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initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter02Introduction.Figure02_1Hut
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter03Shapes.Figure03_01DefaultBox
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter03Shapes.Figure03_01DefaultBoxWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter03Shapes.Figure03_02ResizedBox
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter03Shapes.Figure03_02ResizedBoxWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter03Shapes.Figure03_03DefaultCone
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter03Shapes.Figure03_03DefaultConeWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter03Shapes.Figure03_04FlattenedCone
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter03Shapes.Figure03_04FlattenedConeWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter03Shapes.Figure03_05DefaultCylinder
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter03Shapes.Figure03_05DefaultCylinderWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter03Shapes.Figure03_06ResizedCylinder
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter03Shapes.Figure03_06ResizedCylinderWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter03Shapes.Figure03_07ResizedCylinderHollow
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter03Shapes.Figure03_07ResizedCylinderHollowWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter03Shapes.Figure03_08DefaultSphere
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter03Shapes.Figure03_08DefaultSphereWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter03Shapes.Figure03_09_3dPlusSign
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter03Shapes.Figure03_10SpaceStation
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter04Text.Figure04_01TextShape
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter04Text.Figure04_01TextShapeWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter04Text.Figure04_02ListOfTextStrings
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter04Text.Figure04_02ListOfTextStringsWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter04Text.Figure04_03CompressedText
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter04Text.Figure04_03CompressedTextWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter04Text.Figure04_04ListTextStringsAndLengths
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter04Text.Figure04_04ListTextStringsAndLengthsWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter04Text.Figure04_05TextLimitedByMaximumExtent
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter04Text.Figure04_05TextLimitedByMaximumExtentWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter04Text.Figure04_06aTextPlainSerifFont
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter04Text.Figure04_06aTextPlainSerifFontWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter04Text.Figure04_06bTextBoldSerifFont
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter04Text.Figure04_06bTextBoldSerifFontWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter04Text.Figure04_07SmallText
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter04Text.Figure04_07SmallTextWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter04Text.Figure04_08aTextMoreLineSpacing
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter04Text.Figure04_08aTextMoreLineSpacingWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter04Text.Figure04_08bTextLessLineSpacing
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter04Text.Figure04_08bTextLessLineSpacingWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter04Text.Figure04_09TwoTextShapesDifferentJustification
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter04Text.Figure04_09TwoTextShapesDifferentJustificationWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter04Text.Figure04_10TwoLinesTextFlatBox
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter04Text.Figure04_10TwoLinesTextFlatBoxWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter04Text.Figure04_11TextOverstrikeFont
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter04Text.Figure04_11TextOverstrikeFontWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter05PositioningShapes.Figure05_03bCylinderTranslation
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter05PositioningShapes.Figure05_03bCylinderTranslationWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter05PositioningShapes.Figure05_04bCylinderTranslation
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter05PositioningShapes.Figure05_04bCylinderTranslationWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter05PositioningShapes.Figure05_10Archway
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter05PositioningShapes.Figure05_10ArchwayWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter05PositioningShapes.Figure05_11NestedArchways
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter05PositioningShapes.Figure05_11NestedArchwaysWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter06RotatingShapes.Figure06_04bRotation45xWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter06RotatingShapes.Figure06_05bRotationMinus45xWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter06RotatingShapes.Figure06_06bRotation45yWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter06RotatingShapes.Figure06_07bRotationMinus45zWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter06RotatingShapes.Figure06_08Asterisk3dWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter06RotatingShapes.Figure06_09TripleAsterisk3dWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter06RotatingShapes.Figure06_10SimpleArch
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter06RotatingShapes.Figure06_11DeskLampBase
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter06RotatingShapes.Figure06_12DeskLampBaseTwoArms
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter07ScalingShapes.Figure07_04bScale2xWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter07ScalingShapes.Figure07_05bScaleHalfxWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter07ScalingShapes.Figure07_06bScale2yWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter07ScalingShapes.Figure07_07bScaleHalfzWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter07ScalingShapes.Figure07_08bScale2x_Halfy_4zWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter07ScalingShapes.Figure07_09SimpleSpaceshipBodyWingsWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter07ScalingShapes.Figure07_10SimpleSpaceship
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter07ScalingShapes.Figure07_11ScaledArches
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter07ScalingShapes.Figure07_12aSimpleTree
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter07ScalingShapes.Figure07_12bVerticallyScaledTree
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter07ScalingShapes.Figure07_13DiagonallyScaledTree
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter08AnimatingPositionOrientationScale.Figure08_3PositionInterpolator
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter08AnimatingPositionOrientationScale.Figure08_3PositionInterpolatorWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter08AnimatingPositionOrientationScale.Figure08_4OrientationInterpolator
