Class X3D
X3D is the root node for an Extensible 3D (X3D) Graphics model. This concrete class represents an X3D statement.
X3D statement tooltip: X3D is the top-most XML element for an Extensible 3D (X3D) Graphics model. The X3D element contains a single head element for metadata, and a single Scene element which is root node of the 3D scene graph.
X3D statement tooltip: X3D is the top-most XML element for an Extensible 3D (X3D) Graphics model. The X3D element contains a single head element for metadata, and a single Scene element which is root node of the 3D scene graph.
- Hint: for more on XML declaration and DOCTYPE (DTD) statements, which precede the X3D statement, see
- Hint: each X3D model has a tree structure. Wikipedia: Tree (data structure)
- Hint: X3D model is also a form of Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), which has no loops and helps to ensure efficient processing.
- Hint: additional attributes are under consideration for use when embedding X3D version 4 scenes within HTML version 5 web pages.
- Hint: X3D Architecture Header statement
- See Also:
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final String
String constant COMPONENT defines X3D component for the X3D element: Corestatic final String
File extension for X3D ClassicVRML Encoding, with dot prepended: .x3dvstatic final String
File extension for Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) compressed XML file, with dot prepended: .existatic final String
File extension for Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) image format, with dot prepended: .gifstatic final String
File extension for GZIP compressed file, with dot prepended: .gzstatic final String
File extension for HTML Encoding, with dot prepended: .htmlstatic final String
File extension for Java source code, with dot prepended: .javastatic final String
File extension for JavaScript source code, with dot prepended: .jsstatic final String
File extension for Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) image format, with dot prepended: .jpegstatic final String
File extension for Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) image format, with dot prepended: .jpgstatic final String
File extension for JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) source data, with dot prepended: .jsonstatic final String
File extension for markdown encoding, with dot prepended: .mdstatic final String
File extension for MIDI encoding, with dot prepended: .midistatic final String
File extension for PLY file format (Polygon File Format, or Stanford Triangle Format) with dot prepended: .ply.static final String
File extension for Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image format, with dot prepended: .pngstatic final String
File extension for Python programming-language source code, with dot prepended: .pystatic final String
File extension for STL (stereolithography) file format with dot prepended: .stlstatic final String
File extension for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), with dot prepended: .svgstatic final String
File extension for text files, with dot prepended: .txtstatic final String
File extension for VRML97 Encoding, with dot prepended: .wrlstatic final String
File extension for X3D XML Encoding, with dot prepended: .x3dstatic final String
File extension for X3D Compressed Binary Encoding, with dot prepended: .x3dbstatic final String
File extension for XHTML Encoding, with dot prepended: .xhtmlstatic final String
File extension for Extensible Markup Language, with dot prepended: .xmlstatic final String
File extension for ZIP compressed file, with dot prepended: .zipstatic final String
activate: cause a sensorNode to generate an isActive eventstatic final String
ancestor: node which is an antecedent of another node in the transformationHierarchystatic final String
AudioGraph: structured collection of nodes that process audio inputs and outputsstatic final String
author: person or agent that creates an X3DFilestatic final String
AuthoringTool: see generatorstatic final String
avatar: abstract representation of the user in an X3D worldstatic final String
bearing: straight line passing through the pointer location in the direction of the pointerstatic final String
BindableNode: node that may have many instances in a sceneGraph but only one instance may be active at any instant of timestatic final String
browser: computer program that interprets 3X3DFiles, presents their content to a user on a displayDevice, and allows the user to interact with worlds defined by X3D files by means of a user interfacestatic final String
BrowserExtension: nodes defined using the prototyping mechanism that are understood only by certain browsersstatic final String
BuiltInNode: node of a type explicitly defined in this documentstatic final String
CAD: Computer-Assisted Designstatic final String
callback: function defined in a scriptingLanguage to which events are passedstatic final String
child: instance of a ChildrenNodestatic final String
ChildrenNode: one of a set of nodeTypes, instances of which can be collected in a group to share specific properties dependent on the type of the GroupingNodestatic final String
ClientSystem: computer system, attached to a network, that relies on another computer (the server) for essential processing functionsstatic final String
CollisionProxy: node used as a substitute for all of a Collision node's children during collision detectionstatic final String
ColourModel: characterization of a colour space in terms of explicit parametersstatic final String
culling: process of identifying objects or parts of objects which do not need to be processed further by the browser in order to produce the desired view of a worldstatic final String
descendant: node which descends from another node in the transformationHierarchy (a ChildrenNode)static final String
DisplayDevice: graphics device on which X3D worlds may be renderedstatic final String
DragSensor: pointingDeviceSensor that causes events to be generated in response to sensor-dependent pointer motionsstatic final String
EnvironmentalSensor: sensor node that generates events based on the location of the viewpoint in the world or in relation to objects in the worldstatic final String
event: message sent from one node to another as defined by a ROUTEstatic final String
EventCascade: sequence of @events initiated by a script or sensor event and propagated from node to node along one or more routes all of which are considered to have occurred simultaneouslystatic final String
ExecutionModel: rules governing how events are processed by browsers and scriptsstatic final String
ExternaPrototype: prototype defined in an external file and referenced by a URLstatic final String
field: property or attribute of a nodestatic final String
FieldName: identifier of a fieldstatic final String
frame: single rendering of a world on a displayDevice or a single time-step in a simulationstatic final String
generator: computer program which creates X3DFilesstatic final String
GeometricPropertyNode: node defining the properties of a specific geometry nodestatic final String
GeometryNode: node containing mathematical descriptions of points, lines, surfaces, text strings and solidsstatic final String
grab: receive events from activated pointingDevicesstatic final String
GroupingNode: one of a set of nodeTypes which include a list of nodes, referred to as its ChildrenNodesstatic final String
HostApplication: client application with which the browser communicates using the SAIstatic final String
HSV: Hue, Saturation, and Value colour modelstatic final String
image: two-dimensional (2D) rectangular array of pixel valuesstatic final String
immersive: creating the illusion of being inside a computer-generated scenestatic final String
Inlining: mechanism by which one X3DFile is hierarchically included in anotherstatic final String
instance: the node created by an instantiationstatic final String
instantiation: the creation of a node based on its nodeTypestatic final String
InterpolatorNode: node that defines a piece-wise or smoothly continuous interpolationstatic final String
intranet: private network that uses the same protocols and standards as the Internetstatic final String
JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Groupstatic final String
LevelOfDetail: amount of detail or complexity which is displayed at any particular time for any particular objectstatic final String
LineTerminator: linefeed character (0x0A) and/or carriage return character (0x0D)static final String
loop: sequence of events which would result in a specific event generator sending more than one event with the same timestampstatic final String
MF: Multiple-valued fieldstatic final String
MIDI: Musical Instrument Digital Interface.static final String
MIME: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensionstatic final String
MPEG: Moving Picture Experts Groupstatic final String
multimedia: integrated presentation, typically on a computer, of content of various types, such as computer graphics, audio, and videonstatic final String
network: set of interconnected computersstatic final String
node: fundamental component of a sceneGraph that defines model information, such as graph structure, geometry, animation, interaction, object metadata, rendering, or displaystatic final String
nodeType: characteristic of each node that describes, in general, its particular semanticsstatic final String
object: collection of data and procedures, packaged according to the rules and syntax defined in this document.static final String
orderOfPreference: order (specified by the user) in which a list of field values is processed by the browserstatic final String
panorama: background texture that is placed behind all geometry in the scene and in front of the ground and skystatic final String
parent: node which is an instance of a GroupingNodestatic final String
pixel: one element of an image specified as a matrix of colour elementsstatic final String
PNG: Portable Network Graphics.static final String
pointer: location and direction in the virtualWorld defined by the pointingDevice with which the user is currently interacting with the virtual worldstatic final String
pointingDevice: hardware device connected to the user's computer by which the user directly controls the location and direction of the pointerstatic final String
