X3D Quickstart Tutorial at IEEE VR 2020

Dr. Nicholas Polys from Virginia Tech presents methods and patterns to develop interactive 3D applications based on royalty-free, open ISO-IEC standards. Mobiles, desktops, CAVEs, HMDs, AR platforms: #X3D is interoperable, portable and durable.
IEEE VR 2020
Sunday, 2020, March 22 - 8:00am to Thursday, 2020, March 26 - 5:00pm

X3D Quickstart Tutorial : 3 hours

This tutorial presents the wide range of methods and patterns used to develop interactive 3D applications based on royalty-free and open ISO-IEC standards. As a high-level scene graph language and API above the graphics library, Extensible 3D (X3D) provides a suite of standards including multiple data encodings and language bindings. With the same declarative programming idiom as the WWW, developers can build 2D + 3D Virtual and Mixed Reality applications that integrate with and publish to the WWW ecosystem. From mobiles, desktops, CAVEs, HMDs, and AR platforms, X3D is an interoperable, portable, and durable 3D graphics technology.

The IEEE VR 2020 Virtual Conference was recorded. This video presentation is available online:

Four presentations make up this tutorial:

  1. X3D Introduction and Technology Overview - provides technical and historical context of Extensible 3D (X3D).
  2. X3D Ecosystem - provides descriptions of the wide variety of X3D engines, tools, and platforms.
  3. X3D Applications - shows the myriad ways X3D is deployed to solve real problems.
  4. X3D Authoring - digs into the fundamentals of the X3D scene graph and data representation.
   X3D QuickStart on YouTube

The IEEE VR 2020 Tutorials Program: http://www.ieeevr.org/2020/program/tutorials.html#T3

Press Release: 
Release Date: 
Sun, 2020-03-15