Package org.web3d.x3d.sai.Interpolation
package org.web3d.x3d.sai.Interpolation
Interpolator nodes provide keyframe-based animation capability.
The Scene Access Interface Library (sai) package provides abstract interface classes for each X3D node and statement, in accordance witht the X3D SAI Specification.
Warning: these interfaces are primarily for internal use to ensure consistency.
Java programmers typically only need to use concrete objects provided by the org.web3d.x3d.jsail
Online: X3D Java Scene Access Interface Library (X3DJSAIL) and X3DJSAIL Javadoc.
- See Also:
InterfacesClassDescriptionColorInterpolator generates a range of color values.CoordinateInterpolator linearly interpolates among a list of 3-tuple MFVec3f arrays, producing a single MFVec3f array that is fractional average between two nearest arrays in the list.CoordinateInterpolator2D generates a series of SFVec2f or MFVec2f 2-tuple float values.EaseInEaseOut enables gradual animation transitions by modifying TimeSensor fraction outputs.NormalInterpolator generates a series of normal (perpendicular) 3-tuple SFVec3f values.OrientationInterpolator generates a series of 4-tuple axis-angle SFRotation values.PositionInterpolator generates a series of 3-tuple SFVec3f values.PositionInterpolator2D generates a series of SFVec2f values.ScalarInterpolator generates piecewise-linear SFFloat values.SplinePositionInterpolator performs non-linear interpolation among paired lists of 3-tuple values and velocities to produce an SFVec3f value_changed output event.SplinePositionInterpolator2D performs non-linear interpolation among paired lists of 2-tuple values and velocities to produce an SFVec2f value_changed output event.SplineScalarInterpolator performs non-linear interpolation among paired lists of float values and velocities to produce an SFFloat value_changed output event.SquadOrientationInterpolator performs non-linear interpolation among paired lists of rotation values to produce an SFRotation value_changed output event.Interpolator nodes are designed for linear keyframed animation.