Class OrientationDamper

All Implemented Interfaces:
X3DChildNode, X3DNode, OrientationDamper, X3DDamperNode, X3DFollowerNode

public class OrientationDamper
extends X3DConcreteNode
implements OrientationDamper
OrientationDamper generates a series of 4-tuple axis-angle SFRotation values that progressively change from initial value to destination value.

X3D node tooltip: (X3D version 3.2 or later) [X3DDamperNode] OrientationDamper generates a series of 4-tuple axis-angle SFRotation values that progressively change from initial value to destination value.
  • Hint: ROUTE value_changed output events to a <Transform> node's rotation field, for example.

Package hint: This org.web3d.x3d.jsail concrete class is used for implementing a standalone X3D object as a Plain Old Java Object (POJO). If you are writing Java code for use inside an X3D Script node, compile separate code using only the org.web3d.x3d.sai package instead.
See Also:
X3D Abstract Specification: OrientationDamper, X3D Tooltips: OrientationDamper, X3D Scene Authoring Hints
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • OrientationDamper

      public OrientationDamper()
      Constructor for OrientationDamper to initialize member variables with default values.
    • OrientationDamper

      public OrientationDamper​(java.lang.String DEFlabel)
      Utility constructor that assigns DEF label after initializing member variables with default values.
      DEFlabel - unique DEF name for this X3D node
  • Method Details

    • getElementName

      public final java.lang.String getElementName()
      Provides name of this element: OrientationDamper
      Specified by:
      getElementName in class X3DConcreteElement
      name of this element
    • getComponent

      public final java.lang.String getComponent()
      Defines X3D component for the OrientationDamper element: Followers
      Specified by:
      getComponent in class X3DConcreteElement
      X3D component for this element
    • getComponentLevel

      public final int getComponentLevel()
      Provides default X3D component level for this element: 1
      Specified by:
      getComponentLevel in class X3DConcreteElement
      default X3D component level for this element
    • getFieldType

      public java.lang.String getFieldType​(java.lang.String fieldName)
      Indicate type corresponding to given fieldName.
      Specified by:
      getFieldType in class X3DConcreteElement
      fieldName - name of field in this X3D node
      X3D type (SFvec3f etc.), otherwise ConfigurationProperties.ERROR_UNKNOWN_FIELD_TYPE if not recognized
      See Also:
    • getAccessType

      public java.lang.String getAccessType​(java.lang.String fieldName)
      Indicate accessType corresponding to given fieldName.
      Specified by:
      getAccessType in class X3DConcreteElement
      fieldName - name of field in this X3D node
      X3D accessType (inputOnly etc.), otherwise ConfigurationProperties.ERROR_UNKNOWN_FIELD_ACCESSTYPE if not recognized
      See Also:
    • getContainerFieldDefault

      public final java.lang.String getContainerFieldDefault()
      containerField describes typical field relationship of a node to its parent. Usage is not ordinarily needed when using this API, default value is provided for informational purposes.
      Specified by:
      getContainerFieldDefault in class X3DConcreteNode
      default containerField value
      See Also:
      X3D Scene Authoring Hints: containerField, X3D Unified Object Model (X3DUOM)
    • initialize

      public final void initialize()
      Initialize all member variables to default values.
      initialize in class X3DConcreteNode
    • getInitialDestination

      public float[] getInitialDestination()
      Provide array of 4-tuple float results unit axis, angle (in radians) from initializeOnly SFRotation field named initialDestination.

      Tooltip: Initial destination value for this node. *
      Specified by:
      getInitialDestination in interface OrientationDamper
      value of initialDestination field
    • setInitialDestination

      public OrientationDamper setInitialDestination​(float[] newValue)
      Accessor method to assign 4-tuple float array unit axis, angle (in radians) to initializeOnly SFRotation field named initialDestination.

