Class DoubleAxisHingeJoint

All Implemented Interfaces:
X3DNode, DoubleAxisHingeJoint, X3DRigidJointNode

public class DoubleAxisHingeJoint extends X3DConcreteNode implements DoubleAxisHingeJoint
DoubleAxisHingeJoint has two independent axes located around a common anchor point.

Warning: this is an abstract interface that cannot be instantiated as a concrete object. Java programmers typically only need to use concrete objects provided by the org.web3d.x3d.jsail classes. DoubleAxisHingeJoint node tooltip: (X3D version 3.2 or later) [X3DRigidJointNode] DoubleAxisHingeJoint has two independent axes located around a common anchor point. axis1 has limits and a motor, axis 2 only has a motor Contains two RigidBody nodes (containerField values body1, body2).
  • Hint: RigidBodyPhysics component, level 2.

Package hint: This org.web3d.x3d.jsail concrete class is used for implementing a standalone X3D object as a Plain Old Java Object (POJO). If you are writing Java code for use inside an X3D Script node, compile separate code using only the org.web3d.x3d.sai package instead.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final String FORCEOUTPUT_ALL
      Tooltip: all forceOutput fields computed. MFString field named forceOutput with X3DUOM simpleType forceOutputValues and with X3DUOM baseType MFString is an array that can include this quoted enumeration value (and also may include alternate values) "ALL" (Java syntax) or '"ALL"' (XML syntax).
      See Also:

      public static final String FORCEOUTPUT_NONE
      Tooltip: no forceOutput fields computed. MFString field named forceOutput with X3DUOM simpleType forceOutputValues and with X3DUOM baseType MFString is an array that can include this quoted enumeration value (and also may include alternate values) "NONE" (Java syntax) or '"NONE"' (XML syntax).
      See Also:
    • NAME

      public static final String NAME
      String constant NAME provides name of this element: DoubleAxisHingeJoint.
      See Also:

      public static final String COMPONENT
      String constant COMPONENT defines X3D component for the DoubleAxisHingeJoint element: RigidBodyPhysics
      See Also:
    • LEVEL

      public static final int LEVEL
      Integer constant LEVEL provides default X3D RigidBodyPhysics component level for this element: 2
      See Also:

      public static final float[] ANCHORPOINT_DEFAULT_VALUE
      SFVec3f field named anchorPoint has default value {0f,0f,0f} (Java syntax) or 0 0 0 (XML syntax).

      public static final float[] AXIS1_DEFAULT_VALUE
      SFVec3f field named axis1 has default value {1f,0f,0f} (Java syntax) or 1 0 0 (XML syntax).

      public static final float[] AXIS2_DEFAULT_VALUE
      SFVec3f field named axis2 has default value {0f,1f,0f} (Java syntax) or 0 1 0 (XML syntax).

      public static final RigidBody BODY1_DEFAULT_VALUE
      SFNode field named body1 has default value null (Java syntax) or NULL (XML syntax).

      public static final RigidBody BODY2_DEFAULT_VALUE
      SFNode field named body2 has default value null (Java syntax) or NULL (XML syntax).

      public static final float DESIREDANGULARVELOCITY1_DEFAULT_VALUE
      SFFloat field named desiredAngularVelocity1 has default value 0f (Java syntax) or 0 (XML syntax).
      See Also:

      public static final float DESIREDANGULARVELOCITY2_DEFAULT_VALUE
      SFFloat field named desiredAngularVelocity2 has default value 0f (Java syntax) or 0 (XML syntax).
      See Also:

      public static final ArrayList<String> FORCEOUTPUT_DEFAULT_VALUE
      MFString field named forceOutput has default quoted value new String[] {"NONE"} (Java syntax) or quoted value "NONE" (XML syntax).

      public static final IS IS_DEFAULT_VALUE
      SFNode field named IS has default value null (Java syntax) or NULL (XML syntax).

      public static final float MAXANGLE1_DEFAULT_VALUE
      SFFloat field named maxAngle1 has default value 3.141592653f (Java syntax) or 3.141592653 (XML syntax).
      See Also:

      public static final float MAXTORQUE1_DEFAULT_VALUE
      SFFloat field named maxTorque1 has default value 0f (Java syntax) or 0 (XML syntax).
      See Also:

      public static final float MAXTORQUE2_DEFAULT_VALUE
      SFFloat field named maxTorque2 has default value 0f (Java syntax) or 0 (XML syntax).
      See Also:

      public static final X3DMetadataObject METADATA_DEFAULT_VALUE
      SFNode field named metadata has default value null (Java syntax) or NULL (XML syntax).

      public static final float MINANGLE1_DEFAULT_VALUE
      SFFloat field named minAngle1 has default value -3.141592653f (Java syntax) or -3.141592653 (XML syntax).
      See Also:

      public static final float STOP1BOUNCE_DEFAULT_VALUE
      SFFloat field named stop1Bounce has default value 0f (Java syntax) or 0 (XML syntax).
      See Also:

      public static final float STOP1CONSTANTFORCEMIX_DEFAULT_VALUE
      SFFloat field named stop1ConstantForceMix has default value 0.001f (Java syntax) or 0.001 (XML syntax).
      See Also:

      public static final float STOP1ERRORCORRECTION_DEFAULT_VALUE
      SFFloat field named stop1ErrorCorrection has default value 0.8f (Java syntax) or 0.8 (XML syntax).
      See Also:

      SFFloat field named suspensionErrorCorrection has default value 0.8f (Java syntax) or 0.8 (XML syntax).
      See Also:

      public static final float SUSPENSIONFORCE_DEFAULT_VALUE
      SFFloat field named suspensionForce has default value 0f (Java syntax) or 0 (XML syntax).
      See Also:
    • containerField_DEFAULT_VALUE

      public static final String containerField_DEFAULT_VALUE
      containerField describes typical field relationship of a node to its parent. Usage is not ordinarily needed when using this API, this default value is provided for informational purposes only.
      containerField_DEFAULT_VALUE = "joints";
      containerField_ALLOWED_VALUES = {"joints" }; type xs:NMTOKEN
      See Also:
    • fromField_ANCHORPOINT

      public static final String fromField_ANCHORPOINT
      fromField ROUTE name for SFVec3f field named anchorPoint.
      See Also:
    • toField_ANCHORPOINT

      public static final String toField_ANCHORPOINT
      toField ROUTE name for SFVec3f field named anchorPoint.
      See Also:
    • fromField_AXIS1

      public static final String fromField_AXIS1
      fromField ROUTE name for SFVec3f field named axis1.
      See Also:
    • toField_AXIS1

