Web3D at SIGGRAPH 2021
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Web-Wide Interactive 3D - Birds of a Feather - August 9th from 12-1 PM Pacific.
See how powerful publishing open interactive 3D on the web can be.
web3D members discuss all things new with Web3D and X3D 4.0.
Web3D participants and partners showcase how open interactive 3D visualization can unlock industry standards, tools and domains for authors and end users: X3D V4.0, glTF/WebGL, Unity3D/Blender/Meshlab, Medical3D, 3Dprinting/scanning, Geo3D, and AR/VR.
Preceding the Web3D BoF. Web3d Members will also be presenting at the CARTO BoF.
ACM SIGGRAPH Cartographic Visualization (Carto) Birds of a Feather - August 9th from 10-11AM Pacific. Details here
SIGGRAPH 2021 is a Virtual event. Register here.
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