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter08AnimatingPositionOrientationScale.Figure08_4OrientationInterpolatorWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter08AnimatingPositionOrientationScale.Figure08_5AnimatingScale
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter08AnimatingPositionOrientationScale.Figure08_5AnimatingScaleWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter09SensingViewer.Figure09_1SpinningCubeTouchSensor
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter09SensingViewer.Figure09_1SpinningCubeTouchSensorWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter09SensingViewer.Figure09_2SpinningCubeTouchSensorClicked
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter09SensingViewer.Figure09_2SpinningCubeTouchSensorClickedWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter09SensingViewer.Figure09_3ConePlaneSensor
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter09SensingViewer.Figure09_3ConePlaneSensorWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter09SensingViewer.Figure09_4ConePlaneSensorConstrained
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter09SensingViewer.Figure09_4ConePlaneSensorConstrainedWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter09SensingViewer.Figure09_5FourStackingBlocks
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter09SensingViewer.Figure09_5FourStackingBlocksWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter09SensingViewer.Figure09_6SphereSensor
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter09SensingViewer.Figure09_6SphereSensorWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter09SensingViewer.Figure09_7CylinderSensor
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter09SensingViewer.Figure09_7CylinderSensorWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter09SensingViewer.Figure09_8ClickDragTouchSensorPlaneSensor
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter09SensingViewer.Figure09_8ClickDragTouchSensorPlaneSensorWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter09SensingViewer.Figure09_9DeskLamp
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter09SensingViewer.Figure09_9DeskLampWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter10Materials.Figure10_04BrightRedSphere
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter10Materials.Figure10_05MultiColoredSpaceStation
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter10Materials.Figure10_06PulsatingSpaceStation
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter10Materials.Figure10_07LightBulb
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter10Materials.Figure10_08BlinkingSphere
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter10Materials.Figure10_09ThreeBlinkingShapes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter10Materials.Figure10_10SemiTransparentSpaceStation
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter10Materials.Figure10_11AnimatingTransparencySpaceStation
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter11Grouping.Figure11_1CafeSignSwitchResolutions
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter11Grouping.Figure11_2CafeSignBillboard
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter11Grouping.Figure11_3BoundingBox
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter12Inline.Figure12_1SimpleArch
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter12Inline.Figure12_2InlinedArches
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter12Inline.Figure12_3TempleOfInlinedArches
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter13PointsLinesFaces.Figure13_10PointSetBoxCorners
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter13PointsLinesFaces.Figure13_11IndexedLineSetBoxWireframe
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter13PointsLinesFaces.Figure13_12IndexedFaceSetCube
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter13PointsLinesFaces.Figure13_13IndexedFaceSetLightningBolt
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter13PointsLinesFaces.Figure13_14VaultedCeilingPieceCreased
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter13PointsLinesFaces.Figure13_15VaultedCeilingPiece
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter13PointsLinesFaces.Figure13_16VaultedCeiling
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter13PointsLinesFaces.Figure13_17aMorphingCube
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter13PointsLinesFaces.Figure13_17bMorphingCubeLineSet
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter14ElevationGrid.Figure14_2ElevationGridMountain
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter14ElevationGrid.Figure14_3ElevationGridRibbon
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter14ElevationGrid.Figure14_4aElevationGridPuddleSplash10x10
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter14ElevationGrid.Figure14_4bElevationGridPuddleSplash40x40
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter14ElevationGrid.Figure14_5ElevationGridTerrain
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter14ElevationGrid.Figure14_6ElevationGridMedallion
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter15Extrusion.Figure15_07ExtrudedCylinder
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter15Extrusion.Figure15_08ExtrudedHalfCylinderWithCaps
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter15Extrusion.Figure15_08ExtrudedHalfCylinderWithCapsWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter15Extrusion.Figure15_09ExtrudedHalfCylinderWithoutCaps
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter15Extrusion.Figure15_09ExtrudedHalfCylinderWithoutCapsWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter15Extrusion.Figure15_10ExtrudedRoom
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter15Extrusion.Figure15_10ExtrudedRoomWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter15Extrusion.Figure15_11ExtrudedPlaygroundSlide
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter15Extrusion.Figure15_11ExtrudedPlaygroundSlideWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter15Extrusion.Figure15_12Torus
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter15Extrusion.Figure15_12TorusWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter15Extrusion.Figure15_13ExtrudedPyramid
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter15Extrusion.Figure15_13ExtrudedPyramidWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter15Extrusion.Figure15_14ExtrudedVase
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter15Extrusion.Figure15_14ExtrudedVaseWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter15Extrusion.Figure15_15TwistedBar
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter15Extrusion.Figure15_15TwistedBarWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter15Extrusion.Figure15_16ExtrudedLipstick
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter15Extrusion.Figure15_16ExtrudedLipstickWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter15Extrusion.Figure15_17WigglingSnake
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter15Extrusion.Figure15_17WigglingSnakeWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter16Color.Figure16_1ColoredPointSetScatterPlot
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter16Color.Figure16_2ColoredLinesPlot
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter16Color.Figure16_3ColoredLinesStarburst