pointingDeviceSensor: sensor node that generates events based on user actions, such as pointingDevice motions or button activationsstatic final String
polyline: piecewise linear curvestatic final String
profile: named collection of criteria for functionality and conformance that defines an implementable subset of a standardstatic final String
prototype: definition of a new nodeType in terms of the nodes defined in this documentstatic final String
prototyping: mechanism for extending the set of nodeTypes from within a X3DFilestatic final String
RGB: Red, Green, and Blue colour modelstatic final String
ROUTE: connection between a node generating an event and a node receiving the eventstatic final String
RURL: Relative Uniform Resource Locatorstatic final String
SAI: Scene Access Interfacestatic final String
sceneGraph: ordered set of nodes and statementsstatic final String
script: set of procedural functions normally executed as part of an eventCascadestatic final String
scripting: process of creating or referring to a scriptstatic final String
sensorNode: node that enables the user to interact with the world in the scene graph hierarchystatic final String
separatorCharacter: UTF-8 character used to separate syntactical entities in an X3DFilestatic final String
SF: Single-valued fieldstatic final String
sibling: node which shares a parent with other nodesstatic final String
simulationTick: smallest time unit capable of being identified in a digital simulation of analog timestatic final String
slerp: spherical linear interpolation for animating 3D rotation valuesstatic final String
specialGroupNode: grouping node that exhibits special behaviour ( e.g., Switch or LOD)static final String
statement: A statement specifies fundamental scene-related informationstatic final String
texel: pixel in an image used as a texturestatic final String
texture: image used to create visual appearance effects when applied to geometry nodesstatic final String
textureCoordinates: set of coordinates used to map a texture to geometrystatic final String
time: monotonically increasing value generated by a nodestatic final String
timestamp: that part of an event that describes the time the event occurred and that caused the message to be sentstatic final String
transformationHierarchy: subset of the sceneGraph consisting of nodes that have well-defined coordinate systemsstatic final String
transparencyChunk: section of a PNG file containing transparency information (derived from ISO/IEC 15948)static final String
traverse: process the nodes in a scene graph in the correct orderstatic final String
UCS: Universal multiple-octet coded Character Setstatic final String
URI: Universal Resource Identifierstatic final String
URL: Uniform Resource Locatorstatic final String
URN: Universal Resource Namestatic final String
user: person or agent who uses and interacts with X3DFiles by means of a browserstatic final String
UTF-8: variable-length 8-bit Universal multiple-octet coded character set Transformation Formatstatic final String
viewer: location, direction, and viewing angle in a virtualWorld that determines the portion of the virtual world presented by the browser to the userstatic final String
virtualWorld: See world.static final String
whiteSpace: one or more consecutive occurrences of a separatorCharacterstatic final String
world: collection of one or more X3DFiles (potentially including other multimedia content) that is interpreted by an X3D browser to present an interactive experience to the user that is consistent with the intent of the authorstatic final String
worldCoordinateSpace: coordinate system in which each X3D world is definedstatic final String
X3DBrowser: see browserstatic final String
X3DDocumentServer: computer program that locates and transmits X3DFiles and supporting files in response to requests from browsersstatic final String
X3DFile: set of X3D nodes and statements as defined in this documentstatic final String
XYPlane: plane perpendicular to the Z-axis that passes through the point Z = 0.0static final String
YZPlane: plane perpendicular to the X-axis that passes through the point X = 0.0static final String
ZXPlane: plane perpendicular to the Y-axis that passes through the point Y = 0.0static final head
SFNode field named head has default value null (Java syntax) or NULL (XML syntax).static final int
Integer constant LEVEL provides default X3D Core component level for this element: 1static final String
String constant NAME provides name of this element: X3D.static final String
Tooltip: CADInterchange Profile adds support for CADGeometry component nodes to Interchange Profile.static final String
Tooltip: Core Profile includes no nodes and is provided as the basis for custom componentization.static final String
SFString field named profile has default value "Full" (Java syntax) or Full (XML syntax).static final String
Tooltip: The Full Profile corresponds to all Immersive X3D nodes plus all approved/implemented extensions.static final String
Tooltip: Immersive Profile equals all of the nodes in the VRML97 Specification, plus various X3D node additions including KeySensor, StringSensor and Scene.static final String
Tooltip: Interactive Profile adds interaction nodes (Anchor, KeySensor) to the minimum subset of nodes needed to display lightweight compelling content.static final String
Tooltip: Interchange Profile equals the minimum subset of nodes needed to display lightweight compelling content.static final String
Tooltip: The MedicalInterchange profile adds support for VolumeRendering component to Interchange profile.static final String
Tooltip: MPEGInteractive Profile defines base interoperability with MPEG4 standards to a small subset of nodes needed to display lightweight compelling content.static final Scene
SFNode field named Scene has default value null (Java syntax) or NULL (XML syntax).static final String
Tooltip: X3D version 3.0 approved by ISO in 2004.static final String
Tooltip: X3D version 3.1 Amendment 1 approved by ISO in 2005.static final String
Tooltip: X3D version 3.2 Amendment 2 approved by ISO in 2007.static final String
Tooltip: X3D version 3.3 approved by ISO in 2013 as International Standard (IS).static final String
Tooltip: X3D version 4.0 under final development by Web3D Consortium.static final String
SFString field named version has default value "4.0" (Java syntax) or 4.0 (XML syntax).static final String
XML Schema attributes for X3D element.static final String
XML Schema attributes for X3D element.static final String
XML Schema attributes for X3D element.static final String
XML Schema attributes for X3D element.static final String
XML Schema attributes for X3D element.static final String
XML Schema attributes for X3D element.static final String
XML document type declaration.static final String
XML document type declaration.static final String
XML document type declaration.static final String
XML document type declaration.static final String
XML document type declaration.static final String
XML document type declaration.static final String
XML declaration appears on first line of an XML document.Fields inherited from class org.web3d.x3d.jsail.X3DConcreteElement
Constructor Summary
Constructor for X3D to initialize member variables with default values. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionaddComments
(String newComment) Add comment as String to contained commentsList.addComments
(String[] newComments) Add comments as String[] array to contained commentsList.addComments
(CommentsBlock newCommentsBlock) Add CommentsBlock to contained commentsList.Utility method to clear SFNode value of head field.Utility method to clear SFNode value of Scene field.static boolean
(String fileName) Check whether fileName ending in .x3d meets X3D naming conventions, ignoring prior path (if any).findElementByNameValue
(String nameValue) Recursive method to provide object reference to node or statement by name attribute, if found as part of this element or in a contained element.findElementByNameValue
(String nameValue, String elementName) Recursive method to provide object reference to node or statement by name attribute, if found as part of this element or in a contained element.findNodeByDEF
(String DEFvalue) Recursive method to provide object reference to node by DEF, if found as this node or in a contained node.boolean
(String exiFileName) Load new model from an EXI file, using unzip to extract the model plus any associated files into the same path location.boolean
(String gzipFileName) Load new model from a gz gzip file, using ungzip to extract the model into the same path location.boolean
(String zipFileName, String outputFileName) Load new model from a zip file, using unzip to extract the model plus any associated files into the same path location.boolean
(String zipFileName, String outputFileName, String modelFileName) Load new model from a zip file, using unzip to extract the model plus any associated files into the same path location.getAccessType
(String fieldName) Indicate accessType corresponding to given String
Defines X3D component for the X3D element: Corefinal int
Provides default X3D component level for this element: 1Provide String value from inputOutput SFString field named class.Provide String value from inputOutput SFString field named String
Provides name of this element: X3DgetFieldType
(String fieldName) Indicate type corresponding to given fieldName.getHead()
Provide head instance (using a properly typed node) from inputOutput SFNode field head.Provide String value from inputOutput SFString field named id.Provide String enumeration value (baseType xs:NMTOKEN) ["Core" | "Interchange" | "CADInterchange" | "Interactive" | "Immersive" | "MedicalInterchange" | "MPEG4Interactive" | "Full"] from inputOutput SFString field named profile.getScene()
Provide Scene instance (using a properly typed node) from inputOutput SFNode field Scene.static File
(String internalPath, String fileName) Return a file found within X3DJSAIL jarProvide String enumeration value (baseType xs:NMTOKEN) ["3.0" | "3.1" | "3.2" | "3.3" | "4.0"] from inputOutput SFString field named version.void
(String[] args) Utility method for standalone programs that get created with stylesheet X3dToJava.xslt, also sets loaded X3D model fileInputStream global CommandLine to this X3D object.boolean
(String nameValue, String elementName) Recursive method to determine whether node or statement with given name attribute is found, meaning both objects are attached to same scene graph.boolean
