Dr. Johannes Behr
Head of the “Visual Computing System Technologies” group (igd.fraunhofer.de/vcst)
Dr.-Ing. Johannes Behr received his M. Sc. diploma in Advanced Software Engineering from the University of Wolverhampton in 1996. From 1997-2004 he was working as a research assistant within the Visual Computing department of the Zentrum für Graphische Datenverarbeitung (ZGDV). Areas of interests where Virtual Reality, Computer Vision, Stereo Vision and 3D Interaction Techniques. Since 2005 Johannes Behr is working at the Fraunhofer Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung (IGD). In 2005 he has received his doctoral degree from the Darmstadt University of Technology. The title of his thesis is “Avalon – A scalable Framework for dynamic Mixed Reality Applications“. From 2008 to 2010 was he leading the VR-group of the "Virtual and Augmented Reality" department. He is now the head of the "Visual Computing System Technologies" department which coordinates the current and future efforts to develop the InstantReality and the X3DOM frameworks.