[x3d-public] Messages to Don. Copied from texts

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Thu Apr 1 12:03:24 PDT 2021

Roy’s schema rejected 3 more files than mine with Ajv (I haven’t tested
everit yet with Roy’s schema). Will take investigation now rather that
running scripts and grepping.   I suggest trying everit with the X3D JSON
4.0 schema and the X3D JSON 6.0 schema (Roy’s).  The schemas are found in
coderextreme’s x3dschema repository with sample Java files and example
classpath in validate.sh (building everit should download necessary jars).

Repository is https://GitHub.com/coderextreme/x3dschema/ I generally run
the bash script validate.sh, but it requires customization at this point,
is set up for Linux.   Maybe you can set up a virtual machine.   Remember
to run the script with bash, not sh.

I’m looking forward to don’s program/script which validates JSON with Java
or XMLSpy!   I will pursue 1) validating with Roy’s schema and Java.   2)
finding issues with last 3 files and/or Roy’s schema.

Perhaps someone (me?) should look into how we can use CSS in nodes in a
browser.   Volunteers?

Once we get Java JSON validation working, the next step is to create a zip
of JSON files for X3D resources page.

The good news is we’ve either eliminated creating JSON files from XML, or
we will have good validation.   I’ve forgotten where we stand on parsing,
but I posted that information.

I’ll likely start work today around 5pm CDT (guessing).   This should give
good coverage for PDT.

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