      public static final String toField_AXIS1
      toField ROUTE name for SFVec3f field named axis1.
      See Also:
    • fromField_AXIS2

      public static final String fromField_AXIS2
      fromField ROUTE name for SFVec3f field named axis2.
      See Also:
    • toField_AXIS2

      public static final String toField_AXIS2
      toField ROUTE name for SFVec3f field named axis2.
      See Also:
    • fromField_BODY1

      public static final String fromField_BODY1
      fromField ROUTE name for SFNode field named body1.
      See Also:
    • toField_BODY1

      public static final String toField_BODY1
      toField ROUTE name for SFNode field named body1.
      See Also:
    • fromField_BODY1ANCHORPOINT

      public static final String fromField_BODY1ANCHORPOINT
      fromField ROUTE name for SFVec3f field named body1AnchorPoint.
      See Also:
    • fromField_BODY1AXIS

      public static final String fromField_BODY1AXIS
      fromField ROUTE name for SFVec3f field named body1Axis.
      See Also:
    • fromField_BODY2

      public static final String fromField_BODY2
      fromField ROUTE name for SFNode field named body2.
      See Also:
    • toField_BODY2

      public static final String toField_BODY2
      toField ROUTE name for SFNode field named body2.
      See Also:
    • fromField_BODY2ANCHORPOINT

      public static final String fromField_BODY2ANCHORPOINT
      fromField ROUTE name for SFVec3f field named body2AnchorPoint.
      See Also:
    • fromField_BODY2AXIS

      public static final String fromField_BODY2AXIS
      fromField ROUTE name for SFVec3f field named body2Axis.
      See Also:

      public static final String fromField_DESIREDANGULARVELOCITY1
      fromField ROUTE name for SFFloat field named desiredAngularVelocity1.
      See Also:

      public static final String toField_DESIREDANGULARVELOCITY1
      toField ROUTE name for SFFloat field named desiredAngularVelocity1.
      See Also:

      public static final String fromField_DESIREDANGULARVELOCITY2
      fromField ROUTE name for SFFloat field named desiredAngularVelocity2.
      See Also:

      public static final String toField_DESIREDANGULARVELOCITY2
      toField ROUTE name for SFFloat field named desiredAngularVelocity2.
      See Also:
    • fromField_FORCEOUTPUT

      public static final String fromField_FORCEOUTPUT
      fromField ROUTE name for MFString field named forceOutput.
      See Also:
    • toField_FORCEOUTPUT

      public static final String toField_FORCEOUTPUT
      toField ROUTE name for MFString field named forceOutput.
      See Also:
    • fromField_HINGE1ANGLE

      public static final String fromField_HINGE1ANGLE
      fromField ROUTE name for SFFloat field named hinge1Angle.
      See Also:
    • fromField_HINGE1ANGLERATE

      public static final String fromField_HINGE1ANGLERATE
      fromField ROUTE name for SFFloat field named hinge1AngleRate.
      See Also:
    • fromField_HINGE2ANGLE

      public static final String fromField_HINGE2ANGLE
      fromField ROUTE name for SFFloat field named hinge2Angle.
      See Also:
    • fromField_HINGE2ANGLERATE

      public static final String fromField_HINGE2ANGLERATE
      fromField ROUTE name for SFFloat field named hinge2AngleRate.
      See Also:
    • fromField_IS

      public static final String fromField_IS
      fromField ROUTE name for SFNode field named IS.
      See Also:
    • fromField_MAXANGLE1

      public static final String fromField_MAXANGLE1
      fromField ROUTE name for SFFloat field named maxAngle1.
      See Also:
    • toField_MAXANGLE1

      public static final String toField_MAXANGLE1
      toField ROUTE name for SFFloat field named maxAngle1.
      See Also:
    • fromField_MAXTORQUE1

      public static final String fromField_MAXTORQUE1
      fromField ROUTE name for SFFloat field named maxTorque1.
      See Also:
    • toField_MAXTORQUE1

      public static final String toField_MAXTORQUE1
      toField ROUTE name for SFFloat field named maxTorque1.
      See Also:
    • fromField_MAXTORQUE2

      public static final String fromField_MAXTORQUE2
      fromField ROUTE name for SFFloat field named maxTorque2.
      See Also:
    • toField_MAXTORQUE2

      public static final String toField_MAXTORQUE2
      toField ROUTE name for SFFloat field named maxTorque2.
      See Also:
    • fromField_METADATA

      public static final String fromField_METADATA
      fromField ROUTE name for SFNode field named metadata.
      See Also:
    • toField_METADATA

      public static final String toField_METADATA
      toField ROUTE name for SFNode field named metadata.
      See Also:
    • fromField_MINANGLE1

      public static final String fromField_MINANGLE1
      fromField ROUTE name for SFFloat field named minAngle1.
      See Also:
    • toField_MINANGLE1

      public static final String toField_MINANGLE1
      toField ROUTE name for SFFloat field named minAngle1.
      See Also:
    • fromField_STOP1BOUNCE

      public static final String fromField_STOP1BOUNCE
      fromField ROUTE name for SFFloat field named stop1Bounce.
      See Also:
    • toField_STOP1BOUNCE

      public static final String toField_STOP1BOUNCE
      toField ROUTE name for SFFloat field named stop1Bounce.
      See Also:

      public static final String fromField_STOP1CONSTANTFORCEMIX
      fromField ROUTE name for SFFloat field named stop1ConstantForceMix.
      See Also:

      public static final String toField_STOP1CONSTANTFORCEMIX
      toField ROUTE name for SFFloat field named stop1ConstantForceMix.
      See Also:

      public static final String fromField_STOP1ERRORCORRECTION
      fromField ROUTE name for SFFloat field named stop1ErrorCorrection.
      See Also:

      public static final String toField_STOP1ERRORCORRECTION
      toField ROUTE name for SFFloat field named stop1ErrorCorrection.
      See Also:

      public static final String fromField_SUSPENSIONERRORCORRECTION
      fromField ROUTE name for SFFloat field named suspensionErrorCorrection.
      See Also:

      public static final String toField_SUSPENSIONERRORCORRECTION
      toField ROUTE name for SFFloat field named suspensionErrorCorrection.
      See Also:

      public static final String fromField_SUSPENSIONFORCE
      fromField ROUTE name for SFFloat field named suspensionForce.
      See Also:

      public static final String toField_SUSPENSIONFORCE
      toField ROUTE name for SFFloat field named suspensionForce.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • DoubleAxisHingeJoint

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint()
      Constructor for DoubleAxisHingeJoint to initialize member variables with default values.
    • DoubleAxisHingeJoint

