Web3D at SIGGRAPH 2024
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Join the Web3D Consortium at SIGGRAPH 2024 in Denver, Colorado.
On Tuesday July 30, Web3D will host World Wide Webiverse presented by a community of innovators who have mapped the future of interactive, real-time 3D Graphics for the Webiverse.
The Webiverse is emerging as the new 3D Web ecosystem, focused on Interoperability for immersive and connected experiences including, HTML, glTF, Web Audio, MIDI and 3D content with X3D. The latest Web3D Consortium member innovations and developments will be included. All presentations and demos will involve interactive attendee feedback and discussions.
Discussion Topics: Web3D Ecosystem, Web Architecture & current standards, 3D Assets Interoperability, Member Use Cases and Domains, Paths to Interoperability, SDO engagement and Industry support.
World Wide Webiverse BOF Tuesday 30 July. 2:30 - 4:00 PM MDT, Room 710
World Wide Webiverse BoF Presentation
Our members will also be presenting at:
Metaverse Standards Forum: The Road to an Open Metaverse BOF
Discussing the evolving landscape of real-time, interactive content creation.
Tuesday, July 30, 1:00 - 2:30 PM MDT, Room 710
3D Web Interoperabilty BoF Presentation
Cartographic Visualization (Carto) BOF
Highlighting the future of digital mapping.
Monday, July 29, 12:00 - 1:30 PM MDT, Room 710
CARTO BoF Presentation
Take this opportunity to learn from the best in the industry and engage with a passionate community of like-minded enthusiasts. Let's come together to advance the exciting world of 3D on the Web! If you would like more information about Web3D Standards and use cases please visit us at Web3D.org
See you in Denver!