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter16Color.Figure16_3ColoredLinesStarburstWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter16Color.Figure16_4ColoredBookFaces
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter16Color.Figure16_4ColoredBookFacesWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter16Color.Figure16_5LogFireColoredFaces
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter16Color.Figure16_5LogFireColoredFacesWithAxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter16Color.Figure16_6ColoredElevationGridCheckerboard
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter16Color.Figure16_7VertexColoredElevationGridMountain
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter17Textures.Figure17_04aTextureBoxTest
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter17Textures.Figure17_04bTextureConeTest
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter17Textures.Figure17_04cTextureCylinderTest
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter17Textures.Figure17_04dTextureSphereTest
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter17Textures.Figure17_05dTexturedSodaCan
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter17Textures.Figure17_06bTexturedText
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter17Textures.Figure17_07bTexturedLightningBolt
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter17Textures.Figure17_08bTexturedElevationGridMountain
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter17Textures.Figure17_09bTexturedDonutTorusExtrusion
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter17Textures.Figure17_10cTextureTransparencyTree
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter17Textures.Figure17_11bGreyTextureGreenMaterialStripedCylinder
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter17Textures.Figure17_12bWoodTextures
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter17Textures.Figure17_13SimplePixelTexture
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter17Textures.Figure17_14bMovieTextureWhirlpool
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter18TextureMapping.Figure18_19TextureCoordinateTest
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter18TextureMapping.Figure18_20bTextureCoordinatePizzaSlice
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter18TextureMapping.Figure18_21TextureCoordinatePizzaSlice
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter18TextureMapping.Figure18_22bTextureCoordinateVideoWall
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter18TextureMapping.Figure18_23bTextureCoordinateGrillwork
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter18TextureMapping.Figure18_24TextureCoordinateRotatedGrillworkFence
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter18TextureMapping.Figure18_25bTextureTransformBrickBox
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter18TextureMapping.Figure18_26bUncorrectedTextureSanDiegoBay
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter18TextureMapping.Figure18_26cCorrectedTextureSanDiegoBay
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter18TextureMapping.Figure18_27RotatingFanAnimatedTextureTransform
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter19NormalsShading.Figure19_21NormalSquare
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter19NormalsShading.Figure19_22NormalSquareShaded
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter19NormalsShading.Figure19_23HalfColumn
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter19NormalsShading.Figure19_24aHalfColumnCreaseAngle
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter19NormalsShading.Figure19_24bTwoHalfColumnsCreaseAngleSeam
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter19NormalsShading.Figure19_25aHalfColumnNormals
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter19NormalsShading.Figure19_25bTwoHalfColumnsNormalsSeamless
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter19NormalsShading.Figure19_26NormalShadedElevationGrid
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter19NormalsShading.Figure19_27SquareFaceAnimatingNormals
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter20Lighting.Figure20_04HeadlightSpheres
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter20Lighting.Figure20_05FlatMesh
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter20Lighting.Figure20_06aPointLightSpheres
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter20Lighting.Figure20_06bPointLightSpheresIntensity
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter20Lighting.Figure20_07PointLightSpheresAttenuation
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter20Lighting.Figure20_08PointLightSpheresSmallRadius
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter20Lighting.Figure20_09GlowingOrbArchwaysExhibit
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter20Lighting.Figure20_10BlinkingRedLightbulb
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter20Lighting.Figure20_11aDirectionalLightAimingRightThroughSpheres
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter20Lighting.Figure20_11bDirectionalLightAimingUpperRightThroughSpheres
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter20Lighting.Figure20_12TwoDirectionalLightsAimingLeftRightThroughSpheres
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter20Lighting.Figure20_13aDirectionalLightSunrise
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter20Lighting.Figure20_13bDirectionalLightNoon
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter20Lighting.Figure20_13cDirectionalLightSunset
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter20Lighting.Figure20_14DirectionalLightSunAnimated
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter20Lighting.Figure20_15aSpotLightSpheres
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter20Lighting.Figure20_15bWideAngleSpotLightSpheres
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter20Lighting.Figure20_16SpotLightBeamWidthComparison
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter20Lighting.Figure20_17aSimpleWorldNoShadows
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter20Lighting.Figure20_17bSimpleWorldFakeShadows
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter21ShinyMaterials.Figure21_4aDullGreyVase
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter21ShinyMaterials.Figure21_4bSomewhatShinyGreyVase
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter21ShinyMaterials.Figure21_4cShinyGreyVase
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter21ShinyMaterials.Figure21_4dVeryShinyGreyVase
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter21ShinyMaterials.Figure21_5ShinyGoldVase
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter22Background.Figure22_1BackgroundSkySphere
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter22Background.Figure22_2BackgroundSkyGround
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter22Background.Figure22_3cBackgroundSkyGroundMountains
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter22Background.Figure22_4BackgroundBinding
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter23Fog.Figure23_1FogTestWorld
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter23Fog.Figure23_2aLinearFogVisibility0
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter23Fog.Figure23_2bLinearFogVisibility40