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint(String DEFlabel)
      Utility constructor that assigns DEF label after initializing member variables with default values.
      DEFlabel - unique DEF name for this X3D node
  • Method Details

    • getElementName

      public final String getElementName()
      Provides name of this element: DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      Specified by:
      getElementName in class X3DConcreteElement
      name of this element
    • getComponent

      public final String getComponent()
      Defines X3D component for the DoubleAxisHingeJoint element: RigidBodyPhysics
      Specified by:
      getComponent in class X3DConcreteElement
      X3D component for this element
    • getComponentLevel

      public final int getComponentLevel()
      Provides default X3D component level for this element: 2
      Specified by:
      getComponentLevel in class X3DConcreteElement
      default X3D component level for this element
    • getFieldType

      public String getFieldType(String fieldName)
      Indicate type corresponding to given fieldName.
      Specified by:
      getFieldType in class X3DConcreteElement
      fieldName - name of field in this X3D node
      X3D type (SFvec3f etc.), otherwise ConfigurationProperties.ERROR_UNKNOWN_FIELD_TYPE if not recognized
      See Also:
    • getAccessType

      public String getAccessType(String fieldName)
      Indicate accessType corresponding to given fieldName.
      Specified by:
      getAccessType in class X3DConcreteElement
      fieldName - name of field in this X3D node
      X3D accessType (inputOnly etc.), otherwise ConfigurationProperties.ERROR_UNKNOWN_FIELD_ACCESSTYPE if not recognized
      See Also:
    • getContainerFieldDefault

      public final String getContainerFieldDefault()
      containerField describes typical field relationship of a node to its parent. Programmer usage is not ordinarily needed when using this API, since this default value is provided for informational purposes only.
      Specified by:
      getContainerFieldDefault in class X3DConcreteNode
      default containerField value
      See Also:
    • initialize

      public final void initialize()
      Initialize all member variables to default values.
      initialize in class X3DConcreteNode
    • getAnchorPoint

      public float[] getAnchorPoint()
      Provide array of 3-tuple float results from inputOutput SFVec3f field named anchorPoint.

      Tooltip: anchorPoint is joint center, specified in world coordinates. *
      Specified by:
      getAnchorPoint in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      value of anchorPoint field
    • setAnchorPoint

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setAnchorPoint(float[] newValue)
      Accessor method to assign 3-tuple float array to inputOutput SFVec3f field named anchorPoint.

      Tooltip: anchorPoint is joint center, specified in world coordinates. *
      Specified by:
      setAnchorPoint in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      newValue - is new value for the anchorPoint field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setAnchorPoint

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setAnchorPoint(SFVec3f newValue)
      Assign typed object value to SFVec3f anchorPoint field, similar to setAnchorPoint(float[]).
      newValue - is new value for the anchorPoint field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setAnchorPoint

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setAnchorPoint(float x, float y, float z)
      Assign values to SFVec3f anchorPoint field, similar to setAnchorPoint(float[]).
      x - first component
      y - second component
      z - third component
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setAnchorPoint

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setAnchorPoint(double x, double y, double z)
      Utility method: double-precision set-parameters accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar to setAnchorPoint(float[]).
      x - first component
      y - second component
      z - third component
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setAnchorPoint

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setAnchorPoint(double[] newArray)
      Utility method: double-precision set-array accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar to setAnchorPoint(float[]).
      newArray - is new value for field
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getAxis1

      public float[] getAxis1()
      Provide array of 3-tuple float results from inputOutput SFVec3f field named axis1.

      Tooltip: axis1 defines axis vector of joint connection to body1.
      • Hint: 0 0 0 means motor disabled about this axis.
      Specified by:
      getAxis1 in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      value of axis1 field
    • setAxis1

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setAxis1(float[] newValue)
      Accessor method to assign 3-tuple float array to inputOutput SFVec3f field named axis1.

      Tooltip: axis1 defines axis vector of joint connection to body1.
      • Hint: 0 0 0 means motor disabled about this axis.
      Specified by:
      setAxis1 in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      newValue - is new value for the axis1 field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setAxis1

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setAxis1(SFVec3f newValue)
      Assign typed object value to SFVec3f axis1 field, similar to setAxis1(float[]).
      newValue - is new value for the axis1 field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setAxis1

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setAxis1(float x, float y, float z)
      Assign values to SFVec3f axis1 field, similar to setAxis1(float[]).
      x - first component
      y - second component
      z - third component
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setAxis1

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setAxis1(double x, double y, double z)
      Utility method: double-precision set-parameters accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar to setAxis1(float[]).
      x - first component
      y - second component
      z - third component
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setAxis1

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setAxis1(double[] newArray)
      Utility method: double-precision set-array accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar to setAxis1(float[]).
      newArray - is new value for field
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getAxis2

      public float[] getAxis2()
      Provide array of 3-tuple float results from inputOutput SFVec3f field named axis2.

      Tooltip: axis2 defines axis vector of joint connection to body2.
      • Hint: 0 0 0 means motor disabled about this axis.
      Specified by:
      getAxis2 in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      value of axis2 field
    • setAxis2

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setAxis2(float[] newValue)
      Accessor method to assign 3-tuple float array to inputOutput SFVec3f field named axis2.

      Tooltip: axis2 defines axis vector of joint connection to body2.
      • Hint: 0 0 0 means motor disabled about this axis.
      Specified by:
      setAxis2 in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      newValue - is new value for the axis2 field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setAxis2

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setAxis2(SFVec3f newValue)
      Assign typed object value to SFVec3f axis2 field, similar to setAxis2(float[]).
      newValue - is new value for the axis2 field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setAxis2

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setAxis2(float x, float y, float z)
      Assign values to SFVec3f axis2 field, similar to setAxis2(float[]).
      x - first component
      y - second component
      z - third component
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setAxis2

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setAxis2(double x, double y, double z)
      Utility method: double-precision set-parameters accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar to setAxis2(float[]).
      x - first component
      y - second component
      z - third component
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setAxis2

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setAxis2(double[] newArray)
      Utility method: double-precision set-array accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar to setAxis2(float[]).
      newArray - is new value for field
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getBody1

      public RigidBody getBody1()
      Provide org.web3d.x3d.sai.RigidBodyPhysics.RigidBody instance (using a properly typed node) from inputOutput SFNode field body1.
      Specified by:
      getBody1 in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      Specified by:
      getBody1 in interface X3DRigidJointNode
      value of body1 field
      See Also:

      • Tooltip: [RigidBody] The body1 and body2 fields indicate the two RigidBody nodes connected by this joint. *
    • setBody1