      Tooltip: Initial destination value for this node. *
      Specified by:
      setInitialDestination in interface OrientationDamper
      newValue - is new value for the initialDestination field.
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setInitialDestination

      public OrientationDamper setInitialDestination​(SFRotation newValue)
      Assign typed object value to SFRotation initialDestination field, similar to setInitialDestination(float[]).
      newValue - is new value for the initialDestination field.
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setInitialDestination

      public OrientationDamper setInitialDestination​(float x, float y, float z, float angleRadians)
      Assign values to SFRotation initialDestination field, similar to setInitialDestination(float[]).
      x - first component of axis
      y - second component of axis
      z - third component of axis
      angleRadians - fourth component of rotation around axis
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setInitialDestination

      public OrientationDamper setInitialDestination​(double x, double y, double z, double angleRadians)
      Utility method: double-precision set-parameters accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar to setInitialDestination(float[]).
      x - first component
      y - second component
      z - third component
      angleRadians - fourth component
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setInitialDestination

      public OrientationDamper setInitialDestination​(double[] newArray)
      Utility method: double-precision set-array accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar to setInitialDestination(float[]).
      newArray - is new value for field
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getInitialValue

      public float[] getInitialValue()
      Provide array of 4-tuple float results unit axis, angle (in radians) from initializeOnly SFRotation field named initialValue.

      Tooltip: Initial starting value for this node. *
      Specified by:
      getInitialValue in interface OrientationDamper
      value of initialValue field
    • setInitialValue

      public OrientationDamper setInitialValue​(float[] newValue)
      Accessor method to assign 4-tuple float array unit axis, angle (in radians) to initializeOnly SFRotation field named initialValue.

      Tooltip: Initial starting value for this node. *
      Specified by:
      setInitialValue in interface OrientationDamper
      newValue - is new value for the initialValue field.
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setInitialValue

      public OrientationDamper setInitialValue​(SFRotation newValue)
      Assign typed object value to SFRotation initialValue field, similar to setInitialValue(float[]).
      newValue - is new value for the initialValue field.
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setInitialValue

      public OrientationDamper setInitialValue​(float x, float y, float z, float angleRadians)
      Assign values to SFRotation initialValue field, similar to setInitialValue(float[]).
      x - first component of axis
      y - second component of axis
      z - third component of axis
      angleRadians - fourth component of rotation around axis
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setInitialValue

      public OrientationDamper setInitialValue​(double x, double y, double z, double angleRadians)
      Utility method: double-precision set-parameters accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar to setInitialValue(float[]).
      x - first component
      y - second component
      z - third component
      angleRadians - fourth component
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setInitialValue

      public OrientationDamper setInitialValue​(double[] newArray)
      Utility method: double-precision set-array accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar to setInitialValue(float[]).
      newArray - is new value for field
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getIS

      public IS getIS()
      Provide IS instance (using a properly typed node) from inputOutput SFNode field IS.
      Specified by:
      getIS in class X3DConcreteNode
      value of IS field
      See Also:
      X3D Tooltips: IS, X3D Tooltips: connect
    • setIS

      public OrientationDamper setIS​(IS newValue)
      Accessor method to assign IS instance (using a properly typed node) to inputOutput SFNode field IS.
      Specified by:
      setIS in class X3DConcreteNode
      newValue - is new value for the IS field.
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
      See Also:
      X3D Tooltips: IS, X3D Tooltips: connect
    • clearIS

      public OrientationDamper clearIS()
      Utility method to clear SFNode value of IS field.
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive setAttribute method invocations).
    • hasIS

      public boolean hasIS()
      Indicate whether an object is available for inputOutput SFNode field IS.
      whether a concrete statement or CommentsBlock is available.
      See Also:
    • getIsActive

      public boolean getIsActive()
      Provide boolean value from outputOnly SFBool field named isActive.

