Interface X3DSoundProcessingNode

All Superinterfaces:
X3DChildNode, X3DNode, X3DSoundNode, X3DTimeDependentNode
All Known Subinterfaces:
Analyser, BiquadFilter, Convolver, Delay, DynamicsCompressor, Gain, WaveShaper
All Known Implementing Classes:
Analyser, BiquadFilter, Convolver, Delay, DynamicsCompressor, Gain, WaveShaper

public interface X3DSoundProcessingNode extends X3DTimeDependentNode, X3DSoundNode
Base type for all sound processing nodes, which are used to enhance audio with filtering, delaying, changing gain, etc.

Warning: this is an abstract interface that cannot be instantiated as a concrete object. Java programmers typically only need to use concrete objects provided by the org.web3d.x3d.jsail classes.
Package hint: This interface is defined by the X3D Java Language Binding Specification for the Scene Authoring Interface (SAI).
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Provide int value from outputOnly SFInt32 field named channelCount.
    Provide String enumeration value (baseType SFString) ["MAX" | "CLAMPED_MAX" | "EXPLICIT"] from inputOutput SFString field named channelCountMode.
    Provide String enumeration value (baseType SFString) ["SPEAKERS" | "DISCRETE"] from inputOutput SFString field named channelInterpretation.
    Provide String value from inputOutput SFString field named description.
    Provide double value in seconds within allowed range of [0,infinity) from outputOnly SFTime field named elapsedTime.
    Provide boolean value from inputOutput SFBool field named enabled.
    Provide float value from inputOutput SFFloat field named gain.
    Provide boolean value from outputOnly SFBool field named isActive.
    Provide boolean value from outputOnly SFBool field named isPaused.
    Provide org.web3d.x3d.sai.Core.X3DMetadataObject instance (using a properly typed node) from inputOutput SFNode field metadata.
    Provide double value in seconds from inputOutput SFTime field named pauseTime.
    Provide double value in seconds from inputOutput SFTime field named resumeTime.
    Provide double value in seconds from inputOutput SFTime field named startTime.
    Provide double value in seconds from inputOutput SFTime field named stopTime.
    Provide double value in seconds within allowed range of [0,infinity) from inputOutput SFTime field named tailTime.
    Accessor method to assign String enumeration value ("MAX" | "CLAMPED_MAX" | "EXPLICIT") to inputOutput SFString field named channelCountMode.
    Accessor method to assign String enumeration value ("SPEAKERS" | "DISCRETE") to inputOutput SFString field named channelInterpretation.
    Accessor method to assign String value to inputOutput SFString field named description.
    setEnabled(boolean newValue)
    Accessor method to assign boolean value to inputOutput SFBool field named enabled.
    setGain(float newValue)
    Accessor method to assign float value to inputOutput SFFloat field named gain.
    Accessor method to assign org.web3d.x3d.sai.Core.X3DMetadataObject instance (using a properly typed node) to inputOutput SFNode field metadata.
    setPauseTime(double newValue)
    Accessor method to assign double value in seconds to inputOutput SFTime field named pauseTime.
    setResumeTime(double newValue)
    Accessor method to assign double value in seconds to inputOutput SFTime field named resumeTime.
    setStartTime(double newValue)
    Accessor method to assign double value in seconds to inputOutput SFTime field named startTime.
    setStopTime(double newValue)
    Accessor method to assign double value in seconds to inputOutput SFTime field named stopTime.
    setTailTime(double newValue)
    Accessor method to assign double value in seconds to inputOutput SFTime field named tailTime.
  • Method Details

    • getChannelCount

      int getChannelCount()
      Provide int value from outputOnly SFInt32 field named channelCount.
      value of channelCount field
    • getChannelCountMode

      String getChannelCountMode()
      Provide String enumeration value (baseType SFString) ["MAX" | "CLAMPED_MAX" | "EXPLICIT"] from inputOutput SFString field named channelCountMode.
      value of channelCountMode field
    • setChannelCountMode

      X3DSoundProcessingNode setChannelCountMode(String newValue)
      Accessor method to assign String enumeration value ("MAX" | "CLAMPED_MAX" | "EXPLICIT") to inputOutput SFString field named channelCountMode.
      newValue - is new value for the channelCountMode field.
      X3DSoundProcessingNode - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getChannelInterpretation

      String getChannelInterpretation()
      Provide String enumeration value (baseType SFString) ["SPEAKERS" | "DISCRETE"] from inputOutput SFString field named channelInterpretation.
      value of channelInterpretation field
    • setChannelInterpretation

      X3DSoundProcessingNode setChannelInterpretation(String newValue)
      Accessor method to assign String enumeration value ("SPEAKERS" | "DISCRETE") to inputOutput SFString field named channelInterpretation.
      newValue - is new value for the channelInterpretation field.
      X3DSoundProcessingNode - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      Provide String value from inputOutput SFString field named description.
      Specified by:
      getDescription in interface X3DSoundNode
      Specified by:
      getDescription in interface X3DTimeDependentNode
      value of description field
    • setDescription