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setBody1(RigidBody newValue)
      Accessor method to assign org.web3d.x3d.sai.RigidBodyPhysics.RigidBody instance (using a properly typed node) to inputOutput SFNode field body1.
      Specified by:
      setBody1 in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      Specified by:
      setBody1 in interface X3DRigidJointNode
      newValue - is new value for the body1 field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
      See Also:
    • clearBody1

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint clearBody1()
      Utility method to clear SFNode value of body1 field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive setAttribute method invocations).
    • setBody1

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setBody1(ProtoInstance newValue)
      Assign ProtoInstance (using a properly typed node) to inputOutput SFNode field body1.
      newValue - is new value for the body1 field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
      See Also:
    • hasBody1

      public boolean hasBody1()
      Indicate whether an object is available for inputOutput SFNode field body1.
      whether a properly typed node or ProtoInstance or CommentsBlock is available.
      See Also:
    • getBody1AnchorPoint

      public float[] getBody1AnchorPoint()
      Provide array of 3-tuple float results from outputOnly SFVec3f field named body1AnchorPoint.

      Tooltip: body1AnchorPoint describes anchorPoint position relative to local coordinate reference frame.
      • Hint: can detect separation if body1AnchorPoint!=body2AnchorPoint.
      • Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.
      Specified by:
      getBody1AnchorPoint in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      value of body1AnchorPoint field
    • getBody1Axis

      public float[] getBody1Axis()
      Provide array of 3-tuple float results from outputOnly SFVec3f field named body1Axis.

      Tooltip: body1Axis describes report the current location of the anchor point relative to the corresponding body. This can be used to determine if the joint has broken.
      • Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.
      Specified by:
      getBody1Axis in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      value of body1Axis field
    • getBody2

      public RigidBody getBody2()
      Provide org.web3d.x3d.sai.RigidBodyPhysics.RigidBody instance (using a properly typed node) from inputOutput SFNode field body2.
      Specified by:
      getBody2 in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      Specified by:
      getBody2 in interface X3DRigidJointNode
      value of body2 field
      See Also:

      • Tooltip: [RigidBody] The body1 and body2 fields indicate the two RigidBody nodes connected by this joint. *
    • setBody2

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setBody2(RigidBody newValue)
      Accessor method to assign org.web3d.x3d.sai.RigidBodyPhysics.RigidBody instance (using a properly typed node) to inputOutput SFNode field body2.
      Specified by:
      setBody2 in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      Specified by:
      setBody2 in interface X3DRigidJointNode
      newValue - is new value for the body2 field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
      See Also:
    • clearBody2

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint clearBody2()
      Utility method to clear SFNode value of body2 field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive setAttribute method invocations).
    • setBody2

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setBody2(ProtoInstance newValue)
      Assign ProtoInstance (using a properly typed node) to inputOutput SFNode field body2.
      newValue - is new value for the body2 field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
      See Also:
    • hasBody2

      public boolean hasBody2()
      Indicate whether an object is available for inputOutput SFNode field body2.
      whether a properly typed node or ProtoInstance or CommentsBlock is available.
      See Also:
    • getBody2AnchorPoint

      public float[] getBody2AnchorPoint()
      Provide array of 3-tuple float results from outputOnly SFVec3f field named body2AnchorPoint.

      Tooltip: body2AnchorPoint describes anchorPoint position relative to local coordinate reference frame.
      • Hint: can detect separation if body1AnchorPoint!=body2AnchorPoint.
      • Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.
      Specified by:
      getBody2AnchorPoint in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      value of body2AnchorPoint field
    • getBody2Axis

      public float[] getBody2Axis()
      Provide array of 3-tuple float results from outputOnly SFVec3f field named body2Axis.

      Tooltip: body1Axis describes report the current location of the anchor point relative to the corresponding body. This can be used to determine if the joint has broken.
      • Warning: it is an error to define this transient outputOnly field in an X3D file, instead only use it a source for ROUTE events.
      Specified by:
      getBody2Axis in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      value of body2Axis field
    • getDesiredAngularVelocity1

      public float getDesiredAngularVelocity1()
      Provide float value from inputOutput SFFloat field named desiredAngularVelocity1.

      Tooltip: desiredAngularVelocity1 is goal rotation rate for hinge connection to body1. *
      Specified by:
      getDesiredAngularVelocity1 in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      value of desiredAngularVelocity1 field
    • setDesiredAngularVelocity1

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setDesiredAngularVelocity1(float newValue)
      Accessor method to assign float value to inputOutput SFFloat field named desiredAngularVelocity1.

      Tooltip: desiredAngularVelocity1 is goal rotation rate for hinge connection to body1. *
      Specified by:
      setDesiredAngularVelocity1 in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      newValue - is new value for the desiredAngularVelocity1 field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setDesiredAngularVelocity1

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setDesiredAngularVelocity1(SFFloat newValue)
      Assign typed object value to SFFloat desiredAngularVelocity1 field, similar to setDesiredAngularVelocity1(float).
      newValue - is new value for the desiredAngularVelocity1 field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setDesiredAngularVelocity1

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setDesiredAngularVelocity1(double newValue)
      Utility method: double-precision set-parameter accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar to setDesiredAngularVelocity1(float).
      newValue - is new value for field
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getDesiredAngularVelocity2

      public float getDesiredAngularVelocity2()
      Provide float value from inputOutput SFFloat field named desiredAngularVelocity2.

      Tooltip: desiredAngularVelocity2 is goal rotation rate for hinge connection to body2. *
      Specified by:
      getDesiredAngularVelocity2 in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      value of desiredAngularVelocity2 field
    • setDesiredAngularVelocity2

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setDesiredAngularVelocity2(float newValue)
      Accessor method to assign float value to inputOutput SFFloat field named desiredAngularVelocity2.

      Tooltip: desiredAngularVelocity2 is goal rotation rate for hinge connection to body2. *
      Specified by:
      setDesiredAngularVelocity2 in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      newValue - is new value for the desiredAngularVelocity2 field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setDesiredAngularVelocity2

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setDesiredAngularVelocity2(SFFloat newValue)
      Assign typed object value to SFFloat desiredAngularVelocity2 field, similar to setDesiredAngularVelocity2(float).
      newValue - is new value for the desiredAngularVelocity2 field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setDesiredAngularVelocity2

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setDesiredAngularVelocity2(double newValue)
      Utility method: double-precision set-parameter accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar to setDesiredAngularVelocity2(float).
      newValue - is new value for field
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getForceOutput

      public String[] getForceOutput()
      Provide array of String enumeration results (baseType MFString) ['"ALL"' | '"NONE"' | '"etc."'] from inputOutput MFString field named forceOutput.