      Tooltip: isActive true/false events are sent when follower-node computation starts/stops.
      • Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.
      Specified by:
      getIsActive in interface OrientationDamper
      Specified by:
      getIsActive in interface X3DDamperNode
      Specified by:
      getIsActive in interface X3DFollowerNode
      value of isActive field
    • getMetadata

      public X3DMetadataObject getMetadata()
      Provide org.web3d.x3d.sai.Core.X3DMetadataObject instance (using a properly typed node) from inputOutput SFNode field metadata.
      Specified by:
      getMetadata in interface OrientationDamper
      Specified by:
      getMetadata in interface X3DChildNode
      Specified by:
      getMetadata in interface X3DDamperNode
      Specified by:
      getMetadata in interface X3DFollowerNode
      Specified by:
      getMetadata in interface X3DNode
      value of metadata field
      See Also:
      Tooltip: [X3DMetadataObject] Information about this node can be contained in a MetadataBoolean, MetadataDouble, MetadataFloat, MetadataInteger, MetadataString or MetadataSet node. Hint: X3D Architecture 7.2.4 Metadata , X3D Scene Authoring Hints: Metadata Nodes
    • setMetadata

      public OrientationDamper setMetadata​(X3DMetadataObject newValue)
      Accessor method to assign org.web3d.x3d.sai.Core.X3DMetadataObject instance (using a properly typed node) to inputOutput SFNode field metadata.
      Specified by:
      setMetadata in interface OrientationDamper
      Specified by:
      setMetadata in interface X3DChildNode
      Specified by:
      setMetadata in interface X3DDamperNode
      Specified by:
      setMetadata in interface X3DFollowerNode
      Specified by:
      setMetadata in interface X3DNode
      Specified by:
      setMetadata in class X3DConcreteNode
      newValue - is new value for the metadata field.
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
      See Also:
      Tooltip: [X3DMetadataObject] Information about this node can be contained in a MetadataBoolean, MetadataDouble, MetadataFloat, MetadataInteger, MetadataString or MetadataSet node. Hint: X3D Architecture 7.2.4 Metadata , X3D Scene Authoring Hints: Metadata Nodes
    • clearMetadata

      public OrientationDamper clearMetadata()
      Utility method to clear SFNode value of metadata field.
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive setAttribute method invocations).
    • setMetadata

      public OrientationDamper setMetadata​(ProtoInstance newValue)
      Assign ProtoInstance (using a properly typed node) to inputOutput SFNode field metadata.
      Specified by:
      setMetadata in class X3DConcreteNode
      newValue - is new value for the metadata field.
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
      See Also:
      setMetadata( org.web3d.x3d.sai.Core.X3DMetadataObject)
    • hasMetadata

      public boolean hasMetadata()
      Indicate whether an object is available for inputOutput SFNode field metadata.
      whether a properly typed node or ProtoInstance or CommentsBlock is available.
      See Also:
      getMetadata(), getMetadataProtoInstance(), X3D Scene Authoring Hints: Metadata Nodes
    • getOrder

      public int getOrder()
      Provide int value within allowed range of [0,5] from initializeOnly SFInt32 field named order.

      Tooltip: [0,5] order defines the number of internal filters (larger means smoother response, longer delay). *
      Specified by:
      getOrder in interface OrientationDamper
      Specified by:
      getOrder in interface X3DDamperNode
      value of order field
    • setOrder

      public OrientationDamper setOrder​(int newValue)
      Accessor method to assign int value to initializeOnly SFInt32 field named order.

      Tooltip: [0,5] order defines the number of internal filters (larger means smoother response, longer delay). *
      Specified by:
      setOrder in interface OrientationDamper
      Specified by:
      setOrder in interface X3DDamperNode
      newValue - is new value for the order field.
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setOrder

      public OrientationDamper setOrder​(SFInt32 newValue)
      Assign typed object value to SFInt32 order field, similar to setOrder(int).
      newValue - is new value for the order field.
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getTau

      public double getTau()
      Provide double value in seconds within allowed range of [0,infinity) from inputOutput SFTime field named tau.

