Class IsoSurfaceVolumeData

All Implemented Interfaces:
X3DChildNode, X3DNode, X3DBoundedObject, IsoSurfaceVolumeData, X3DVolumeDataNode

public class IsoSurfaceVolumeData
extends X3DConcreteNode
implements IsoSurfaceVolumeData
IsoSurfaceVolumeData displays one or more surfaces extracted from a voxel dataset.

X3D node tooltip: (X3D version 3.3 or later) [X3DVolumeDataNode] IsoSurfaceVolumeData displays one or more surfaces extracted from a voxel dataset. A surface is defined as the boundary between regions in the volume where the voxel values are larger than a given value (the iso value) on one side of the boundary and smaller on the other side, and the gradient magnitude is larger than surfaceTolerance.
  • Hint: IsoSurfaceVolumeData can contain a single Texture3D node with containerField='gradients' that is used to provide explicit per-voxel gradient direction information for determining surface boundaries, rather than having values implicitly calculated by the implementation.
  • Hint: IsoSurfaceVolumeData can contain another Texture3D node with containerField='voxels' containing voxel data.
  • Hint: IsoSurfaceVolumeData can contain multiple VolumeStyle nodes.
  • Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.
  • Warning: requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='VolumeRendering' level='2'/>

Package hint: This org.web3d.x3d.jsail concrete class is used for implementing a standalone X3D object as a Plain Old Java Object (POJO). If you are writing Java code for use inside an X3D Script node, compile separate code using only the org.web3d.x3d.sai package instead.
See Also:
X3D Abstract Specification: IsoSurfaceVolumeData, X3D Tooltips: IsoSurfaceVolumeData, X3D Scene Authoring Hints: Volume