      Tooltip: forceOutput controls which output fields are generated for the next frame. Values are ALL, NONE, or exact names of output fields updated at start of next frame. *

      Available enumeration values for string comparison: ALL, NONE.
      Specified by:
      getForceOutput in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      Specified by:
      getForceOutput in interface X3DRigidJointNode
      value of forceOutput field
    • getForceOutputList

      public ArrayList<String> getForceOutputList()
      Utility method to get ArrayList value of MFString forceOutput field, similar to getForceOutput().
      value of forceOutput field
    • getForceOutputString

      public String getForceOutputString()
      Utility method to get String value of MFString forceOutput field, similar to getForceOutput().
      value of forceOutput field
    • setForceOutput

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setForceOutput(String[] newValue)
      Accessor method to assign String enumeration array (""ALL"" | ""NONE"") to inputOutput MFString field named forceOutput.

      Hint: authors have option to choose from an extendible list of predefined enumeration values (ALL, NONE).

      Tooltip: forceOutput controls which output fields are generated for the next frame. Values are ALL, NONE, or exact names of output fields updated at start of next frame. *
      Specified by:
      setForceOutput in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      Specified by:
      setForceOutput in interface X3DRigidJointNode
      newValue - is new value for the forceOutput field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setForceOutput

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setForceOutput(MFString newValue)
      Assign typed object value to MFString forceOutput field, similar to setForceOutput(String[]).
      newValue - is new value for the forceOutput field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setForceOutput

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setForceOutput(SFString newValue)
      Assign single SFString object value to MFString forceOutput field, similar to setForceOutput(String[]).
      newValue - is new value for the forceOutput field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
      See Also:
    • setForceOutput

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setForceOutput(String newValue)
      Assign singleton String value to MFString forceOutput field, similar to setForceOutput(String[]).
      newValue - is new value for the forceOutput field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
      See Also:
    • setForceOutput

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setForceOutput(ArrayList<String> newValue)
      Assign ArrayList value of MFString forceOutput field, similar to setForceOutput(String[]).
      newValue - is new value for the forceOutput field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • clearForceOutput

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint clearForceOutput()
      Utility method to clear MFString value of forceOutput field. This method does not initialize withFORCEOUTPUT_DEFAULT_VALUE.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive setAttribute method invocations).
    • addForceOutput

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint addForceOutput(String newValue)
      Add singleton String value to MFString forceOutput field.
      newValue - is new value to add to the forceOutput field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
      See Also:
    • addForceOutput

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint addForceOutput(SFString newValue)
      Add singleton SFString value to MFString forceOutput field.
      newValue - is new value to add to the forceOutput field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
      See Also:
    • getHinge1Angle

      public float getHinge1Angle()
      Provide float value unit axis, angle (in radians) from outputOnly SFFloat field named hinge1Angle.
      Specified by:
      getHinge1Angle in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      value of hinge1Angle field
    • getHinge1AngleRate

      public float getHinge1AngleRate()
      Provide float value unit axis, angle (in radians) from outputOnly SFFloat field named hinge1AngleRate.
      Specified by:
      getHinge1AngleRate in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      value of hinge1AngleRate field
    • getHinge2Angle

      public float getHinge2Angle()
      Provide float value unit axis, angle (in radians) from outputOnly SFFloat field named hinge2Angle.
      Specified by:
      getHinge2Angle in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      value of hinge2Angle field
    • getHinge2AngleRate

      public float getHinge2AngleRate()
      Provide float value unit axis, angle (in radians) from outputOnly SFFloat field named hinge2AngleRate.
      Specified by:
      getHinge2AngleRate in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      value of hinge2AngleRate field
    • getIS

      public IS getIS()
      Provide IS instance (using a properly typed node) from inputOutput SFNode field IS.
      Specified by:
      getIS in class X3DConcreteNode
      value of IS field
      See Also:
    • setIS

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setIS(IS newValue)
      Accessor method to assign IS instance (using a properly typed node) to inputOutput SFNode field IS.
      Specified by:
      setIS in class X3DConcreteNode
      newValue - is new value for the IS field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
      See Also:
    • clearIS

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint clearIS()
      Utility method to clear SFNode value of IS field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive setAttribute method invocations).
    • hasIS

      public boolean hasIS()
      Indicate whether an object is available for inputOutput SFNode field IS.
      whether a concrete statement or CommentsBlock is available.
      See Also:
    • getMaxAngle1

      public float getMaxAngle1()
      Provide float value unit axis, angle (in radians) from inputOutput SFFloat field named maxAngle1.

      Tooltip: [-pi,pi] maxAngle1 is maximum rotation angle for hinge. *
      Specified by:
      getMaxAngle1 in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      value of maxAngle1 field
    • setMaxAngle1

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setMaxAngle1(float newValue)
      Accessor method to assign float value unit axis, angle (in radians) to inputOutput SFFloat field named maxAngle1.

      Tooltip: [-pi,pi] maxAngle1 is maximum rotation angle for hinge. *
      Specified by:
      setMaxAngle1 in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      newValue - is new value for the maxAngle1 field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setMaxAngle1

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setMaxAngle1(SFFloat newValue)
      Assign typed object value to SFFloat maxAngle1 field, similar to setMaxAngle1(float).
      newValue - is new value for the maxAngle1 field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setMaxAngle1

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setMaxAngle1(double newValue)
      Utility method: double-precision set-parameter accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar to setMaxAngle1(float).
      newValue - is new value for field
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getMaxTorque1

      public float getMaxTorque1()
      Provide float value from inputOutput SFFloat field named maxTorque1.

      Tooltip: maxTorque1 is maximum rotational torque applied by corresponding motor axis to achieve desiredAngularVelocity1. *
      Specified by:
      getMaxTorque1 in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      value of maxTorque1 field
    • setMaxTorque1

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setMaxTorque1(float newValue)
      Accessor method to assign float value to inputOutput SFFloat field named maxTorque1.

      Tooltip: maxTorque1 is maximum rotational torque applied by corresponding motor axis to achieve desiredAngularVelocity1. *
      Specified by:
      setMaxTorque1 in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      newValue - is new value for the maxTorque1 field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setMaxTorque1

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setMaxTorque1(SFFloat newValue)
      Assign typed object value to SFFloat maxTorque1 field, similar to setMaxTorque1(float).
      newValue - is new value for the maxTorque1 field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setMaxTorque1

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setMaxTorque1(double newValue)
      Utility method: double-precision set-parameter accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar to setMaxTorque1(float).
      newValue - is new value for field
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getMaxTorque2

      public float getMaxTorque2()
      Provide float value from inputOutput SFFloat field named maxTorque2.

