News & Features

2017 Jul 26
Prepare to be amazed by the depth and breadth of this Web3D graphics community. Come visit us on the show floor in Booth 306. Network with leading Web3D technologists and join the efforts to build the open, standard, royalty free 3D Web.

2017 Jul 7
Congratulations! to the Wed3D 2017 Conference H-Anim competition winners


2017 Jul 3
Ultimaker's software Cura 2.3 now supports import of the X3D format. Using X3D files for your model allows you to include color, geometry, and material properties for much needed consumer grade 3D printing operations.

2017 Jun 8
Web3D 2017 Day One: Web3D Consortium and Members presenting Papers, Posters and Master Classes.
    MASTER CLASSES Choosing the Right 3D Technology For your enterprise: Anita Havele and Vince Marchetti
2017 May 26
Virtual Reality Hackathon 1 week away. Come join us - Unleash your creativity and pitch your ideas 2-4 June 2017 - Brisbane Power house.

The VR Hackathon is a community driven event focused on bringing together the brightest minds interested in virtual reality and related technologies to develop innovative hardware and software

2017 May 26
Prepare to be amazed by the depth and breadth of the Web3D graphics community at the 22nd Web3D 2017 Conference in Brisbane, Australia (5-7 June 2017). This influential international conference emphasizes the importance of Virtual and Augmented Reality and 3D Graphics in a wide range of application domains through presentations, tutorials, and discussions. Join us to grow the 3D Web!

May 26, 2017  Mountain View, California 


2017 Apr 11
Titania 3.0.1 release with new features

TITANIA creates X3D/VRML worlds for publishing on the World Wide Web and for creating stand alone applications.

2017 Feb 18
This annual competition is dedicated to showing how H-Anim and X3D Graphics standards can be used for creating music videos. This competition is organized by the Korean Standards Association (KSA), Web3D Consortium, and Korean National Radio Research Agency (RRA) with support by the Korea Society for Standards and Standardization (SSS).

A competition for the best #HAnim Music 3D Character Animation

 Submission Deadline 15 May 2017,

2016 Dec 23
Web3D 2017: The 22nd International Conference on 3D Web Technology - VR Hackathon Preceding the Conference
2016 Dec 21
Happy Holidays! And thank you for another year of innovation and progress!

Web3D Consortium wishes our community the best of the season, and extends our thanks for contributing to the innovation and excellence of Interactive