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter23Fog.Figure23_2cLinearFogVisibility30
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter23Fog.Figure23_2dLinearFogVisibility20
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter23Fog.Figure23_3aExponentialFogVisibility100
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter23Fog.Figure23_3bExponentialFogVisibility40
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter23Fog.Figure23_3cExponentialFogVisibility20
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter23Fog.Figure23_4BlackFogVisibility40
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter23Fog.Figure23_5BindingFogsAndBackgrounds
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter24Sound.Figure24_1EmitterMarkers
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter24Sound.Figure24_2AmbientSoundEmitterMarkers
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter24Sound.Figure24_3TouchSensorTriggeredSound
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter24Sound.Figure24_4FourKeyKeyboard
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter24Sound.Figure24_5TwoAmbientCirclingSounds
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter24Sound.Figure24_6DirectedAmbientSound
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter24Sound.Figure24_7VirtualTV
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter25LevelOfDetail.Figure25_01TorchHighDetail
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter25LevelOfDetail.Figure25_02TorchMediumDetail
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter25LevelOfDetail.Figure25_03TorchLowDetail
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter25LevelOfDetail.Figure25_04ThreeTorchesSideBySide
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter25LevelOfDetail.Figure25_05ThreeTorchesSingleLOD
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter25LevelOfDetail.Figure25_06DungeonRoomFloor
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter25LevelOfDetail.Figure25_07DungeonRoomWall
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter25LevelOfDetail.Figure25_08DungeonRoom
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter25LevelOfDetail.Figure25_09TwoDungeonRoomsWithLODHiding
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter25LevelOfDetail.Figure25_10DungeonWallWithDoorway
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter25LevelOfDetail.Figure25_11DungeonDoor
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter25LevelOfDetail.Figure25_12DungeonRoomsWithSlidingDoors
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter26Viewpoint.Figure26_5DungeonViewpoint
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter26Viewpoint.Figure26_7DungeonViewpointsAndFieldsOfView
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter27SensingVisibilityProximityCollision.Figure27_1VisibilitySensorDungeonSlidingDoors
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter27SensingVisibilityProximityCollision.Figure27_2ProximitySensorDungeonSlidingDoors
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter27SensingVisibilityProximityCollision.Figure27_3CollisionDetectionSpinningOrb
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter28Anchor.Figure28_1AnchorViewpointsDungeon
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter28Anchor.Figure28_2AnchorLoadAnotherWorld
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter29WorldInfo.Figure29_1WorldInfo
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter30Scripts.Figure30_1ScriptSlidingBall
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter30Scripts.Figure30_2ScriptBackgroundSelect
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter30Scripts.Figure30_3ScriptSoundActivate
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter30Scripts.Figure30_4ScriptSpiralingBallTrace
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter30Scripts.Figure30_5ScriptTorusBuilder
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter31Prototypes.Figure31_1WallColorPrototype
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter31Prototypes.Figure31_2MaterialPrototypesLibrary
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter31Prototypes.Figure31_3MaterialExternalPrototypes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter31Prototypes.Figure31_4WoodAppearancePrototypesLibrary
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter31Prototypes.Figure31_5WoodAppearanceExternalPrototypes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter31Prototypes.Figure31_6DonutPrototype
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter31Prototypes.Figure31_7DonutExternalPrototype
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter31Prototypes.Figure31_9SpinGroupPrototype
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Ambient
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.AnchorExample
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.AnimatedGrid
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Arch
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Arches
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.aTorch
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.aTorch1
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.aTorch2
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.aTorch3
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Background2
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.BackgroundExample
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.BarPlot
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.BarTwist
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Bounce1
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Bounce2
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Bounce3
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Boxes
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.BoxPrimitive
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.BrickBox
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Burst
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Button
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Can
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Castle
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Ceiling
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Chair
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Colors
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Column
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Columns
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.ConePrimitive
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Cookie
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.CreaseAngle
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Cut
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.CutPlane
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.CylinderPrimitive
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Dinette
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.DirectionalLightExample
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Donut
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Doorway
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.DungeonDoor
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.DungeonFloor
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.DungeonRoom
