News & Features

2024 Jan 5
X_ITE announces it's new release - An open source 3D JavaScript library that uses WebGL for 3D rendering. Authors can publish X3D and VRML 3D Scenes on the Web without plugins. This gives X3D authors the ability to display content in 3D, using WebGL in several Web browsers and platforms.

X_ITE v9.1.11 -  ImageTexture and MovieTexture are  not flipped at the y-axis any

2023 Oct 11
The Web3D Consortium Lifetime Technical Excellence award is presented to Dr. Richard Puk in recognition of his significant technical contributions to the development of X3D and HAnim ISO graphics standards for over 40 years. Congratulations to Dick on this recognition with our many thanks for all his support to Web3D Consortium

Dr. Richard Puk has been a longstanding member of the Web3D Consortim, contributing to the development of X3D graphics  ISO standards within Web3D Consortium, INCITS, ANSI, and ISO for over 40 years. 

2023 Oct 1
Join us to advance the exciting world of 3D on the Web! Generate new knowledge and unlock the value of 3D across several application domains. Program Highlights: Metaverse - Digital Twins - AR/VR Simulation - Scientific Visualization
2023 Sep 25
Web3D 2023 conference is holding a Metaverse Workshop “Building 3D Web Interoperability for the Metaverse“ In this emerging space and perspectives; we hope this Workshop will push our Metaverse understanding and terminology forward and also provide the community with an actionable set of common referents and goals. Register Now!

Metaverse Workshop: “Building 3D Web Interoperability for the Metaverse“ “Building 3D Web Interoperability for the Metaverse“

2023 Sep 18
Introducing our Keynote Speakers, Mel Slater, Marius Preda and Francois Daoust. Their contributions to the field of 3D Graphics have been transformative, and they continue to shape the future of this industry. They will provide new insights into the evolving world of 3D technologies and the metaverse.

Introducing our Keynote Speakers, Mel Slater, Marius Preda and Francois Daoust. Their contributions to the field of 3D Graphics have been

2023 Aug 29
Web3D 2023: Early registration ends 8th sept 2023. Immersive 3D innovation at it's best! Join us to advance the exciting world of 3D on the Web!
Web3D 2023 Conference: Collaborate, Network and Innovate Join us in-person or on-line
2023 Aug 21
Web3D Consortium celebrated its 28 years of breakthroughs in 3D Web technology along with 50 years of SIGGRAPH history. Bolstered by a community of innovators who have mapped the future of interactive, real-time 3D Graphics. Web3D Consortium members lead several birds of the feather discussions.

2023 Jun 12
The Web3D2023 Papers Deadline has been extended to 9 July 2023! Gain exposure to an international audience passionate about 3D Graphics and the Web.

The new final date for submission of Papers is now June 9, 2023.

2023 May 21
CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS - Papers, Tutorial, Workshops, Industrial Use Cases and Competition. Papers submission deadline June 15, 2023.
Contribute to Wed3D 2023 Conference - Papers submission deadline June 15, 2023. CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS  - Papers, Tutorial, Workshops, Industrial Use Cases and Competition
2023 Apr 30
The INCITS Technical Excellence award is presented to Dr. Richard Puk in recognition of his significant technical contributions to the development of graphics standards within Web3D Consortium, INCITS, ANSI, and ISO for over 40 years. Congratulations to Dick on this recognition with our many thanks for all his support to Web3D Consortium, INCITS Graphics and Imaging, and ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 24.

INCITS -- the InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards -- is the central U.S. forum dedicated to creating technology standards for the next generation of innovation.