      Tooltip: [0,+infinity) tau is the exponential-decay time constant for filter response in seconds. *
      Specified by:
      getTau in interface OrientationDamper
      Specified by:
      getTau in interface X3DDamperNode
      value of tau field
    • setTau

      public OrientationDamper setTau​(double newValue)
      Accessor method to assign double value in seconds to inputOutput SFTime field named tau.

      Tooltip: [0,+infinity) tau is the exponential-decay time constant for filter response in seconds. *
      Specified by:
      setTau in interface OrientationDamper
      Specified by:
      setTau in interface X3DDamperNode
      newValue - is new value for the tau field.
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setTau

      public OrientationDamper setTau​(SFTime newValue)
      Assign typed object value to SFTime tau field, similar to setTau(double).
      newValue - is new value for the tau field.
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getTolerance

      public float getTolerance()
      Provide float value from inputOutput SFFloat field named tolerance.

      Tooltip: [0,+infinity) or -1. Absolute value for satisfactory completion proximity (-1 lets browser choose). *
      Specified by:
      getTolerance in interface OrientationDamper
      Specified by:
      getTolerance in interface X3DDamperNode
      value of tolerance field
    • setTolerance

      public OrientationDamper setTolerance​(float newValue)
      Accessor method to assign float value to inputOutput SFFloat field named tolerance.

      Tooltip: [0,+infinity) or -1. Absolute value for satisfactory completion proximity (-1 lets browser choose). *
      Specified by:
      setTolerance in interface OrientationDamper
      Specified by:
      setTolerance in interface X3DDamperNode
      newValue - is new value for the tolerance field.
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setTolerance

      public OrientationDamper setTolerance​(SFFloat newValue)
      Assign typed object value to SFFloat tolerance field, similar to setTolerance(float).
      newValue - is new value for the tolerance field.
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setTolerance

      public OrientationDamper setTolerance​(double newValue)
      Utility method: double-precision set-parameter accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar to setTolerance(float).
      newValue - is new value for field
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getValue

      public float[] getValue()
      Provide array of 4-tuple float results unit axis, angle (in radians) from outputOnly SFRotation field named value_changed.

      Tooltip: Computed output value that approaches within tolerance of destination value, as determined by elapsed time, order and tau.
      • Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.
      Specified by:
      getValue in interface OrientationDamper
      value of value_changed field
    • getDEF

      public java.lang.String getDEF()
      Provide String value from inputOutput SFString field named DEF.

      Tooltip: DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
      getDEF in class X3DConcreteNode
      value of DEF field
      See Also:
      X3D Scene Authoring Hints: Naming Conventions
    • setDEF

      public final OrientationDamper setDEF​(java.lang.String newValue)
      Accessor method to assign String value to inputOutput SFString field named DEF.

      Tooltip: DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.

      Note that setting the DEF value clears the USE value.
      Specified by:
      setDEF in class X3DConcreteNode
      newValue - is new value for the DEF field.
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setDEF

      public OrientationDamper setDEF​(SFString newValue)
      Assign typed object value to SFString DEF field, similar to setDEF(String).
      newValue - is new value for the DEF field.
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getUSE

      public java.lang.String getUSE()
      Provide String value from inputOutput SFString field named USE.

      Tooltip: USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
      • Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
      • Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
      • Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.
      getUSE in class X3DConcreteNode
      value of USE field
      See Also:
      X3D Scene Authoring Hints: Naming Conventions
    • setUSE

      public final OrientationDamper setUSE​(java.lang.String newValue)
      Accessor method to assign String value to inputOutput SFString field named USE.

      Tooltip: USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
      • Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
      • Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
      • Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.

      Note: each USE node is still an independent object, with the USE value matching the DEF value in the preceding object.

      Warning: invoking the setUSE() method on this node resets all other fields to their default values (except for containerField) and also releases all child nodes.