      Tooltip: maxTorque2 is maximum rotational torque applied by corresponding motor axis to achieve desiredAngularVelocity2. *
      Specified by:
      getMaxTorque2 in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      value of maxTorque2 field
    • setMaxTorque2

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setMaxTorque2(float newValue)
      Accessor method to assign float value to inputOutput SFFloat field named maxTorque2.

      Tooltip: maxTorque2 is maximum rotational torque applied by corresponding motor axis to achieve desiredAngularVelocity2. *
      Specified by:
      setMaxTorque2 in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      newValue - is new value for the maxTorque2 field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setMaxTorque2

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setMaxTorque2(SFFloat newValue)
      Assign typed object value to SFFloat maxTorque2 field, similar to setMaxTorque2(float).
      newValue - is new value for the maxTorque2 field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setMaxTorque2

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setMaxTorque2(double newValue)
      Utility method: double-precision set-parameter accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar to setMaxTorque2(float).
      newValue - is new value for field
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getMetadata

      public X3DMetadataObject getMetadata()
      Provide org.web3d.x3d.sai.Core.X3DMetadataObject instance (using a properly typed node) from inputOutput SFNode field metadata.
      Specified by:
      getMetadata in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      Specified by:
      getMetadata in interface X3DNode
      Specified by:
      getMetadata in interface X3DRigidJointNode
      value of metadata field
      See Also:
    • setMetadata

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setMetadata(X3DMetadataObject newValue)
      Accessor method to assign org.web3d.x3d.sai.Core.X3DMetadataObject instance (using a properly typed node) to inputOutput SFNode field metadata.
      Specified by:
      setMetadata in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      Specified by:
      setMetadata in interface X3DNode
      Specified by:
      setMetadata in interface X3DRigidJointNode
      Specified by:
      setMetadata in class X3DConcreteNode
      newValue - is new value for the metadata field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
      See Also:
    • clearMetadata

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint clearMetadata()
      Utility method to clear SFNode value of metadata field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive setAttribute method invocations).
    • setMetadata

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setMetadata(ProtoInstance newValue)
      Assign ProtoInstance (using a properly typed node) to inputOutput SFNode field metadata.
      Specified by:
      setMetadata in class X3DConcreteNode
      newValue - is new value for the metadata field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
      See Also:
    • hasMetadata

      public boolean hasMetadata()
      Indicate whether an object is available for inputOutput SFNode field metadata.
      whether a properly typed node or ProtoInstance or CommentsBlock is available.
      See Also:
    • getMinAngle1

      public float getMinAngle1()
      Provide float value unit axis, angle (in radians) from inputOutput SFFloat field named minAngle1.

      Tooltip: [-pi,pi] minAngle1 is minimum rotation angle for hinge. *
      Specified by:
      getMinAngle1 in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      value of minAngle1 field
    • setMinAngle1

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setMinAngle1(float newValue)
      Accessor method to assign float value unit axis, angle (in radians) to inputOutput SFFloat field named minAngle1.

      Tooltip: [-pi,pi] minAngle1 is minimum rotation angle for hinge. *
      Specified by:
      setMinAngle1 in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      newValue - is new value for the minAngle1 field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setMinAngle1

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setMinAngle1(SFFloat newValue)
      Assign typed object value to SFFloat minAngle1 field, similar to setMinAngle1(float).
      newValue - is new value for the minAngle1 field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setMinAngle1

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setMinAngle1(double newValue)
      Utility method: double-precision set-parameter accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar to setMinAngle1(float).
      newValue - is new value for field
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getStop1Bounce

      public float getStop1Bounce()
      Provide float value from inputOutput SFFloat field named stop1Bounce.

      Tooltip: [0,1] stop1Bounce is velocity factor for bounce back once stop point is reached.
      • Hint: 0 means no bounce, 1 means return velocity matches.
      Specified by:
      getStop1Bounce in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      value of stop1Bounce field
    • setStop1Bounce

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setStop1Bounce(float newValue)
      Accessor method to assign float value to inputOutput SFFloat field named stop1Bounce.

      Tooltip: [0,1] stop1Bounce is velocity factor for bounce back once stop point is reached.
      • Hint: 0 means no bounce, 1 means return velocity matches.
      Specified by:
      setStop1Bounce in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      newValue - is new value for the stop1Bounce field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setStop1Bounce

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setStop1Bounce(SFFloat newValue)
      Assign typed object value to SFFloat stop1Bounce field, similar to setStop1Bounce(float).
      newValue - is new value for the stop1Bounce field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setStop1Bounce

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setStop1Bounce(double newValue)
      Utility method: double-precision set-parameter accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar to setStop1Bounce(float).
      newValue - is new value for field
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getStop1ConstantForceMix

      public float getStop1ConstantForceMix()
      Provide float value from inputOutput SFFloat field named stop1ConstantForceMix.

      Tooltip: [0,1] stop1ConstantForceMix value applies a constant force value to make colliding surfaces appear to be somewhat soft.
      • Hint: use with suspensionForce to improve softness and numerical stability.
      • Hint: 0 means no stop adjustment, 1 means springier stop response.
      Specified by:
      getStop1ConstantForceMix in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      value of stop1ConstantForceMix field
    • setStop1ConstantForceMix

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setStop1ConstantForceMix(float newValue)
      Accessor method to assign float value to inputOutput SFFloat field named stop1ConstantForceMix.

      Tooltip: [0,1] stop1ConstantForceMix value applies a constant force value to make colliding surfaces appear to be somewhat soft.
      • Hint: use with suspensionForce to improve softness and numerical stability.
      • Hint: 0 means no stop adjustment, 1 means springier stop response.
      Specified by:
      setStop1ConstantForceMix in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      newValue - is new value for the stop1ConstantForceMix field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setStop1ConstantForceMix

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setStop1ConstantForceMix(SFFloat newValue)
      Assign typed object value to SFFloat stop1ConstantForceMix field, similar to setStop1ConstantForceMix(float).
      newValue - is new value for the stop1ConstantForceMix field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setStop1ConstantForceMix

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setStop1ConstantForceMix(double newValue)
      Utility method: double-precision set-parameter accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar to setStop1ConstantForceMix(float).
      newValue - is new value for field
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getStop1ErrorCorrection

      public float getStop1ErrorCorrection()
      Provide float value from inputOutput SFFloat field named stop1ErrorCorrection.

