VR Hackathon - Brisbane June 2017
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Submitted by anita.havele on Mon, 2017-05-01 16:00
VR Hackathon will be held 2-4 June 2017 at the Brisbane Powerhouse 119 Lamington Street, New Farm QLD 4005 AUSTRALIA. VR hackathon in Brisbane is co-organized by CSIRO Data61 and Brisbane ACM SIGGRAPH Chapter. This is a cost free event preceding the Web3D 2017 Conference June 5-7, 2017.

Friday, 2017, June 2 - 5:00pm to Sunday, 2017, June 4 - 2:00pm
Brisbane Powerhouse, 119 Lamington Street, New Farm QLD 4005 AUSTRALIA.
Virtual Reality Hackathon a community driven event is focused on bringing together the brightest minds around Brisbane area interested in virtual reality and related technologies to develop innovative hardware and software solutions, have fun, and help build out the future of immersive technologies. Come unleash your creativity and pitch your ideas.
Press Release:
Release Date:
Mon, 2017-05-01