Web3D Emerging Technology Showcase Agenda
Advance Agenda

Interactive web-based 3D technologies are leading the development of new opportunities in health, geospatial, and defense. These technologies provide an interactive real-time 3D solution that allows dispersed groups to interactively address real-world issues. Virginia Tech and Web3D Consortium are presenting demonstrations, discussions, and opportunities of emerging Web3D technologies. The presentations will be at the Virginia Tech Research Center in Arlington Virginia (directions). The event is open to all OGC members and attendees of OGC's Technical Committee meeting and other selected guests.
All sessions start with
Web3D Consortium Strategic Overview
- 3D Knowledge Management and Return on Investment
- 3D Modernization and Innovation, featuring X3D and X3DOM
- A Guide to open standards based platforms for 3D graphics
- Standards liaison: ISO/IEC, OGC, W3C, DICOM, others
12:00 Noon Health, Medical and Science Visualization
- Volume Visualization now available in web browsers
- Advanced brain imaging visualization
- Surgical Training and Haptics
- Humanoid Animation (H-Anim): anatomy, motion and interactivity
1:30 PM Geospatial Informatics
- X3D Geospatial Component and Extending X3DOM
- Geospatial server platforms and server-supported applications
- Web browser runtimes and applications
3:00 PM Defense and Government
- CAD/CAM export to the Web
- SPIDERS3D: Navy port and pier visualization worldwide
- 3D Printing, Additive manufacturing
- Cultural Heritage and mobile augmented reality
4:00 - 5:00 PM Social Hour, light refreshments and wine & beer
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
3D Geospatial Across the Web: Reception and Live Demos
- Welcome - Virginia Tech, Web3D Consortium President
- Web3D Projects Fast Forward - Innovative X3D projects from leading experts
- OGC-Web3D Working Group Partnership Summaries
- Demo Hall:
- 3D Blacksburg Mirror Worlds, Virginia Tech Visionarium
- X3D Applications, Naval Postgraduate School
- CityServer3D, Fraunhofer IGD Germany
- CGIT, Virginia Tech
- BS ContactGeo, Bitmanagement Germany
- Discussions and professional networking
- Thank you and Closing Remarks
8:00 PM - Last OGC bus departs.