Indicate whether an object is available for inputOutput SFNode field head.boolean
(String DEFvalue) Recursive method to determine whether node with DEFvalue is found, meaning both objects are attached to same scene graph.boolean
Indicate whether an object is available for inputOutput SFNode field void
Initialize all member variables to default values.boolean
Determine if this X3D model is empty and no content is present.static boolean
(String fileName) Check whether fileName is satisfactory NMTOKEN, ignoring prior path (if any).boolean
(File x3dFile) Load X3D model from file to initialize or replace contents of this X3D object.boolean
(String fileName) Load X3D model from file to initialize or replace contents of this X3D object.boolean
(String path, String fileName) Load X3D model from file to initialize or replace contents of this X3D object.boolean
Replaces current X3D object with new X3D X3D
(String newValue) Accessor method to assign String value to inputOutput SFString field named class.setCssClass
(SFString newValue) Assign typed object value to SFString cssClass field, similar tosetCssClass(String)
.final X3D
(String newValue) Accessor method to assign String value to inputOutput SFString field named style.setCssStyle
(SFString newValue) Assign typed object value to SFString cssClass field, similar tosetCssStyle(String)
.Accessor method to assign head instance (using a properly typed node) to inputOutput SFNode field X3D
Accessor method to assign String value to inputOutput SFString field named id.Assign typed object value to SFString HtmlID field, similar tosetHtmlID(String)
(boolean value) Set whether to include subdirectory paths when creating markdown (default is true)setProfile
(String newValue) Accessor method to assign String enumeration value ("Core" | "Interchange" | "CADInterchange" | "Interactive" | "Immersive" | "MedicalInterchange" | "MPEG4Interactive" | "Full") to inputOutput SFString field named profile.setProfile
(SFString newValue) Assign typed object value to SFString profile field, similar tosetProfile(String)
.Accessor method to assign Scene instance (using a properly typed node) to inputOutput SFNode field Scene.setVersion
(String newValue) Accessor method to assign String enumeration value ("3.0" | "3.1" | "3.2" | "3.3" | "4.0") to inputOutput SFString field named version.setVersion
(SFString newValue) Assign typed object value to SFString version field, similar tosetVersion(String)
(String otherComponent, int minimumLevel) Confirm whether given component is supported by current X3D model, [warning] no support for level tests yet.boolean
(String otherProfile) Confirm whether given profile is supported by current X3D modelboolean
(String otherVersion) Confirm whether given version is supported by current X3D object.toFileClassicVRML
(String fileName) Serialize scene graph using toStringClassicVRML() to create a new X3D file with extension x3dv.toFileCobweb
(String sourceSceneName, String resultFileName) Deprecated.Save current model as an EXI file.toFileGZIP
(String resultFileName) Save current model as a GZIP file.toFileHtmlDocumentation
(String fileName) Serialize scene graph using toFileX3D() and then create a new pretty-print HTML file with extension .html, suitable for documentation purposes.toFileJava
(String fileName) Serialize scene graph using X3dToJava.xslt stylesheet to create a new Java source file with extension java, no default license included.toFileJava
(String fileName, boolean includeWeb3dLicense) Serialize scene graph using X3dToJava.xslt stylesheet to create a new Java source file with extension java.toFileJavaScript
(String fileName) Serialize scene graph using NodeSerializer.js to create a JavaScript file.toFileJavaScript
(String fileName, boolean includeWeb3dLicense) Serialize scene graph using NodeSerializer.js to create a JavaScript file, with boolean indicating whether to include open-source license.toFileJSON
(String fileName) Serialize scene graph using X3dToJson.xslt stylesheet to create a new JSON-encoding X3D file with extension json.toFileModelMetaMarkdown
(String fileName) Create model meta information as `name`=`value` pairs, providing markdown output as an output file having extension .md.toFilePython
(String fileName) Serialize scene graph using X3dToPython.xslt stylesheet to create a new Python-language X3D file with extension py.toFileStylesheetConversion
(String stylesheetName, String fileName) Utility method for toFileStylesheetConversion() with no stylesheet parameters.toFileStylesheetConversion
(String stylesheetName, String fileName, String parameterName1, String parameterValue1) Utility method for toFileStylesheetConversion() with a single stylesheet name=value parameter pair.toFileStylesheetConversion
(String stylesheetName, String fileName, String parameterName1, String parameterValue1, String parameterName2, String parameterValue2) Serialize current X3D scene graph using toFileX3D() and then create a new file with corresponding filename extension (e.g.toFileVRML97
(String fileName) Serialize scene graph using toStringVRML97() to create a new X3D file with extension wrl.toFileX_ITE
(String sourceSceneName, String resultFileName) Create displayable scene page rendered with X_ITE (formerly Cobweb) using STYLESHEET_X3DOM and special settings, by serializing XML syntax within an XHTML file having extension .xhtml.Serialize scene graph using toStringX3D() to create a new XML-encoding X3D file with extension x3d or xml.toFileX3DOM
(String fileName) Create displayable scene page rendered with X3DOM, using STYLESHEET_X3DOM by serializing XML syntax within an XHTML file having extension .xhtml.toFileX3dTidy
(String fileName) Create alternate cleaned-up X3D scene using STYLESHEET_X3DTIDY within an output file having extension .x3d.Serialize scene graph using toStringX3D() to create a new XML-encoding X3D file with extension x3d or xml.Save current model as a ZIP file.toStringClassicVRML
(int indentLevel) Recursive method to provide ClassicVRML string serialization.Serialize scene graph using STYLESHEET_HTML_DOCUMENTATION to create a new X3DOM html page as a string.Serialize scene graph using toFileJava() to create new Java source as a string.Serialize scene graph using NodeSerializer.js to create a JavaScript string.Serialize scene graph using X3dToJson.xslt stylesheet to create a new JSON-encoding string.Produce model meta information as `name`=`value` pairs, providing markdown output as a string.Serialize scene graph using X3dToPython.xslt stylesheet to create a new Python-language string.toStringVRML97
(int indentLevel) Recursive method to provide VRML97 string serialization.toStringX_ITE
(String sourceSceneName) Serialize scene graph using STYLESHEET_X3DOM (with appropriate parameters) to create a new X_ITE html page as a string.toStringX3D
(int indentLevel) Recursive method to provide X3D string serialization of this model subgraph, utilizing XML encoding and conforming to X3D Canonical Form.Serialize scene graph using STYLESHEET_X3DOM to create a new X3DOM html page as a string.Produce alternate cleaned-up X3D scene using STYLESHEET_X3DTIDY, providing output as a string.Provide XML string serialization of this model subgraph, utilizing X3D XML encoding and conforming to X3D Canonical Form.toStringXML
(int indentLevel) Provide XML string serialization of this model subgraph, utilizing X3D XML encoding and conforming to X3D Canonical Form.validate()
Recursive method to validate this element plus all contained nodes and statements, using both datatype-specification value checks and regular expression (regex) checking of corresponding string values.Provide thorough X3DJSAIL validation results for this X3D model.Methods inherited from class org.web3d.x3d.jsail.X3DConcreteStatement
isNode, isStatement
Methods inherited from class org.web3d.x3d.jsail.X3DConcreteElement
addComments, clearParent, findAncestorElementByName, findAncestorProtoBody, findAncestorScene, findAncestorX3D, getPackageName, getParent, getValidationResult, hasAncestorElementByName, hasAncestorProtoBody, hasAncestorScene, hasAncestorX3D, hasParent, isValid, setConcreteCssClass, setConcreteCssStyle, setConcreteHtmlID, setParent, toStringClassicVRML, toStringVRML97, toStringX3D
Field Details
XML declaration appears on first line of an XML document.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>- See Also:
XML document type declaration. DOCTYPE supports element/attribute structural validation and follows the initial XML declaration, before the first element in an XML document.
<?DOCTYPE X3D PUBLIC "ISO//Web3D//DTD X3D 4.1//EN" "">- See Also:
XML document type declaration. DOCTYPE supports element/attribute structural validation and follows the initial XML declaration, before the first element in an XML document. <?DOCTYPE X3D PUBLIC "ISO//Web3D//DTD X3D 4.0//EN" "">- See Also:
XML document type declaration. DOCTYPE supports element/attribute structural validation and follows the initial XML declaration, before the first element in an XML document.
<?DOCTYPE X3D PUBLIC "ISO//Web3D//DTD X3D 3.3//EN" "">- See Also:
XML document type declaration. DOCTYPE supports element/attribute structural validation and follows the initial XML declaration, before the first element in an XML document.
<?DOCTYPE X3D PUBLIC "ISO//Web3D//DTD X3D 3.2//EN" "">- See Also:
XML document type declaration. DOCTYPE supports element/attribute structural validation and follows the initial XML declaration, before the first element in an XML document.
<?DOCTYPE X3D PUBLIC "ISO//Web3D//DTD X3D 3.1//EN" "">- See Also:
XML document type declaration. DOCTYPE supports element/attribute structural validation and follows the initial XML declaration, before the first element in an XML document.
<?DOCTYPE X3D PUBLIC "ISO//Web3D//DTD X3D 3.0//EN" "">- See Also:
XML Schema attributes for X3D element.
xmlns:xsd='' xsd:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=''- See Also:
XML Schema attributes for X3D element.
xmlns:xsd='' xsd:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=''- See Also:
XML Schema attributes for X3D element.
xmlns:xsd='' xsd:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=''- See Also:
XML Schema attributes for X3D element.
xmlns:xsd='' xsd:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=''- See Also:
XML Schema attributes for X3D element.
xmlns:xsd='' xsd:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=''- See Also:
XML Schema attributes for X3D element.
