edit protos by recursing: pushing a
scene body/context onto a stack, authoring a new 'mini scene' allowing
ISing, and when popping off, the protoDeclare would show. And in theory
that pushing and popping can be done recursively - meaning you could author
a protodeclare to be used inside a protobody.

On Sun, Mar 1, 2020 at 5:00 PM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:

> How is PROTO authoring done, beyond text editing?   Can someone show me a
> video in blender, or similar X3D authoring tool?
> I've mostly looked at browsers.
> What does Titania do for editing PROTOs?
> http://create3000.de/
> Is editing the scenegraph hierarchy all that's available?
> I'm going to start digging into authoring tools.
> Thanks,
> John
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