[x3d-public] web3d working group demos > HAnim > CrowdSystemComponent

J. Scheurich mufti11 at web.de
Wed Jul 8 18:51:31 PDT 2020

| can you send this model on the email?

It was in in the attachment of a personal mail

> How many points?
white_dune counts 8206 polygons. I think, there are 3 or 4 points per

but some point are used in 3 or 4 polygons....

There are about 11000 Points. It runs fluent on a raspberry PI (10000
poygons limit) or a buisness PC (about 11000 polygons limit).

> How is it bound to a skeleton?
This was made with white_dune.

To get a idea, how skin and bones are used in white_dune see the lower
half of


> Can we bind it to an example skeleton,
I don't know, cause i don't know if it is standart HAnim. I didn't try...

> or does the makehuman output a skeleton and skin with the index and
> weight?
makehuman can output only the mesh (of cloths and the body).

so long


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