
2014 Nov 26
Web3D Consortium welcomes National Institutes of Health (NIH) as a new Organizational Member. NIH's work in the 3D Print Exchange provides online scientific 3D-printable models to researchers and the public.

Mountain View, California -

2014 Nov 25
The Program Committee of the Web3D2015 Conference is sending out a call for papers, posters, tutorials, and workshops for the Conference in June 2015 on the island of Crete.

The Web3D2015 Program Committee has sent out a call for all content for the conference next year June in Crete. There are separate calls for papers, posters, tutorials, workshops, showcases, and industrial use. The calls for the specific items are in the links below:

Calls for

2014 Nov 24
Bitmanagement has released a new version of BS Content Studio. This version incorporates significant improvements in a variety of aspects, including 64-bit application.

Bitmanagement has incorporated user f

2014 Nov 12
The most recent X3D language binding specification for ECMAScript (commonly known as JavaScript) is available for public comments.

Language bindings described how to interface with an API from a specific language.

2014 Oct 28
Winners of the Fall 2014 VR Hackathon in San Francisco are posted. There were 16 sponsors and 16 prizes.

The first VR Hackathon was held 18-19 October 2014 at the fantastic Gray Area Theater in the Mission District of San Francisco. This high-energy event was kicked off with a VRMeetup and mixer Friday Night.

2014 Oct 17
Individual memberships are discounted 25% this week - 17 Oct through 24 Oct.

Join the Web3D Consortium today at the discounted price. For the VR Hackathion and the HTML5 Developer's Conference, Professional and Student memberships are discounted 25% when y

2014 Sep 3
Web3D2015 will be 18-22 June in Heraklion, Crete.

The 20th annual Web3D conference, Web3D2015, will be held in Heraklion, Crete on 18-22 June 2015. The Dr. Athanasios G.

2014 Aug 10
The best browser-based 3D rendering of Rotterdam using open data sources and standard Web protocols can win a trip for the lead author to the Web3D 2015 Conference in Crete next June.

Web3D Consortium is sponsoring a competition op

2014 Aug 7
All individual memberships are discounted up to 40% during Web3D2014 and SIGGRAPH 2014. This is your opportunity to support the development of royalty-free open-standards 3D graphics.

Membership in Web3D Consortium just got easier. The Consortium is offering a discount on all new or renewal individual memberships paid during Web3D2014 or SIGGRAPH 2014. Professional members get a 40% discount and student members get 30%.

2014 Aug 5
Researchers, developers, and creators will meet in Vancouver, Canada to discuss advances in the 3D Web and demonstrate interoperable 3D systems. The annual international Web3D Conference program includes paper presentations, tutorials, and workshops, providing an opportunity to discuss the latest in the 3D industry, research activities and 3D standards initiatives.

The Nineteenth Annual International Web3D Conference will be held on Aug 8-10, 2014 at the Pan Pacific Hotel in Vancouver, Canada.