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.DungeonWall
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.DungeonWall2
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.ExtrusionSpiral
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.ExtrusionSpiralMotion
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Fence
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Flames
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Floater
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Floor
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Fog1
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Fog2
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Fog3
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Fog4
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Fog5
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.FogWorld
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.GlowDoor
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.HalfCylinder
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Hand
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.HeadsUpDisplayHUD
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Horn
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.IsoLine
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.IsoSurface
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Keyboard
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Lamp
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Lamp2
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Lamp2a
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Land
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Lightning
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.LinePlot
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Loader
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Log
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Match
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Monolith
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Mountain
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Mountain128
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Mountain16
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Mountain32
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.MountainColor
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.MountainColor2
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Nested
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.One
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Pedestal
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.PlayYard
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.PointLightExample
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.PointPlot
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Primitives
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Proximity1
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Proximity2
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Query
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.RoboBill
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.RoboBody
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.RoboHead
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Robots
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Scatter
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Shiny
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Slabs
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Slide
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Snake
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.SoundMarker
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Space
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Space2
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.SpherePrimitive
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Spheres
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Spiral
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.SpotLightExample
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Squisher
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Stairway
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.StopWatch
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Sub
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.SubWorld
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Table
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Temple
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Terrain00
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Terrain01
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Terrain02
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Terrain03
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Terrain04
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Terrain05
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Terrain06
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Terrain07
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Terrain08
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Terrain09
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.TextFont
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.TextJustification
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.TextPrimitive
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.TextSize
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.TexturePlane
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.TextVertical
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Three
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.TimedTimer
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Torch1
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Torch2
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Torch3
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Torches
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Torches3
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.TowerPart
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Towers
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Tread
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.TreeWall
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.TumbleGroup
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Two
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Vault
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Vector
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.VectorField1
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Wiggle
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Windmill
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
initialize() - Method in class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.WoodColor
Create and initialize the X3D model for this object.
IsoLine - Class in Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course
Nested isolines illustrate the use of black fog to do depth-cueing.
IsoLine() - Constructor for class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.IsoLine
Default constructor to create this object.
IsoSurface - Class in Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course
Nested isosurfaces illustrate the use of IndexedFaceSet nodes to build complex geometry, such as isosurfaces (constant-value contours in 3D).
IsoSurface() - Constructor for class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.IsoSurface
Default constructor to create this object.
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