xmlns:xsd='' xsd:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=''- See Also:
MIDI: Musical Instrument Digital Interface. A standard for digital music representation.- See Also:
PNG: Portable Network Graphics. A specification for representing two-dimensional images in files.- See Also:
UTF-8: variable-length 8-bit Universal multiple-octet coded character set Transformation Format- See Also:
activate: cause a sensorNode to generate an isActive event- See Also:
ancestor: node which is an antecedent of another node in the transformationHierarchy- See Also:
AudioGraph: structured collection of nodes that process audio inputs and outputs- See Also:
author: person or agent that creates an X3DFile- See Also:
avatar: abstract representation of the user in an X3D world- See Also:
bearing: straight line passing through the pointer location in the direction of the pointer- See Also:
BindableNode: node that may have many instances in a sceneGraph but only one instance may be active at any instant of time- See Also:
browser: computer program that interprets 3X3DFiles, presents their content to a user on a displayDevice, and allows the user to interact with worlds defined by X3D files by means of a user interface- See Also:
BrowserExtension: nodes defined using the prototyping mechanism that are understood only by certain browsers- See Also:
BuiltInNode: node of a type explicitly defined in this document- See Also:
callback: function defined in a scriptingLanguage to which events are passed- See Also:
ChildrenNode: one of a set of nodeTypes, instances of which can be collected in a group to share specific properties dependent on the type of the GroupingNode- See Also:
ClientSystem: computer system, attached to a network, that relies on another computer (the server) for essential processing functions- See Also:
CollisionProxy: node used as a substitute for all of a Collision node's children during collision detection- See Also:
ColourModel: characterization of a colour space in terms of explicit parameters- See Also:
culling: process of identifying objects or parts of objects which do not need to be processed further by the browser in order to produce the desired view of a world- See Also:
descendant: node which descends from another node in the transformationHierarchy (a ChildrenNode)- See Also:
DisplayDevice: graphics device on which X3D worlds may be rendered- See Also:
DragSensor: pointingDeviceSensor that causes events to be generated in response to sensor-dependent pointer motions- See Also:
EnvironmentalSensor: sensor node that generates events based on the location of the viewpoint in the world or in relation to objects in the world- See Also:
event: message sent from one node to another as defined by a ROUTE- See Also:
EventCascade: sequence of @events initiated by a script or sensor event and propagated from node to node along one or more routes all of which are considered to have occurred simultaneously- See Also:
ExecutionModel: rules governing how events are processed by browsers and scripts- See Also:
ExternaPrototype: prototype defined in an external file and referenced by a URL- See Also:
frame: single rendering of a world on a displayDevice or a single time-step in a simulation- See Also:
generator: computer program which creates X3DFiles- See Also:
GeometricPropertyNode: node defining the properties of a specific geometry node- See Also:
GeometryNode: node containing mathematical descriptions of points, lines, surfaces, text strings and solids- See Also:
grab: receive events from activated pointingDevices- See Also:
GroupingNode: one of a set of nodeTypes which include a list of nodes, referred to as its ChildrenNodes- See Also:
HostApplication: client application with which the browser communicates using the SAI- See Also:
image: two-dimensional (2D) rectangular array of pixel values- See Also:
immersive: creating the illusion of being inside a computer-generated scene- See Also:
Inlining: mechanism by which one X3DFile is hierarchically included in another- See Also:
instance: the node created by an instantiation- See Also:
instantiation: the creation of a node based on its nodeType- See Also:
InterpolatorNode: node that defines a piece-wise or smoothly continuous interpolation- See Also:
intranet: private network that uses the same protocols and standards as the Internet- See Also:
LevelOfDetail: amount of detail or complexity which is displayed at any particular time for any particular object- See Also:
LineTerminator: linefeed character (0x0A) and/or carriage return character (0x0D)- See Also:
loop: sequence of events which would result in a specific event generator sending more than one event with the same timestamp- See Also:
multimedia: integrated presentation, typically on a computer, of content of various types, such as computer graphics, audio, and videon- See Also:
node: fundamental component of a sceneGraph that defines model information, such as graph structure, geometry, animation, interaction, object metadata, rendering, or display- See Also:
nodeType: characteristic of each node that describes, in general, its particular semantics- See Also:
object: collection of data and procedures, packaged according to the rules and syntax defined in this document. NOTE This term is usually synonymous with node.- See Also:
orderOfPreference: order (specified by the user) in which a list of field values is processed by the browser- See Also:
panorama: background texture that is placed behind all geometry in the scene and in front of the ground and sky- See Also:
parent: node which is an instance of a GroupingNode- See Also:
pixel: one element of an image specified as a matrix of colour elements- See Also:
pointer: location and direction in the virtualWorld defined by the pointingDevice with which the user is currently interacting with the virtual world- See Also:
pointingDevice: hardware device connected to the user's computer by which the user directly controls the location and direction of the pointer- See Also:
pointingDeviceSensor: sensor node that generates events based on user actions, such as pointingDevice motions or button activations- See Also:
profile: named collection of criteria for functionality and conformance that defines an implementable subset of a standard- See Also:
prototype: definition of a new nodeType in terms of the nodes defined in this document- See Also:
prototyping: mechanism for extending the set of nodeTypes from within a X3DFile- See Also:
ROUTE: connection between a node generating an event and a node receiving the event- See Also:
sceneGraph: ordered set of nodes and statements- See Also:
script: set of procedural functions normally executed as part of an eventCascade- See Also:
scripting: process of creating or referring to a script- See Also:
sensorNode: node that enables the user to interact with the world in the scene graph hierarchy- See Also:
separatorCharacter: UTF-8 character used to separate syntactical entities in an X3DFile- See Also:
sibling: node which shares a parent with other nodes- See Also:
simulationTick: smallest time unit capable of being identified in a digital simulation of analog time- See Also:
slerp: spherical linear interpolation for animating 3D rotation values- See Also:
specialGroupNode: grouping node that exhibits special behaviour ( e.g., Switch or LOD)- See Also:
statement: A statement specifies fundamental scene-related information- See Also:
texture: image used to create visual appearance effects when applied to geometry nodes- See Also:
textureCoordinates: set of coordinates used to map a texture to geometry- See Also:
time: monotonically increasing value generated by a node- See Also:
timestamp: that part of an event that describes the time the event occurred and that caused the message to be sent- See Also:
transformationHierarchy: subset of the sceneGraph consisting of nodes that have well-defined coordinate systems- See Also:
transparencyChunk: section of a PNG file containing transparency information (derived from ISO/IEC 15948)- See Also:
traverse: process the nodes in a scene graph in the correct order- See Also:
user: person or agent who uses and interacts with X3DFiles by means of a browser- See Also:
viewer: location, direction, and viewing angle in a virtualWorld that determines the portion of the virtual world presented by the browser to the user- See Also:
whiteSpace: one or more consecutive occurrences of a separatorCharacter- See Also:
world: collection of one or more X3DFiles (potentially including other multimedia content) that is interpreted by an X3D browser to present an interactive experience to the user that is consistent with the intent of the author- See Also:
worldCoordinateSpace: coordinate system in which each X3D world is defined- See Also:
X3DDocumentServer: computer program that locates and transmits X3DFiles and supporting files in response to requests from browsers- See Also:
X3DFile: set of X3D nodes and statements as defined in this document- See Also:
XYPlane: plane perpendicular to the Z-axis that passes through the point Z = 0.0- See Also:
YZPlane: plane perpendicular to the X-axis that passes through the point X = 0.0- See Also:
ZXPlane: plane perpendicular to the Y-axis that passes through the point Y = 0.0- See Also:
Tooltip: Core Profile includes no nodes and is provided as the basis for custom componentization. Allowed X3D statements for all profiles are: connect ExternProtoDeclare EXPORT field fieldValue IMPORT IS ProtoBody ProtoDeclare ProtoInterface ProtoInstance ROUTE X3D. Allowed X3D nodes for this profile are: MetadataBoolean MetadataDouble MetadataFloat MetadataInteger MetadataSet MetadataString. SFString field named profile with X3DUOM simpleType profileNameChoices and with X3DUOM baseType xs:NMTOKEN can equal this value "Core" (Java syntax) or Core (XML syntax).- See Also:
Tooltip: Interchange Profile equals the minimum subset of nodes needed to display lightweight compelling content. Allowed X3D nodes for this profile are: Appearance Background Box Color ColorInterpolator ColorRGBA Cone Coordinate CoordinateInterpolator Cylinder DirectionalLight Group ImageTexture IndexedFaceSet IndexedLineSet IndexedTriangleFanSet IndexedTriangleSet IndexedTriangleStripSet LineSet Material MetadataBoolean MetadataDouble MetadataFloat MetadataInteger MetadataSet MetadataString MultiTexture MultiTextureCoordinate MultiTextureTransform NavigationInfo Normal NormalInterpolator OrientationInterpolator PixelTexture PointSet PositionInterpolator ScalarInterpolator Shape Sphere TextureCoordinate TextureCoordinateGenerator TextureTransform TimeSensor Transform TriangleFanSet TriangleSet TriangleStripSet Viewpoint WorldInfo. SFString field named profile with X3DUOM simpleType profileNameChoices and with X3DUOM baseType xs:NMTOKEN can equal this value "Interchange" (Java syntax) or Interchange (XML syntax).- See Also:
Tooltip: CADInterchange Profile adds support for CADGeometry component nodes to Interchange Profile. Allowed X3D nodes for this profile are: Anchor Appearance CADAssembly CADFace CADLayer CADPart Billboard Collision Color ColorRGBA Coordinate DirectionalLight FragmentShader Group ImageTexture IndexedLineSet IndexedQuadSet IndexedTriangleFanSet IndexedTriangleSet IndexedTriangleStripSet Inline LineProperties LineSet LOD Material MetadataBoolean MetadataDouble MetadataFloat MetadataInteger MetadataSet MetadataString MultiShader MultiTexture MultiTextureCoordinate MultiTextureTransform NavigationInfo Normal PixelTexture PointSet QuadSet Shader ShaderAppearance Shape TextureCoordinate TextureCoordinateGenerator TextureTransform Transform TriangleFanSet TriangleSet TriangleStripSet Viewpoint VertexShader WorldInfo. SFString field named profile with X3DUOM simpleType profileNameChoices and with X3DUOM baseType xs:NMTOKEN can equal this value "CADInterchange" (Java syntax) or CADInterchange (XML syntax).- See Also:
Tooltip: Interactive Profile adds interaction nodes (Anchor, KeySensor) to the minimum subset of nodes needed to display lightweight compelling content. Allowed X3D nodes for this profile are: Anchor Appearance Background BooleanFilter BooleanSequencer BooleanToggle BooleanTrigger Box Color ColorInterpolator ColorRGBA Cone Coordinate CoordinateInterpolator Cylinder CylinderSensor DirectionalLight ElevationGrid Group ImageTexture IndexedFaceSet IndexedLineSet IndexedTriangleFanSet IndexedTriangleSet IndexedTriangleStripSet Inline IntegerSequencer IntegerTrigger KeySensor LineSet Material MetadataBoolean MetadataDouble MetadataFloat MetadataInteger MetadataSet MetadataString MultiTexture MultiTextureCoordinate MultiTextureTransform NavigationInfo Normal NormalInterpolator OrientationInterpolator IndexedTriangleStripSet Inline IntegerSequencer IntegerTrigger KeySensor LineSet Material MetadataBoolean MetadataDouble MetadataFloat MetadataInteger MetadataSet MetadataString MultiTexture MultiTextureCoordinate MultiTextureTransform NavigationInfo Normal NormalInterpolator OrientationInterpolator PixelTexture PlaneSensor PointLight PointSet PositionInterpolator ProximitySensor ScalarInterpolator Shape Sphere SphereSensor SpotLight StringSensor Switch TextureCoordinate TextureCoordinateGenerator TextureTransform TimeSensor TimeTrigger TouchSensor Transform TriangleFanSet TriangleSet TriangleStripSet Viewpoint VisibilitySensor WorldInfo. SFString field named profile with X3DUOM simpleType profileNameChoices and with X3DUOM baseType xs:NMTOKEN can equal this value "Interactive" (Java syntax) or Interactive (XML syntax).- See Also:
Tooltip: Immersive Profile equals all of the nodes in the VRML97 Specification, plus various X3D node additions including KeySensor, StringSensor and Scene. Allowed X3D nodes for this profile are: Anchor Appearance AudioClip Background Billboard BooleanFilter BooleanSequencer BooleanToggle BooleanTrigger Box Collision Color ColorInterpolator ColorRGBA Cone Coordinate CoordinateInterpolator Cylinder CylinderSensor DirectionalLight ElevationGrid Extrusion Fog FontStyle Group ImageTexture IndexedFaceSet IndexedLineSet IndexedTriangleFan IndexedTriangleSet IndexedTriangleStripSet Inline IntegerSequencer IntegerTrigger KeySensor LineProperties LineSet LoadSensor LOD Material MetadataBoolean MetadataDouble MetadataFloat MetadataInteger MetadataSet MetadataString MovieTexture MultiTexture MultiTextureCoordinate MultiTextureTransform NavigationInfo Normal NormalInterpolator OrientationInterpolator PixelTexture PlaneSensor PointLight PointSet Polyline2D Polypoint2D PositionInterpolator ProximitySensor Rectangle2D ScalarInterpolator Script Shape Sound Sphere SphereSensor SpotLight StringSensor Switch Text TextureCoordinate TextureCoordinateGenerator TextureTransform TimeSensor TimeTrigger TouchSensor TriangleFanSet TriangleSet TriangleSet2D TriangleStripSet Transform Viewpoint VisibilitySensor WorldInfo. SFString field named profile with X3DUOM simpleType profileNameChoices and with X3DUOM baseType xs:NMTOKEN can equal this value "Immersive" (Java syntax) or Immersive (XML syntax).- See Also:
Tooltip: The MedicalInterchange profile adds support for VolumeRendering component to Interchange profile. Allowed X3D nodes for this profile are: Anchor Arc2D ArcClose2D Appearance Background Billboard BlendedVolumeStyle BooleanFilter BooleanSequencer BooleanToggle BooleanTrigger BoundaryEnhancementVolumeStyle Box CartoonVolumeStyle Circle2D ClipPlane Collision Color ColorInterpolator ColorRGBA ComposedVolumeStyle CompositeTexture3D Cone Coordinate CoordinateDouble CoordinateInterpolator Cylinder DirectionalLight Disk2D EdgeEnhancementVolumeStyle FillProperties FontStyle Group ImageTexture ImageTexture3D IndexedFaceSet IndexedLineSet IndexedTriangleFanSet IndexedTriangleSet IndexedTriangleStripSet Inline IntegerSequencer IntegerTrigger IsoSurfaceVolumeData LineProperties LineSet LOD Material MetadataBoolean MetadataDouble MetadataFloat MetadataInteger MetadataSet MetadataString MultiTexture MultiTextureCoordinate MultiTextureTransform NavigationInfo Normal NormalInterpolator OctTree OpacityMapVolumeStyle OrientationInterpolator OrthoViewpoint PixelTexture PixelTexture3D PointSet Polyline2D Polypoint2D PositionInterpolator ProjectionVolumeStyle Rectangle2D ScalarInterpolator SegmentedVolumeData ShadedVolumeStyle Shape SilhouetteEnhancementVolumeStyle Sphere StaticGroup Switch Text TextureCoordinate TextureCoordinate3D TextureCoordinate4D TextureCoordinateGenerator TextureMatrixTransform TextureProperties TextureTransform TextureTransform3D TimeSensor TimeTrigger ToneMappedVolumeStyle Transform TriangleFanSet TriangleSet TriangleStripSet Viewpoint ViewpointGroup VolumeData WorldInfo. SFString field named profile with X3DUOM simpleType profileNameChoices and with X3DUOM baseType xs:NMTOKEN can equal this value "MedicalInterchange" (Java syntax) or MedicalInterchange (XML syntax).- See Also:
Tooltip: MPEGInteractive Profile defines base interoperability with MPEG4 standards to a small subset of nodes needed to display lightweight compelling content. Allowed X3D nodes for this profile are: Anchor Appearance Background Box Color ColorInterpolator ColorRGBA Cone Coordinate CoordinateInterpolator Cylinder CylinderSensor DirectionalLight ElevationGrid Group ImageTexture IndexedFaceSet IndexedLineSet Inline LineSet Material MetadataBoolean MetadataDouble MetadataFloat MetadataInteger MetadataSet MetadataString NavigationInfo NormalInterpolator OrientationInterpolator PixelTexture PlaneSensor PointLight PointSet PositionInterpolator ProximitySensor ScalarInterpolator Shape Sphere SphereSensor SpotLight Switch TextureCoordinate TextureTransform TimeSensor TouchSensor Transform Viewpoint WorldInfo. SFString field named profile with X3DUOM simpleType profileNameChoices and with X3DUOM baseType xs:NMTOKEN can equal this value "MPEG4Interactive" (Java syntax) or MPEG4Interactive (XML syntax).- See Also:
Tooltip: The Full Profile corresponds to all Immersive X3D nodes plus all approved/implemented extensions. All X3D nodes and statements are allowed in this profile. SFString field named profile with X3DUOM simpleType profileNameChoices and with X3DUOM baseType xs:NMTOKEN can equal this value "Full" (Java syntax) or Full (XML syntax).- See Also:
Tooltip: X3D version 3.0 approved by ISO in 2004. SFString field named version with X3DUOM simpleType x3dVersionChoices and with X3DUOM baseType xs:NMTOKEN can equal this value "3.0" (Java syntax) or 3.0 (XML syntax).- See Also:
Tooltip: X3D version 3.1 Amendment 1 approved by ISO in 2005. Backwards compatibility maintained with version 3.0. SFString field named version with X3DUOM simpleType x3dVersionChoices and with X3DUOM baseType xs:NMTOKEN can equal this value "3.1" (Java syntax) or 3.1 (XML syntax).- See Also:
Tooltip: X3D version 3.2 Amendment 2 approved by ISO in 2007. Backwards compatibility maintained with versions 3.0 and 3.1. SFString field named version with X3DUOM simpleType x3dVersionChoices and with X3DUOM baseType xs:NMTOKEN can equal this value "3.2" (Java syntax) or 3.2 (XML syntax).- See Also:
Tooltip: X3D version 3.3 approved by ISO in 2013 as International Standard (IS). Backwards compatibility maintained with versions 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2. SFString field named version with X3DUOM simpleType x3dVersionChoices and with X3DUOM baseType xs:NMTOKEN can equal this value "3.3" (Java syntax) or 3.3 (XML syntax).- See Also:
Tooltip: X3D version 4.0 under final development by Web3D Consortium. Backwards compatibility maintained with versions 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3. SFString field named version with X3DUOM simpleType x3dVersionChoices and with X3DUOM baseType xs:NMTOKEN can equal this value "4.0" (Java syntax) or 4.0 (XML syntax).- See Also:
String constant COMPONENT defines X3D component for the X3D element: Core- See Also:
public static final int LEVELInteger constant LEVEL provides default X3D Core component level for this element: 1- See Also:
SFNode field named head has default value null (Java syntax) or NULL (XML syntax). -
SFString field named profile has default value "Full" (Java syntax) or Full (XML syntax).- See Also:
SFNode field named Scene has default value null (Java syntax) or NULL (XML syntax). -
SFString field named version has default value "4.0" (Java syntax) or 4.0 (XML syntax).- See Also:
File extension for X3D XML Encoding, with dot prepended: .x3d- See Also:
File extension for X3D ClassicVRML Encoding, with dot prepended: .x3dv- See Also:
File extension for X3D Compressed Binary Encoding, with dot prepended: .x3db- See Also:
File extension for VRML97 Encoding, with dot prepended: .wrl- See Also:
File extension for Extensible Markup Language, with dot prepended: .xml- See Also:
File extension for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), with dot prepended: .svg- See Also:
File extension for HTML Encoding, with dot prepended: .html- See Also:
File extension for markdown encoding, with dot prepended: .md- See Also:
File extension for MIDI encoding, with dot prepended: .midi- See Also:
File extension for PLY file format (Polygon File Format, or Stanford Triangle Format) with dot prepended: .ply.- See Also:
File extension for STL (stereolithography) file format with dot prepended: .stl- See Also:
File extension for XHTML Encoding, with dot prepended: .xhtml- See Also:
File extension for text files, with dot prepended: .txt- See Also:
File extension for Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) image format, with dot prepended: .gif- See Also:
File extension for Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) image format, with dot prepended: .jpg- See Also:
File extension for Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) image format, with dot prepended: .jpeg- See Also:
File extension for Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image format, with dot prepended: .png- See Also:
File extension for Java source code, with dot prepended: .java- See Also:
File extension for JavaScript source code, with dot prepended: .js- See Also:
File extension for JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) source data, with dot prepended: .json- See Also:
File extension for Python programming-language source code, with dot prepended: .py- See Also:
File extension for Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) compressed XML file, with dot prepended: .exi- See Also:
File extension for GZIP compressed file, with dot prepended: .gz- See Also:
File extension for ZIP compressed file, with dot prepended: .zip- See Also:
Constructor Details
public X3D()Constructor for X3D to initialize member variables with default values.
