Package org.web3d.x3d.sai.Geometry2D
package org.web3d.x3d.sai.Geometry2D
The Geometry2D component defines how two-dimensional geometry is specified and what shapes are available.
The Scene Access Interface Library (sai) package provides abstract interface classes for each X3D node and statement, in accordance witht the X3D SAI Specification.
Warning: these interfaces are primarily for internal use to ensure consistency.
Java programmers typically only need to use concrete objects provided by the org.web3d.x3d.jsail
Online: X3D Java Scene Access Interface Library (X3DJSAIL) and X3DJSAIL Javadoc.
- See Also:
InterfacesClassDescriptionArc2D is a line-based geometry node that defines a linear circular arc with center (0,0) in X-Y plane, with angles measured starting at positive x-axis and sweeping towards positive y-axis.ArcClose2D is a polygonal geometry node that defines a linear circular arc, closed by PIE or CHORD line segments, with center (0,0) in X-Y plane, with angles measured starting at positive x-axis and sweeping towards positive y-axis.Circle2D is a geometry node that defines a linear X-Y circle with center (0,0) in X-Y plane.Disk2D is a geometry node that defines a filled (or partially filled) planar circle with center (0,0).Polyline2D is a geometry node that defines a connected set of vertices in a contiguous set of line segments in X-Y plane.Polypoint2D is a geometry node that defines a set of 2D points in X-Y plane.Rectangle2D is a geometry node that defines a 2D rectangle in X-Y plane.TriangleSet2D is a geometry node that defines a set of filled 2D triangles in X-Y plane.