      Warning: no other operations can be performed to modify a USE node other than setting an alternate containerField value.
      Specified by:
      setUSE in class X3DConcreteNode
      newValue - is new value for the USE field.
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setUSE

      public OrientationDamper setUSE​(SFString newValue)
      Assign typed object value to SFString USE field, similar to setUSE(String).
      newValue - is new value for the USE field.
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getCssClass

      public java.lang.String getCssClass()
      Provide String value from inputOutput SFString field named class.

      Tooltip: The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and XML stylesheets.
      getCssClass in class X3DConcreteNode
      value of class field
      See Also:
      W3C Cascading Style Sheets
    • setCssClass

      public final OrientationDamper setCssClass​(java.lang.String newValue)
      Accessor method to assign String value to inputOutput SFString field named class.

      Tooltip: The class attribute is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and XML stylesheets.
      Specified by:
      setCssClass in class X3DConcreteNode
      newValue - is new value for the class field.
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
      See Also:
      W3C Cascading Style Sheets
    • setCssClass

      public OrientationDamper setCssClass​(SFString newValue)
      Assign typed object value to SFString cssClass field, similar to setCssClass(String).
      newValue - is new value for the class field.
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setUSE

      public OrientationDamper setUSE​(OrientationDamper DEFnode)
      Assign a USE reference to another DEF node of same node type, similar to setUSE(String).

      Warning: note that the setUSE() method on this node resets all other fields to their default values (except for containerField) and also releases all child nodes.

      Warning: no other operations can be performed to modify a USE node other than setting an alternate containerField value.
      DEFnode - must have a DEF value defined
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • addComments

      public OrientationDamper addComments​(java.lang.String newComment)
      Add comment as String to contained commentsList.
      Specified by:
      addComments in class X3DConcreteElement
      newComment - initial value
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • addComments

      public OrientationDamper addComments​(java.lang.String[] newComments)
      Add comments as String[] array to contained commentsList.
      Specified by:
      addComments in class X3DConcreteElement
      newComments - array of comments
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive setAttribute method invocations).
    • addComments

      public OrientationDamper addComments​(CommentsBlock newCommentsBlock)
      Add CommentsBlock to contained commentsList.
      Specified by:
      addComments in class X3DConcreteElement
      newCommentsBlock - block of comments to add
      OrientationDamper - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive setAttribute method invocations).
    • toStringX3D

      public java.lang.String toStringX3D​(int indentLevel)
      Recursive method to provide X3D string serialization of this model subgraph, utilizing XML encoding and conforming to X3D Canonical Form.
      Specified by:
      toStringX3D in class X3DConcreteElement
      indentLevel - number of levels of indentation for this element
      X3D string
      See Also:
      X3D.FILE_EXTENSION_X3D, X3D.FILE_EXTENSION_XML, X3D.toStringXML(), X3D.toFileXML(String), X3D.toFileX3D(String), X3D XML Encoding, X3D Compressed Binary Encoding: X3D Canonical Form, X3D Canonicalization (C14N) Tool
    • toStringClassicVRML

      public java.lang.String toStringClassicVRML​(int indentLevel)
      Recursive method to provide ClassicVRML string serialization.
      Specified by:
      toStringClassicVRML in class X3DConcreteElement
      indentLevel - number of levels of indentation for this element
      ClassicVRML string
      See Also:
      X3D.FILE_EXTENSION_CLASSICVRML, X3D Resources: Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) 97, Extensible 3D (X3D) encodings Part 2: Classic VRML encoding, Extensible 3D (X3D) encodings Part 2: Classic VRML encoding, Annex A: Grammar
    • toStringVRML97

      public java.lang.String toStringVRML97​(int indentLevel)
      Recursive method to provide VRML97 string serialization.
      Specified by:
      toStringVRML97 in class X3DConcreteElement
      indentLevel - number of levels of indentation for this element
      VRML97 string
      See Also:
      X3D.FILE_EXTENSION_VRML97, X3D Resources: Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) 97, Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) 97 specification, VRML 97 v2.1 Amendment
    • findElementByNameValue

      public X3DConcreteElement findElementByNameValue​(java.lang.String nameValue)
      Recursive method to provide object reference to node or statement by name attribute, if found as part of this element or in a contained element. Elements with name fields include meta, Metadata* nodes, field/fieldValue, ProtoDeclare/ExternProtoDeclare/ProtoInstance, CAD and HAnim nodes.