Method Details
Provides name of this element: X3D- Specified by:
in classX3DConcreteElement
- Returns:
- name of this element
Defines X3D component for the X3D element: Core- Specified by:
in classX3DConcreteElement
- Returns:
- X3D component for this element
public final int getComponentLevel()Provides default X3D component level for this element: 1- Specified by:
in classX3DConcreteElement
- Returns:
- default X3D component level for this element
Indicate type corresponding to given fieldName.- Specified by:
in classX3DConcreteElement
- Parameters:
- name of field in this X3D statement- Returns:
- X3D type (SFvec3f etc.), otherwise ConfigurationProperties.ERROR_UNKNOWN_FIELD_TYPE if not recognized
- See Also:
Indicate accessType corresponding to given fieldName.- Specified by:
in classX3DConcreteElement
- Parameters:
- name of field in this X3D statement- Returns:
- X3D accessType (inputOnly etc.), otherwise ConfigurationProperties.ERROR_UNKNOWN_FIELD_ACCESSTYPE if not recognized
- See Also:
public final void initialize()Initialize all member variables to default values.- Overrides:
in classX3DConcreteStatement
Provide XML string serialization of this model subgraph, utilizing X3D XML encoding and conforming to X3D Canonical Form.- Returns:
- X3D string
- See Also:
Provide XML string serialization of this model subgraph, utilizing X3D XML encoding and conforming to X3D Canonical Form.- Parameters:
- number of levels of indentation for this element- Returns:
- X3D string
- See Also:
Serialize scene graph using toStringX3D() to create a new XML-encoding X3D file with extension x3d or xml.- Parameters:
- name of file to create and save, can include local directory path, must end with .x3d- Returns:
- File containing result (if operation succeeds), null otherwise
- See Also:
Check whether fileName is satisfactory NMTOKEN, ignoring prior path (if any).- Parameters:
- name of file to check- Returns:
- whether fileName is satisfactory NMTOKEN
- See Also:
Check whether fileName ending in .x3d meets X3D naming conventions, ignoring prior path (if any). Not observing these conventions can cause errors when converting to a Java file name.- Parameters:
- name of file to check- Returns:
- whether fileName ending in .x3d is satisfactory NMTOKEN
- See Also:
Serialize scene graph using toStringX3D() to create a new XML-encoding X3D file with extension x3d or xml.- Parameters:
- name of file to create and save, can include local directory path, must end with .x3d- Returns:
- File containing result (if operation succeeds), null otherwise
- See Also:
Serialize scene graph using toStringClassicVRML() to create a new X3D file with extension x3dv.- Parameters:
- name of file to create and save, can include local directory path, must end with .x3dv- Returns:
- File containing result (if operation succeeds), null otherwise
- See Also:
Serialize scene graph using toStringVRML97() to create a new X3D file with extension wrl.- Parameters:
- name of file to create and save, can include local directory path, must end with .wrl- Returns:
- File containing result (if operation succeeds), null otherwise
- See Also:
Utility method for toFileStylesheetConversion() with no stylesheet parameters.- Parameters:
- name of stylesheet to applyfileName
- name of file to create and save, can include local directory path, must end with allowed file extension (e.g. ".html")- Returns:
- File containing result (if operation succeeds), null otherwise
public File toFileStylesheetConversion(String stylesheetName, String fileName, String parameterName1, String parameterValue1) Utility method for toFileStylesheetConversion() with a single stylesheet name=value parameter pair.- Parameters:
- name of stylesheet to applyfileName
- name of file to create and save, can include local directory path, must end with allowed file extension (e.g. ".html")parameterName1
- first stylesheet parameter nameparameterValue1
- first stylesheet parameter value- Returns:
- File containing result (if operation succeeds), null otherwise
public File toFileStylesheetConversion(String stylesheetName, String fileName, String parameterName1, String parameterValue1, String parameterName2, String parameterValue2) Serialize current X3D scene graph using toFileX3D() and then create a new file with corresponding filename extension (e.g. .html) using an embedded stylesheet.- Parameters:
- name of stylesheet to applyfileName
- name of file to create and save, can include local directory path, must end with allowed file extension (e.g. ".html")parameterName1
- first stylesheet parameter nameparameterValue1
- first stylesheet parameter valueparameterName2
- second stylesheet parameter nameparameterValue2
- second stylesheet parameter value- Returns:
- File containing result (if operation succeeds), null otherwise
- See Also:
Serialize scene graph using toFileX3D() and then create a new pretty-print HTML file with extension .html, suitable for documentation purposes. Also create SVG output file (with same base name) for Extrusion crossSection, if found.- Parameters:
- name of file to create and save, can include local directory path, must end with .html- Returns:
- File containing result (if operation succeeds), null otherwise
- See Also:
Return a file found within X3DJSAIL jar- Parameters:
- is relative path to file from top of jarfileName
- is fileName of interest to retrieve- Returns:
- resulting temporary File object that is deleted when program invocation ends
Serialize scene graph using X3dToJson.xslt stylesheet to create a new JSON-encoding string.- Returns:
- String containing result (if operation succeeds), empty otherwise
- See Also:
Serialize scene graph using X3dToPython.xslt stylesheet to create a new Python-language string.- Returns:
- String containing result (if operation succeeds), empty otherwise
- See Also:
Serialize scene graph using toFileJava() to create new Java source as a string.- Returns:
- String containing result (if operation succeeds), empty otherwise
- See Also:
Serialize scene graph using NodeSerializer.js to create a JavaScript string.- Returns:
- String containing result (if operation succeeds), empty otherwise
- See Also:
Serialize scene graph using NodeSerializer.js to create a JavaScript file.- Parameters:
- name of file to create and save, can include local directory path, must end with .js- Returns:
- File containing result (if operation succeeds), empty otherwise
- See Also:
Serialize scene graph using NodeSerializer.js to create a JavaScript file, with boolean indicating whether to include open-source license.- Parameters:
- name of file to create and save, can include local directory path, must end with .jsincludeWeb3dLicense
- whether to include license- Returns:
- File containing result (if operation succeeds), empty otherwise
- See Also:
Serialize scene graph using STYLESHEET_HTML_DOCUMENTATION to create a new X3DOM html page as a string.- Returns:
- String containing result (if operation succeeds), empty otherwise
- See Also:
Produce model meta information as `name`=`value` pairs, providing markdown output as a string.- Returns:
- String containing result (if operation succeeds), empty otherwise
- See Also:
Produce alternate cleaned-up X3D scene using STYLESHEET_X3DTIDY, providing output as a string.- Returns:
- String containing result (if operation succeeds), empty otherwise
- See Also:
Serialize scene graph using STYLESHEET_X3DOM to create a new X3DOM html page as a string.- Returns:
- String containing result (if operation succeeds), empty otherwise
- See Also:
Serialize scene graph using STYLESHEET_X3DOM (with appropriate parameters) to create a new X_ITE html page as a string.- Parameters:
- X3D file to load and view- Returns:
- String containing result (if operation succeeds), empty otherwise
- See Also:
Serialize scene graph using X3dToJson.xslt stylesheet to create a new JSON-encoding X3D file with extension json.- Parameters:
- name of file to create and save, can include local directory path, must end with .xhtml (preferred) or .html- Returns:
- File containing result (if operation succeeds), null otherwise
- See Also:
Serialize scene graph using X3dToPython.xslt stylesheet to create a new Python-language X3D file with extension py.- Parameters:
- name of file to create and save, can include local directory path, must end with .xhtml (preferred) or .html- Returns:
- File containing result (if operation succeeds), null otherwise
- See Also:
Serialize scene graph using X3dToJava.xslt stylesheet to create a new Java source file with extension java, no default license included.- Parameters:
- name of file to create and save, can include local directory path, must end with .xhtml (preferred) or .html- Returns:
- File containing result (if operation succeeds), null otherwise
- See Also:
Serialize scene graph using X3dToJava.xslt stylesheet to create a new Java source file with extension java.- Parameters:
- name of file to create and save, can include local directory path, must end with .xhtml (preferred) or .htmlincludeWeb3dLicense
