Package ConformanceNist.Appearance.PixelTexture

package ConformanceNist.Appearance.PixelTexture
  • Classes
    Map a PixelTexture image to an ElevationGrid.
    Map a PixelTexture image to an Extrusion.
    Test browser ability to map greyscale pixel values to geometry.
    Test browser ability to map greyscale plus alpha opacity pixel values to geometry.
    Test browser ability to combine a greyscale PixelTexture image and a "red" Color node onto the faces of primative geometry.
    Test browser ability to combine a greyscale PixelTexture with the diffuseColor value of a Material node.
    Test of mapping a PixelTexture image to an IndexedFaceSet with three unequal length bounding box sides.
    Test browser ability to display a PixelTexture of 256 by 256 pixels on a geometry.
    Test browser default ability to repeat a half-scale PixelTexture horizontally only to fill aprimitive geometry.
    Test browser default ability to repeat a half-scale PixelTexture vertically only to fill a primitive geometry.
    Test browser ability to map full RGB color pixel values to geometry.
    Test browser ability to map a RGB plus alpha opacity to geometry.
    Test browser default ability to repeat a half-scale PixelTexture horizontally and vertically to fill a primitive geometry.
    Test of mappping a PixelTexture image to an IndexedFaceSet with three equal length bounding box sides.
    Test of mapping a PixelTexture image to an IndexedFaceSet with two long equal length bounding box sides.
    Test of mapping a PixelTexture image to an IndexedFaceSet with two short equal length bounding box sides.