[x3d-public] Web3D SPAIN 2023 Papers, Tutorials > suggestions

GPU Group gpugroup at gmail.com
Sun May 28 18:03:13 PDT 2023

- Rigify (Edit > Preferences > AddOns > Rigging Rigify)  generates some
kind of sharable rig
- one idea is to figure out the format of its sharable rigs, and make HANim
LOA rigs in that format from another tool, so easy to import rig to go with
- for example, makehuman2 could make an LOA of the right size for the skin,
in Rigify format, if it doesn't already.

On Sun, May 28, 2023 at 5:05 PM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:

> There is quite a bit of blender python code on sourceforge, but i don’t
> know what some of it is yet.
> Search for “import bpy”
> Any documentation would be helpful.
> Good luck!  I’m stuck on my phone for now!
> I reported my results on armature python a few weeks ago on the mailing
> list, i think.
> John
> On Sun, May 28, 2023 at 5:56 PM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Armature = HAnim skeleton.  English dictionary is helpful.  Aka rigging,
>> I believe.
>> When you read in an X3D HAnim scene with import, the armature is not
>> loaded, according to python variables.
>> My understanding is one must add armature either through COLLADA/HAnim
>> support, or through menus/mouse in Blender.  For X3D, geometry is loaded,
>> not the skeleton/armature.
>> Armature is a Blender thing, and I believe one can be added with python,
>> once the root is there.  I’ve seen code to add the root of the armature in
>> python, but tried alternate syntax.
>> Ideally the armature(s) would be loaded with HAnim or X3D file.
>> John
>> On Sun, May 28, 2023 at 3:53 PM GPU Group <gpugroup at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Good suggestion. What is the armature import about -- is there an HAnim
>>> armature scene file example, you mean with the LOA stuff? Perhaps that can
>>> be added as an export thing to Makehuman2 which I think is in python. Then
>>> you would check a box for the LOA you want . And appropriately size the
>>> armature for the skin/clothing being exported. Does Blender have built-in
>>> armatures -- would blender need to be modified to import an armature?
>>> -Doug
>>> On Sun, May 28, 2023 at 2:43 PM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> 1-4 look super interesting.  Let me know of any videos!  Thanks!  I
>>>> can’t really contribute due to carpal tunnel.
>>>> Blender HAnim Armature X3D HAnim import would also be terrific for
>>>> anyone doing python!
>>>> John
>>>> On Sun, May 28, 2023 at 3:38 PM GPU Group <gpugroup at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Suggestions for topics for tutorials / demos / papers -- any of these
>>>>> look appropriate, and if so can they be delivered by zoom or is on-site
>>>>> attendance required?
>>>>> 1. Nvidia Omniverse + web3d hybrid
>>>>> 2. Makehuman2 + x3d export + AI assisted animation blending
>>>>> 3. freewrl WebView html + native hybrid so can run x3dom scenes in
>>>>> native nodes and opengl 3+
>>>>> 4. visual regression testing (ie console_tester)
>>>>> 5. Tuples in x3d (like Script node with user-defined fields, except
>>>>> without the script, and fields initializeOnly, and can be routed as SFNode)
>>>>> 6. softbody physics
>>>>> 7. HMD with webXR or openHMD, wand controllers
>>>>> 8. tensor heat flow component
>>>>> 9. cesium scene parsing
>>>>> 10. MIDI + web audio integration, nodes + integration
>>>>> 11. tutorial on web audio nodes
>>>>> 12. raytracing on mouse-up
>>>>> 13. humanoid-crowd particle animation
>>>>> 14. 'what's new with browser X' show & tell.
>>>>> -Doug
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