- whether to insert default open-source Web3D license at top of source file- Returns:
- File containing result (if operation succeeds), null otherwise
- See Also:
public void setIncludeSubdirectoryPaths(boolean value) Set whether to include subdirectory paths when creating markdown (default is true)- Parameters:
- whether to omit subdirectory paths when creating markdown (default is true)- See Also:
Create model meta information as `name`=`value` pairs, providing markdown output as an output file having extension .md.- Parameters:
- name of file to create and save, can include local directory path, must end with .xhtml (preferred) or .html- Returns:
- File containing result (if operation succeeds), null otherwise
- See Also:
Create alternate cleaned-up X3D scene using STYLESHEET_X3DTIDY within an output file having extension .x3d.- Parameters:
- name of file to create and save, can include local directory path, must end with .xhtml (preferred) or .html- Returns:
- File containing result (if operation succeeds), null otherwise
- See Also:
Create displayable scene page rendered with X3DOM, using STYLESHEET_X3DOM by serializing XML syntax within an XHTML file having extension .xhtml.- Parameters:
- name of file to create and save, can include local directory path, must end with .xhtml (preferred) or .html- Returns:
- File containing result (if operation succeeds), null otherwise
- See Also:
Create displayable scene page rendered with X_ITE (formerly Cobweb) using STYLESHEET_X3DOM and special settings, by serializing XML syntax within an XHTML file having extension .xhtml.- Parameters:
- X3D file to load and viewresultFileName
- name of file to create and save, can include local directory path, must end with .html (preferred) or .xhtml- Returns:
- File containing result (if operation succeeds), null otherwise
- See Also:
Deprecated.Create displayable scene page rendered with X_ITE (formerly Cobweb) using STYLESHEET_X3DOM and special settings, by serializing XML syntax within an XHTML file having extension .xhtml.- Parameters:
- X3D file to load and viewresultFileName
- name of file to create and save, can include local directory path, must end with .html (preferred) or .xhtml- Returns:
- File containing result (if operation succeeds), null otherwise
- See Also:
Load new model from a zip file, using unzip to extract the model plus any associated files into the same path location.- Parameters:
- name of zip file to load, can include local directory path, must end with .zipoutputFileName
- name of output file to save, can include local directory path, must end with .x3d or .xml- Returns:
- boolean if operation succeeds in creating this X3DObject, false otherwise
- See Also:
Load new model from a zip file, using unzip to extract the model plus any associated files into the same path location.
Warning: If nomodelFileName
is provided, then the first.x3d
model encountered in the zip file is returned (if any).
Warning: this method overwrites any previously existing file versions when decompressing.- Parameters:
- name of zip file to load, can include local directory path, must end with .zipoutputFileName
- name of output file to save, can include local directory path, must end with .x3d or .xmlmodelFileName
- name of model file to load, can include local directory path, must end with .x3d- Returns:
- boolean if operation succeeds in creating this X3DObject, false otherwise
- See Also:
Load new model from a gz gzip file, using ungzip to extract the model into the same path location.
Warning: this method overwrites any previously existing file versions when decompressing.- Parameters:
- name of file to load, can include local directory path, must end with .exi- Returns:
- boolean if operation succeeds in creating this X3DObject, false otherwise
- See Also:
Load new model from an EXI file, using unzip to extract the model plus any associated files into the same path location.
Warning: this method overwrites any previously existing file versions when decompressing.- Parameters:
- name of file to load, can include local directory path, must end with .exi- Returns:
- boolean if operation succeeds in creating this X3DObject, false otherwise
- See Also:
public boolean isEmpty()Determine if this X3D model is empty and no content is present.- Returns:
- true if no head and no Scene found, otherwise false
Load X3D model from file to initialize or replace contents of this X3D object. Supports .x3d or .xml file encodings.- Parameters:
- name of model file that replaces current X3DObject- Returns:
- true if replacement successful, false otherwise
Load X3D model from file to initialize or replace contents of this X3D object. Supports .x3d or .xml file encodings.- Parameters:
- directory path to file of interestfileName
- name of model file that replaces current X3DObject- Returns:
- true if replacement successful, false otherwise
Load X3D model from file to initialize or replace contents of this X3D object. Supports .x3d or .xml file encodings.- Parameters:
- model file that replaces current X3DObject- Returns:
- true if replacement successful, false otherwise
Replaces current X3D object with new X3D object.- Parameters:
- replaces current X3DObject- Returns:
- true if replacement successful, false otherwise
Save current model as a ZIP file.- Parameters:
- name of zip archive file to create and save, can include local directory path, must end with .zipmodelName
- name of X3D file to create and save within the .zip archive- Returns:
- File containing result (if operation succeeds), null otherwise
- See Also:
Provide thorough X3DJSAIL validation results for this X3D model.- Returns:
- "success" or validation results plus exception information (if any)
Utility method for standalone programs that get created with stylesheet X3dToJava.xslt, also sets loaded X3D model fileInputStream global CommandLine to this X3D object. Invocation switches are listed in CommandLine.USAGE help.- Parameters:
- command-line arguments- See Also:
Provide String value from inputOutput SFString field named class.- Overrides:
in classX3DConcreteElement
- Returns:
- value of class field
- See Also:
Accessor method to assign String value to inputOutput SFString field named class.- Parameters:
- is new value for the class field.- Returns:
- namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
Assign typed object value to SFString cssClass field, similar tosetCssClass(String)
.- Parameters:
- is new value for the class field.- Returns:
- namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
Provide head instance (using a properly typed node) from inputOutput SFNode field head.
Tooltip: Include a head element to contain component, unit or meta statements for this X3D model. *- Returns:
- value of head field
Accessor method to assign head instance (using a properly typed node) to inputOutput SFNode field head.
Tooltip: Include a head element to contain component, unit or meta statements for this X3D model. *- Parameters:
- is new value for the head field.- Returns:
- namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
public boolean hasHead()Indicate whether an object is available for inputOutput SFNode field head.- Returns:
- whether a concrete statement or CommentsBlock is available.
- See Also:
Provide String value from inputOutput SFString field named id.- Overrides:
in classX3DConcreteElement
- Returns:
- value of id field
- See Also:
Accessor method to assign String value to inputOutput SFString field named id.- Parameters:
- is new value for the id field.- Returns:
- namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
Assign typed object value to SFString HtmlID field, similar tosetHtmlID(String)
.- Parameters:
- is new value for the id field.- Returns:
- namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
Provide String enumeration value (baseType xs:NMTOKEN) ["Core" | "Interchange" | "CADInterchange" | "Interactive" | "Immersive" | "MedicalInterchange" | "MPEG4Interactive" | "Full"] from inputOutput SFString field named profile.
Tooltip: profile attribute is required and defines the player or tool support needed for this model.- Hint: Core profile corresponds to minimalist extensible profile with Metadata* nodes, useful for defining custom scene capabilities via addition of individual component statements.
- Hint: Interchange profile corresponds to minimum lightweight subset of nodes needed to display (or import/export) compelling 3D content.
- Hint: Interactive profile corresponds to Interchange geometry plus simple user interaction.
- Hint: Immersive profile is common and approximately matches VRML97 with Script and Prototypes.
- Hint: CADInterchange profile (X3D version 3.1 or later) corresponds to Interchange geometry plus distillation of computer-aided design (CAD) models.
- Hint: MedicalInterchange profile (X3D version 3.3 or later) adds support for VolumeRendering component to Interchange profile.