      X3DSoundProcessingNode setDescription(String newValue)
      Accessor method to assign String value to inputOutput SFString field named description.
      Specified by:
      setDescription in interface X3DSoundNode
      Specified by:
      setDescription in interface X3DTimeDependentNode
      newValue - is new value for the description field.
      X3DSoundProcessingNode - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getElapsedTime

      double getElapsedTime()
      Provide double value in seconds within allowed range of [0,infinity) from outputOnly SFTime field named elapsedTime.
      Specified by:
      getElapsedTime in interface X3DTimeDependentNode
      value of elapsedTime field
    • getEnabled

      boolean getEnabled()
      Provide boolean value from inputOutput SFBool field named enabled.
      Specified by:
      getEnabled in interface X3DSoundNode
      value of enabled field
    • setEnabled

      X3DSoundProcessingNode setEnabled(boolean newValue)
      Accessor method to assign boolean value to inputOutput SFBool field named enabled.
      Specified by:
      setEnabled in interface X3DSoundNode
      newValue - is new value for the enabled field.
      X3DSoundProcessingNode - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getGain

      float getGain()
      Provide float value from inputOutput SFFloat field named gain.
      value of gain field
    • setGain

      X3DSoundProcessingNode setGain(float newValue)
      Accessor method to assign float value to inputOutput SFFloat field named gain.
      newValue - is new value for the gain field.
      X3DSoundProcessingNode - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getIsActive

      boolean getIsActive()
      Provide boolean value from outputOnly SFBool field named isActive.
      Specified by:
      getIsActive in interface X3DTimeDependentNode
      value of isActive field
    • getIsPaused

      boolean getIsPaused()
      Provide boolean value from outputOnly SFBool field named isPaused.
      Specified by:
      getIsPaused in interface X3DTimeDependentNode
      value of isPaused field
    • getMetadata

      X3DMetadataObject getMetadata()
      Provide org.web3d.x3d.sai.Core.X3DMetadataObject instance (using a properly typed node) from inputOutput SFNode field metadata.
      Specified by:
      getMetadata in interface X3DChildNode
      Specified by:
      getMetadata in interface X3DNode
      Specified by:
      getMetadata in interface X3DSoundNode
      Specified by:
      getMetadata in interface X3DTimeDependentNode
      value of metadata field
      See Also:
    • setMetadata

      Accessor method to assign org.web3d.x3d.sai.Core.X3DMetadataObject instance (using a properly typed node) to inputOutput SFNode field metadata.
      Specified by:
      setMetadata in interface X3DChildNode
      Specified by:
      setMetadata in interface X3DNode
      Specified by:
      setMetadata in interface X3DSoundNode
      Specified by:
      setMetadata in interface X3DTimeDependentNode
      newValue - is new value for the metadata field.
      X3DSoundProcessingNode - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
      See Also:
    • getPauseTime

      double getPauseTime()
      Provide double value in seconds from inputOutput SFTime field named pauseTime.
      Specified by:
      getPauseTime in interface X3DTimeDependentNode
      value of pauseTime field
    • setPauseTime

      X3DSoundProcessingNode setPauseTime(double newValue)
      Accessor method to assign double value in seconds to inputOutput SFTime field named pauseTime.
      Specified by:
      setPauseTime in interface X3DTimeDependentNode
      newValue - is new value for the pauseTime field.
      X3DSoundProcessingNode - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getResumeTime

      double getResumeTime()
      Provide double value in seconds from inputOutput SFTime field named resumeTime.
      Specified by:
      getResumeTime in interface X3DTimeDependentNode
      value of resumeTime field
    • setResumeTime

      X3DSoundProcessingNode setResumeTime(double newValue)
      Accessor method to assign double value in seconds to inputOutput SFTime field named resumeTime.
      Specified by:
      setResumeTime in interface X3DTimeDependentNode
      newValue - is new value for the resumeTime field.
      X3DSoundProcessingNode - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getStartTime

      double getStartTime()
      Provide double value in seconds from inputOutput SFTime field named startTime.
      Specified by:
      getStartTime in interface X3DTimeDependentNode
      value of startTime field
    • setStartTime

      X3DSoundProcessingNode setStartTime(double newValue)
      Accessor method to assign double value in seconds to inputOutput SFTime field named startTime.
      Specified by:
      setStartTime in interface X3DTimeDependentNode
      newValue - is new value for the startTime field.
      X3DSoundProcessingNode - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getStopTime

      double getStopTime()
      Provide double value in seconds from inputOutput SFTime field named stopTime.
      Specified by:
      getStopTime in interface X3DTimeDependentNode
      value of stopTime field
    • setStopTime

      X3DSoundProcessingNode setStopTime(double newValue)
      Accessor method to assign double value in seconds to inputOutput SFTime field named stopTime.
      Specified by:
      setStopTime in interface X3DTimeDependentNode
      newValue - is new value for the stopTime field.
      X3DSoundProcessingNode - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).
    • getTailTime

      double getTailTime()
      Provide double value in seconds within allowed range of [0,infinity) from inputOutput SFTime field named tailTime.
      value of tailTime field
    • setTailTime

      X3DSoundProcessingNode setTailTime(double newValue)
      Accessor method to assign double value in seconds to inputOutput SFTime field named tailTime.
      newValue - is new value for the tailTime field.
      X3DSoundProcessingNode - namely this same object to allow sequential method pipelining (i.e. consecutive method invocations on the same object).