The VR Hackathon is a community driven event focused on bringing together the brightest minds interested in virtual reality and related technologies to develop innovative hardware and software
May 26, 2017 Mountain View, California
TITANIA creates X3D/VRML worlds for publishing on the World Wide Web and for creating stand alone applications.
A competition for the best #HAnim Music 3D Character Animation
Submission Deadline 15 May 2017,
Web3D Consortium wishes our community the best of the season, and extends our thanks for contributing to the innovation and excellence of Interactive
Fraunhofer IGD announces a new release of X3DOM! This release contains improvement and bug fixes. Congratulations to the Fraunhofer team and other contributors, making X3DOM a great project for declarative 3D!
Astrophysics exploration: Linking X3D Pathway to Integral Field Spectrographs for Young Supernova Remnants.
Web3D YouTube channel Virtual Reality (VR) Playlist shows #X3D content on various user displays and tracking devices.