      Tooltip: [0,1] stop1ErrorCorrection is fraction of error correction performed during time step once stop point is reached.
      • Hint: 0 means no error correction, 1 means all error corrected in single step.
      Specified by:
      getStop1ErrorCorrection in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      value of stop1ErrorCorrection field
    • setStop1ErrorCorrection

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setStop1ErrorCorrection(float newValue)
      Accessor method to assign float value to inputOutput SFFloat field named stop1ErrorCorrection.

      Tooltip: [0,1] stop1ErrorCorrection is fraction of error correction performed during time step once stop point is reached.
      • Hint: 0 means no error correction, 1 means all error corrected in single step.
      Specified by:
      setStop1ErrorCorrection in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      newValue - is new value for the stop1ErrorCorrection field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setStop1ErrorCorrection

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setStop1ErrorCorrection(SFFloat newValue)
      Assign typed object value to SFFloat stop1ErrorCorrection field, similar to setStop1ErrorCorrection(float).
      newValue - is new value for the stop1ErrorCorrection field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setStop1ErrorCorrection

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setStop1ErrorCorrection(double newValue)
      Utility method: double-precision set-parameter accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar to setStop1ErrorCorrection(float).
      newValue - is new value for field
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getSuspensionErrorCorrection

      public float getSuspensionErrorCorrection()
      Provide float value from inputOutput SFFloat field named suspensionErrorCorrection.

      Tooltip: [0,1] suspensionErrorCorrection describes how quickly the system resolves intersection errors due to floating-point inaccuracies.
      • Hint: use with stop1ConstantForceMix to improve softness and numerical stability.
      • Hint: 0 means no stop adjustment, 1 means springier stop response.
      Specified by:
      getSuspensionErrorCorrection in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      value of suspensionErrorCorrection field
    • setSuspensionErrorCorrection

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setSuspensionErrorCorrection(float newValue)
      Accessor method to assign float value to inputOutput SFFloat field named suspensionErrorCorrection.

      Tooltip: [0,1] suspensionErrorCorrection describes how quickly the system resolves intersection errors due to floating-point inaccuracies.
      • Hint: use with stop1ConstantForceMix to improve softness and numerical stability.
      • Hint: 0 means no stop adjustment, 1 means springier stop response.
      Specified by:
      setSuspensionErrorCorrection in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      newValue - is new value for the suspensionErrorCorrection field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setSuspensionErrorCorrection

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setSuspensionErrorCorrection(SFFloat newValue)
      Assign typed object value to SFFloat suspensionErrorCorrection field, similar to setSuspensionErrorCorrection(float).
      newValue - is new value for the suspensionErrorCorrection field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setSuspensionErrorCorrection

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setSuspensionErrorCorrection(double newValue)
      Utility method: double-precision set-parameter accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar to setSuspensionErrorCorrection(float).
      newValue - is new value for field
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getSuspensionForce

      public float getSuspensionForce()
      Provide float value from inputOutput SFFloat field named suspensionForce.

      Tooltip: [0,1] suspensionForce describes how quickly the system resolves intersection errors due to floating-point inaccuracies.
      • Hint: use with stop1ConstantForceMix to improve softness and numerical stability.
      • Hint: 0 means no stop adjustment, 1 means springier stop response.
      Specified by:
      getSuspensionForce in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      value of suspensionForce field
    • setSuspensionForce

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setSuspensionForce(float newValue)
      Accessor method to assign float value to inputOutput SFFloat field named suspensionForce.

      Tooltip: [0,1] suspensionForce describes how quickly the system resolves intersection errors due to floating-point inaccuracies.
      • Hint: use with stop1ConstantForceMix to improve softness and numerical stability.
      • Hint: 0 means no stop adjustment, 1 means springier stop response.
      Specified by:
      setSuspensionForce in interface DoubleAxisHingeJoint
      newValue - is new value for the suspensionForce field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setSuspensionForce

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setSuspensionForce(SFFloat newValue)
      Assign typed object value to SFFloat suspensionForce field, similar to setSuspensionForce(float).
      newValue - is new value for the suspensionForce field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setSuspensionForce

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setSuspensionForce(double newValue)
      Utility method: double-precision set-parameter accessor for X3D floating-point type, similar to setSuspensionForce(float).
      newValue - is new value for field
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getDEF

      public String getDEF()
      Provide String value from inputOutput SFString field named DEF.

      Tooltip: DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.
      getDEF in class X3DConcreteNode
      value of DEF field
      See Also:
    • setDEF

      public final DoubleAxisHingeJoint setDEF(String newValue)
      Accessor method to assign String value to inputOutput SFString field named DEF.

      Tooltip: DEF defines a unique ID name for this node, referenceable by other nodes.

      Note that setting the DEF value clears the USE value.
      Specified by:
      setDEF in class X3DConcreteNode
      newValue - is new value for the DEF field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setDEF

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setDEF(SFString newValue)
      Assign typed object value to SFString DEF field, similar to setDEF(String).
      newValue - is new value for the DEF field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getUSE

      public String getUSE()
      Provide String value from inputOutput SFString field named USE.

      Tooltip: USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
      • Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
      • Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
      • Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.
      getUSE in class X3DConcreteNode
      value of USE field
      See Also:
    • setUSE

      public final DoubleAxisHingeJoint setUSE(String newValue)
      Accessor method to assign String value to inputOutput SFString field named USE.

      Tooltip: USE means reuse an already DEF-ed node ID, excluding all child nodes and all other attributes (except for containerField, which can have a different value).
      • Hint: USE references to previously defined DEF geometry (instead of duplicating nodes) can improve performance.
      • Warning: do NOT include any child nodes, a DEF attribute, or any other attribute values (except for containerField) when defining a USE attribute.
      • Warning: each USE value must match a corresponding DEF value that is defined earlier in the scene.

      Note: each USE node is still an independent object, with the USE value matching the DEF value in the preceding object.

      Warning: invoking the setUSE() method on this node resets all other fields to their default values (except for containerField) and also releases all child nodes.