      Warning: first start with findAncestorScene() to check entire scene graph, or findAncestorX3D() to check entire model document.

      Warning: more than one element may be found that has the same name, this method does not handle that case.
      Specified by:
      findElementByNameValue in class X3DConcreteElement
      nameValue - is value of the name field being searched for in this element and child elements(if any)
      object reference to found element, null otherwise
      See Also:
      findNodeByDEF(String), X3DConcreteElement.hasAncestorScene(), X3DConcreteElement.findAncestorX3D()
    • findElementByNameValue

      public X3DConcreteElement findElementByNameValue​(java.lang.String nameValue, java.lang.String elementName)
      Recursive method to provide object reference to node or statement by name attribute, if found as part of this element or in a contained element. Elements with name fields include meta, Metadata* nodes, field/fieldValue, ProtoDeclare/ExternProtoDeclare/ProtoInstance, CAD and HAnim nodes.

      Warning: first start with findAncestorScene() to check entire scene graph, or findAncestorX3D() to check entire model document.

      Warning: more than one element may be found that has the same name, this method does not handle that case.
      Specified by:
      findElementByNameValue in class X3DConcreteElement
      nameValue - is value of the name field being searched for in this element and child elements(if any)
      elementName - identifies the element of interest (meta MetadataString ProtoDeclare CADassembly ProtoInstance HAnimHumanoid etc.)
      object reference to found element, null otherwise
      See Also:
      findNodeByDEF(String), X3DConcreteElement.hasAncestorScene(), X3DConcreteElement.findAncestorX3D()
    • hasElementByNameValue

      public boolean hasElementByNameValue​(java.lang.String nameValue, java.lang.String elementName)
      Recursive method to determine whether node or statement with given name attribute is found, meaning both objects are attached to same scene graph.
      nameValue - is value of the name field being searched for in this element and child elements(if any)
      elementName - identifies the element of interest (meta MetadataString ProtoDeclare CADassembly ProtoInstance HAnimHumanoid etc.)
      whether node is found
      See Also:
      findElementByNameValue(String, String)
    • findNodeByDEF

      public X3DConcreteNode findNodeByDEF​(java.lang.String DEFvalue)
      Recursive method to provide object reference to node by DEF, if found as this node or in a contained node.

      Warning: first start with findAncestorScene() to check entire scene graph, or findAncestorX3D() to check entire model document.

      Warning: more than one element may be found that has the same DEF, this method does not handle that case.
      Specified by:
      findNodeByDEF in class X3DConcreteElement
      DEFvalue - is value of the name field being searched for in this element and child elements(if any)
      object reference to found node, null otherwise
      See Also:
      findElementByNameValue(String), X3DConcreteElement.hasAncestorScene(), X3DConcreteElement.findAncestorX3D()
    • hasNodeByDEF

      public boolean hasNodeByDEF​(java.lang.String DEFvalue)
      Recursive method to determine whether node with DEFvalue is found, meaning both objects are attached to same scene graph.
      DEFvalue - is value of the name field being searched for in this element and child elements(if any)
      whether node is found
      See Also:
    • validate

      public java.lang.String validate()
      Recursive method to validate this element plus all contained nodes and statements, using both datatype-specification value checks and regular expression (regex) checking of corresponding string values.
      Specified by:
      validate in class X3DConcreteElement
      validation results (if any)