- Hint: Full profile contains all nodes defined in X3D specification.
- Warning: PROFILE is capitalized and is a separate statement in the ClassicVRML Encoding.
- Hint: X3D Architecture PROFILE statement
Available enumeration values for string comparison:CORE
.- Returns:
- value of profile field
Accessor method to assign String enumeration value ("Core" | "Interchange" | "CADInterchange" | "Interactive" | "Immersive" | "MedicalInterchange" | "MPEG4Interactive" | "Full") to inputOutput SFString field named profile.
Warning: authors can only choose from a strict list of enumeration values (CORE
Tooltip: profile attribute is required and defines the player or tool support needed for this model.- Hint: Core profile corresponds to minimalist extensible profile with Metadata* nodes, useful for defining custom scene capabilities via addition of individual component statements.
- Hint: Interchange profile corresponds to minimum lightweight subset of nodes needed to display (or import/export) compelling 3D content.
- Hint: Interactive profile corresponds to Interchange geometry plus simple user interaction.
- Hint: Immersive profile is common and approximately matches VRML97 with Script and Prototypes.
- Hint: CADInterchange profile (X3D version 3.1 or later) corresponds to Interchange geometry plus distillation of computer-aided design (CAD) models.
- Hint: MedicalInterchange profile (X3D version 3.3 or later) adds support for VolumeRendering component to Interchange profile.
- Hint: Full profile contains all nodes defined in X3D specification.
- Warning: PROFILE is capitalized and is a separate statement in the ClassicVRML Encoding.
- Hint: X3D Architecture PROFILE statement
- Parameters:
- is new value for the profile field.- Returns:
- namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
Assign typed object value to SFString profile field, similar tosetProfile(String)
.- Parameters:
- is new value for the profile field.- Returns:
- namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
Provide Scene instance (using a properly typed node) from inputOutput SFNode field Scene.
Tooltip: Include a Scene element to contain scene-graph nodes for this X3D model.- Warning: Scene is a child of X3D statement, and must follow the (optional) head statement.
- Returns:
- value of Scene field
Accessor method to assign Scene instance (using a properly typed node) to inputOutput SFNode field Scene.
Tooltip: Include a Scene element to contain scene-graph nodes for this X3D model.- Warning: Scene is a child of X3D statement, and must follow the (optional) head statement.
- Parameters:
- is new value for the Scene field.- Returns:
- namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
public boolean hasScene()Indicate whether an object is available for inputOutput SFNode field Scene.- Returns:
- whether a concrete statement or CommentsBlock is available.
- See Also:
Provide String value from inputOutput SFString field named style.- Overrides:
in classX3DConcreteElement
- Returns:
- value of style field
- See Also:
Accessor method to assign String value to inputOutput SFString field named style.- Parameters:
- is new value for the style field.- Returns:
- namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
Assign typed object value to SFString cssClass field, similar tosetCssStyle(String)
.- Parameters:
- is new value for the style field.- Returns:
- namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
Provide String enumeration value (baseType xs:NMTOKEN) ["3.0" | "3.1" | "3.2" | "3.3" | "4.0"] from inputOutput SFString field named version.
Tooltip: Default is highest value matching schema and DOCTYPE in the scene.- Hint: X3D version 3.0 standardization occurred in 2004, version 3.1 standardization occurred in 2006, version 3.2 standardization occurred in 2008, version 3.3 standardization occurred in 2012, version 4.0 successfully completed implementation, evaluatio,n and publication in 2023.
- Warning: X3D version 4.1 is experimental and not yet under development.
- Hint: X3D version 4 Overview at
- Hint: X3D version 4 Implementations Status at
Available enumeration values for string comparison:3_0
.- Returns:
- value of version field
Accessor method to assign String enumeration value ("3.0" | "3.1" | "3.2" | "3.3" | "4.0") to inputOutput SFString field named version.
Warning: authors can only choose from a strict list of enumeration values (3_0
Tooltip: Default is highest value matching schema and DOCTYPE in the scene.- Hint: X3D version 3.0 standardization occurred in 2004, version 3.1 standardization occurred in 2006, version 3.2 standardization occurred in 2008, version 3.3 standardization occurred in 2012, version 4.0 successfully completed implementation, evaluatio,n and publication in 2023.
- Warning: X3D version 4.1 is experimental and not yet under development.
- Hint: X3D version 4 Overview at
- Hint: X3D version 4 Implementations Status at
- Parameters:
- is new value for the version field.- Returns:
- namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
Assign typed object value to SFString version field, similar tosetVersion(String)
.- Parameters:
- is new value for the version field.- Returns:
- namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
Add comment as String to contained commentsList.- Specified by:
in classX3DConcreteElement
- Parameters:
- initial value- Returns:
- namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).- See Also:
Add comments as String[] array to contained commentsList.- Specified by:
in classX3DConcreteElement
- Parameters:
- array of comments- Returns:
- namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive setAttribute method invocations).
Add CommentsBlock to contained commentsList.- Specified by:
in classX3DConcreteElement
- Parameters:
- block of comments to add- Returns:
- namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive setAttribute method invocations).
Recursive method to provide X3D string serialization of this model subgraph, utilizing XML encoding and conforming to X3D Canonical Form.- Specified by:
in classX3DConcreteElement
- Parameters:
- number of levels of indentation for this element- Returns:
- X3D string
- See Also:
Recursive method to provide ClassicVRML string serialization.- Specified by:
in classX3DConcreteElement
- Parameters:
- number of levels of indentation for this element- Returns:
- ClassicVRML string
- See Also:
Recursive method to provide VRML97 string serialization.- Specified by:
in classX3DConcreteElement
- Parameters:
- number of levels of indentation for this element- Returns:
- VRML97 string
- See Also:
Recursive method to provide object reference to node or statement by name attribute, if found as part of this element or in a contained element. Elements with name fields include meta, Metadata* nodes, field/fieldValue, ProtoDeclare/ExternProtoDeclare/ProtoInstance, CAD and HAnim nodes.
Warning: first start with findAncestorScene() to check entire scene graph, or findAncestorX3D() to check entire model document.
Warning: more than one element may be found that has the same name, this method does not handle that case.- Specified by:
in classX3DConcreteElement
- Parameters:
- is value of the name field being searched for in this element and child elements(if any)- Returns:
- object reference to found element, null otherwise
- See Also:
Recursive method to provide object reference to node or statement by name attribute, if found as part of this element or in a contained element. Elements with name fields include meta, Metadata* nodes, field/fieldValue, ProtoDeclare/ExternProtoDeclare/ProtoInstance, CAD and HAnim nodes.
Warning: first start with findAncestorScene() to check entire scene graph, or findAncestorX3D() to check entire model document.
Warning: more than one element may be found that has the same name, this method does not handle that case.- Specified by:
in classX3DConcreteElement
- Parameters:
- is value of the name field being searched for in this element and child elements(if any)elementName
- identifies the element of interest (meta MetadataString ProtoDeclare CADassembly ProtoInstance HAnimHumanoid etc.)- Returns:
- object reference to found element, null otherwise
- See Also:
Recursive method to determine whether node or statement with given name attribute is found, meaning both objects are attached to same scene graph.- Parameters:
- is value of the name field being searched for in this element and child elements(if any)elementName
- identifies the element of interest (meta MetadataString ProtoDeclare CADassembly ProtoInstance HAnimHumanoid etc.)- Returns:
- whether node is found
- See Also:
Recursive method to provide object reference to node by DEF, if found as this node or in a contained node.
Warning: first start with findAncestorScene() to check entire scene graph, or findAncestorX3D() to check entire model document.
Warning: more than one element may be found that has the same DEF, this method does not handle that case.- Specified by:
in classX3DConcreteElement
- Parameters:
- is value of the name field being searched for in this element and child elements(if any)- Returns:
- object reference to found node, null otherwise
- See Also:
Recursive method to determine whether node with DEFvalue is found, meaning both objects are attached to same scene graph.- Parameters:
- is value of the name field being searched for in this element and child elements(if any)- Returns:
- whether node is found
- See Also:
Recursive method to validate this element plus all contained nodes and statements, using both datatype-specification value checks and regular expression (regex) checking of corresponding string values. TODO document specific validation methods.- Specified by:
in classX3DConcreteElement
- Returns:
- validation results (if any)
Confirm whether given version is supported by current X3D object.- Parameters:
- other X3D version to check- Returns:
- whether current X3D version is greater than or equal to otherVersion
- Throws:
- if provided with illegal value
Confirm whether given profile is supported by current X3D model- Parameters:
- different X3D profile for comparison- Returns:
- whether current X3D model supports otherProfile
- Throws:
- if provided with illegal value
public boolean supportsX3dComponent(String otherComponent, int minimumLevel) throws InvalidFieldValueException Confirm whether given component is supported by current X3D model, [warning] no support for level tests yet. TODO.- Parameters:
- other component to checkminimumLevel
- minimum level of component support needed- Returns:
- comparison result
- Throws:
- if provided with illegal value(s)