      Warning: no other operations can be performed to modify a USE node other than setting an alternate containerField value.
      Specified by:
      setUSE in class X3DConcreteNode
      newValue - is new value for the USE field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setUSE

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setUSE(SFString newValue)
      Assign typed object value to SFString USE field, similar to setUSE(String).
      newValue - is new value for the USE field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getCssClass

      public String getCssClass()
      Provide String value from inputOutput SFString field named class.
      getCssClass in class X3DConcreteElement
      value of class field
      See Also:
    • setCssClass

      public final DoubleAxisHingeJoint setCssClass(String newValue)
      Accessor method to assign String value to inputOutput SFString field named class.
      Specified by:
      setCssClass in class X3DConcreteNode
      newValue - is new value for the class field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
      See Also:
    • setCssClass

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setCssClass(SFString newValue)
      Assign typed object value to SFString cssClass field, similar to setCssClass(String).
      newValue - is new value for the class field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getHtmlID

      public String getHtmlID()
      Provide String value from inputOutput SFString field named id.
      getHtmlID in class X3DConcreteElement
      value of id field
      See Also:
    • setHtmlID

      public final DoubleAxisHingeJoint setHtmlID(String newValue)
      Accessor method to assign String value to inputOutput SFString field named id.
      Specified by:
      setHtmlID in class X3DConcreteNode
      newValue - is new value for the id field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
      See Also:
    • setHtmlID

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setHtmlID(SFString newValue)
      Assign typed object value to SFString HtmlID field, similar to setHtmlID(String).
      newValue - is new value for the id field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getCssStyle

      public String getCssStyle()
      Provide String value from inputOutput SFString field named style.
      getCssStyle in class X3DConcreteElement
      value of style field
      See Also:
    • setCssStyle

      public final DoubleAxisHingeJoint setCssStyle(String newValue)
      Accessor method to assign String value to inputOutput SFString field named style.
      Specified by:
      setCssStyle in class X3DConcreteNode
      newValue - is new value for the style field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
      See Also:
    • setCssStyle

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setCssStyle(SFString newValue)
      Assign typed object value to SFString cssClass field, similar to setCssStyle(String).
      newValue - is new value for the style field.
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • setUSE

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint setUSE(DoubleAxisHingeJoint DEFnode)
      Assign a USE reference to another DEF node of same node type, similar to setUSE(String).

      Warning: note that the setUSE() method on this node resets all other fields to their default values (except for containerField) and also releases all child nodes.

      Warning: no other operations can be performed to modify a USE node other than setting an alternate containerField value.
      DEFnode - must have a DEF value defined
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • addComments

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint addComments(String newComment)
      Add comment as String to contained commentsList.
      Specified by:
      addComments in class X3DConcreteElement
      newComment - initial value
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
      See Also:
    • addComments

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint addComments(String[] newComments)
      Add comments as String[] array to contained commentsList.
      Specified by:
      addComments in class X3DConcreteElement
      newComments - array of comments
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive setAttribute method invocations).
    • addComments

      public DoubleAxisHingeJoint addComments(CommentsBlock newCommentsBlock)
      Add CommentsBlock to contained commentsList.
      Specified by:
      addComments in class X3DConcreteElement
      newCommentsBlock - block of comments to add
      DoubleAxisHingeJoint - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive setAttribute method invocations).
    • toStringX3D

      public String toStringX3D(int indentLevel)
      Recursive method to provide X3D string serialization of this model subgraph, utilizing XML encoding and conforming to X3D Canonical Form.
      Specified by:
      toStringX3D in class X3DConcreteElement
      indentLevel - number of levels of indentation for this element
      X3D string
      See Also:
    • toStringClassicVRML

      public String toStringClassicVRML(int indentLevel)
      Recursive method to provide ClassicVRML string serialization.
      Specified by:
      toStringClassicVRML in class X3DConcreteElement
      indentLevel - number of levels of indentation for this element
      ClassicVRML string
      See Also:
    • toStringVRML97

      public String toStringVRML97(int indentLevel)
      Recursive method to provide VRML97 string serialization.
      Specified by:
      toStringVRML97 in class X3DConcreteElement
      indentLevel - number of levels of indentation for this element
      VRML97 string
      See Also:
    • findElementByNameValue

      public X3DConcreteElement findElementByNameValue(String nameValue)
      Recursive method to provide object reference to node or statement by name attribute, if found as part of this element or in a contained element. Elements with name fields include meta, Metadata* nodes, field/fieldValue, ProtoDeclare/ExternProtoDeclare/ProtoInstance, CAD and HAnim nodes.

      Warning: first start with findAncestorScene() to check entire scene graph, or findAncestorX3D() to check entire model document.

      Warning: more than one element may be found that has the same name, this method does not handle that case.
      Specified by:
      findElementByNameValue in class X3DConcreteElement
      nameValue - is value of the name field being searched for in this element and child elements(if any)
      object reference to found element, null otherwise
      See Also:
    • findElementByNameValue

      public X3DConcreteElement findElementByNameValue(String nameValue, String elementName)
      Recursive method to provide object reference to node or statement by name attribute, if found as part of this element or in a contained element. Elements with name fields include meta, Metadata* nodes, field/fieldValue, ProtoDeclare/ExternProtoDeclare/ProtoInstance, CAD and HAnim nodes.

      Warning: first start with findAncestorScene() to check entire scene graph, or findAncestorX3D() to check entire model document.

      Warning: more than one element may be found that has the same name, this method does not handle that case.
      Specified by:
      findElementByNameValue in class X3DConcreteElement
      nameValue - is value of the name field being searched for in this element and child elements(if any)
      elementName - identifies the element of interest (meta MetadataString ProtoDeclare CADassembly ProtoInstance HAnimHumanoid etc.)
      object reference to found element, null otherwise
      See Also:
    • hasElementByNameValue

      public boolean hasElementByNameValue(String nameValue, String elementName)
      Recursive method to determine whether node or statement with given name attribute is found, meaning both objects are attached to same scene graph.
      nameValue - is value of the name field being searched for in this element and child elements(if any)
      elementName - identifies the element of interest (meta MetadataString ProtoDeclare CADassembly ProtoInstance HAnimHumanoid etc.)
      whether node is found
      See Also:
    • findNodeByDEF

      public X3DConcreteNode findNodeByDEF(String DEFvalue)
      Recursive method to provide object reference to node by DEF, if found as this node or in a contained node.

      Warning: first start with findAncestorScene() to check entire scene graph, or findAncestorX3D() to check entire model document.

      Warning: more than one element may be found that has the same DEF, this method does not handle that case.
      Specified by:
      findNodeByDEF in class X3DConcreteElement
      DEFvalue - is value of the name field being searched for in this element and child elements(if any)
      object reference to found node, null otherwise
      See Also:
    • hasNodeByDEF

      public boolean hasNodeByDEF(String DEFvalue)
      Recursive method to determine whether node with DEFvalue is found, meaning both objects are attached to same scene graph.
      DEFvalue - is value of the name field being searched for in this element and child elements(if any)
      whether node is found
      See Also:
    • validate

      public String validate()
      Recursive method to validate this element plus all contained nodes and statements, using both datatype-specification value checks and regular expression (regex) checking of corresponding string values. TODO document specific validation methods.
      Specified by:
      validate in class X3DConcreteElement
      validation results (if any)