November 4, 2021 ( -
February 22, 2021 ( - By joining the Web3D Consortium as a directing member Versar, Inc. continues pursuing its mission of both preservation and access by providing sustainable solutions in construction and environment domains. Versar, Inc.
Preparation of latest version of our X3D standard represents a years-long effort by many past and present Consortium members.
The year 2020 marks the 25th anniversary of the Web3D Conference, focused steadily on sharing and learning with real-time interactive 3D.
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October 2020 Highlights:
X3D Version 4 – Integrating X3D into HTML5.
Web3D 2020 Virtual Conference 9-13 November 2020.
X3D support in CADExchanger SDK 3.8.1: new version supports not only export but also import of X3D.
Now possible to view and explore the files and convert them to VRML, OBJ, STL, and many other formats.
Update! Please see Working Draft 2 (WD2) release 3 August 2020.
The Web3D Consortium's release page and