
2015 May 15
Web3D Consortium at the IoT World Event

Web3D Consortium discussing the value of 3D open standards for IoT markets at the IoT world event  in San Francisco, California. The IoT technology market is growing fast and is capturing the attention of manufacturers, developers and end users

2015 May 9
Two Web3D Members (Leonard Daly and Dr. Meghan Coakley from NIH) will present at Los Angeles DrupalCon 2015 on their experience of integrating X3D into Drupal websites. As part of their presentations, Mr. Daly will present on creating stereoscopic views of 3D models and Dr. Coakley on NIH's X3DOM Drupal module and using Drupal as a content creation system.

Leonard Daly from Daly Realism, and Dr.

2015 Apr 6
Web3D Consortium announces that Toshiba Japan's Advanced Software Technology Group has joined the Web3D Consortium as a Large Organization Member to assist in developing and evolving the X3D specification. This Group is using open standards based solutions to manage natural disasters in real-time. Their project: Weather data 3D visualization, for observing the complete lifecycle of torrential rain uses X3D open standards for rendering of volumetric cloud data. We welcome Toshiba to the Web3D community.

Mountain View, California - April 6, 2015 (PRWEB) 

2015 Mar 26
Web3D Consortium showcasing X3D technology and geospatial applications at the annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty in Washington D.C. discussing the value of open standards for land planning and development.

Come visit is at the annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty in Washington D.C. Web3D Consortium is showcasing X3D technology and geospatial applications, discussing the value of open standards for land planning and development.

2015 Feb 6
Microsoft's Cloud commercial featuring Virginia Tech Professor Dr. Wu Feng and his work to 'Compute the Cure', includes visualization of scientific data using Web3D open standards X3D.

2014 Dec 19
In time for the holidays, a maintenance release of X3DOM is now available.

The X3DOM development team has announced that a maintenance update to X3DOM has been released - V1.6.2.

2014 Nov 26
Web3D Consortium welcomes National Institutes of Health (NIH) as a new Organizational Member. NIH's work in the 3D Print Exchange provides online scientific 3D-printable models to researchers and the public.

Mountain View, California -

2014 Nov 25
The Program Committee of the Web3D2015 Conference is sending out a call for papers, posters, tutorials, and workshops for the Conference in June 2015 on the island of Crete.

The Web3D2015 Program Committee has sent out a call for all content for the conference next year June in Crete. There are separate calls for papers, posters, tutorials, workshops, showcases, and industrial use. The calls for the specific items are in the links below:

Calls for

2014 Nov 24
Bitmanagement has released a new version of BS Content Studio. This version incorporates significant improvements in a variety of aspects, including 64-bit application.

Bitmanagement has incorporated user f

2014 Nov 12
The most recent X3D language binding specification for ECMAScript (commonly known as JavaScript) is available for public comments.

Language bindings described how to interface with an API from a specific language.
