Class SFFloat

All Implemented Interfaces:
SFFloat, X3DField

public class SFFloat
extends X3DConcreteField
implements SFFloat
This utility class provides a concrete implementation corresponding to SFFloat X3D field type.

Package hint: This specification class is defined by the X3D Java Language Binding Specification for the Scene Authoring Interface (SAI). SFFloat is a single-precision floating-point type.

Related field object: MFFloat
See Also:
X3D Tooltips: type SFFloat, SAI Java Specification: B.4.11 X3DFieldTypes, SAI Abstract Specification: 5.2.15 SAIFieldType, X3D Abstract Specification: SFFloatAndMFFloat, X3D Tooltips, X3D Tooltips: field, X3D Tooltips: fieldValue, X3D Scene Authoring Hints
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    static float DEFAULT_VALUE
    Default value for this field type is 0.0.
    static java.lang.String DEFAULT_VALUE_STRING
    Default string value for this field type is "0.0".
    static java.lang.String NAME
    String constant NAME provides name of this element: SFFloat
    static java.util.regex.Pattern PATTERN
    Precompiled regular expression (regex) pattern for this field type using default REGEX value.
    static java.lang.String REGEX
    Default regular expression (regex) pattern for this field type is (\s)*([+-]?
    static int TUPLE_SIZE
    Default tuple size for this field type is 1 (i.e. number of component values making up a single-field SF object).

    Fields inherited from class org.web3d.x3d.jsail.fields.X3DConcreteField

  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    Constructor for SFFloat performs value initialization.
    SFFloat​(double newValue)
    Constructor using double as new initial value.
    SFFloat​(float newValue)
    Constructor for SFFloat using a corresponding Java primitive float as new initial value.
    SFFloat​(int newValue)
    Constructor using int as new initial value.
    SFFloat​(SFFloat newValue)
    Constructor to copy an SFFloat value as initial value for this new field object.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    boolean equals​(SFFloat comparisonSFFloat)
    Determine whether two objects contain equal values.
    float getPrimitiveValue()
    Provides current value of the field as a Java primitive type.
    float getValue()
    Get the current value.
    void initialize()
    Initialization for SFFloat applies default initial value.
    static boolean isArray()
    Whether or not this field type is an array (false)
    boolean isDefaultValue()
    Determine whether current value matches DEFAULT_VALUE
    boolean matches()
    Test PATTERN match via regular expression (regex) check of current object's toString() value.
    static boolean matches​(java.lang.String value)
    Test PATTERN match with regular expression (regex) of provided value.
    SFFloat setValue​(double newValue)
    Apply a double value to this float field type, note change in precision.
    void setValue​(float newValue)
    Assign a new value to this field.
    SFFloat setValue​(int newValue)
    Apply an int value to this float field type, note change in precision.
    SFFloat setValue​(SFFloat newValue)
    Apply an SFFloat value to this field.
    SFFloat setValueByString​(java.lang.String newValue)
    Utility accessor for SFFloat using String value (which must pass parsing validation checks).
    java.lang.String stripTrailingZeroes()
    Utility method to strip trailing fractional zeroes from String representations of the current object's value.
    static java.lang.String stripTrailingZeroes​(float value)
    Utility method to always strip trailing fractional zeroes from String value of any given float.
    java.lang.String toString()
    Provides current value as a String.
    static java.lang.String toString​(float value)
    Static utility method to provide String representation of a correctly typed input value.
    java.lang.String validate()
    Validate current value via get/set comparison tests
    java.lang.String validateRegex()
    Validate current value via regular expression (regex) check of current object's toString() value, reporting errors only if found.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface org.web3d.x3d.sai.X3DField

    addX3DEventListener, getDefinition, isReadable, isWritable, removeX3DEventListener