X3D: Xroads of 3D on the Web - 2015
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Come see the Xroad of 3D on the Web. SIGGRAPH is the premier conference for computer graphics and interactive techniques. The Consortium will have a significant presence at SIGGRAPH 2015 (Booth 1018) to discuss and demonstrate work it is doing in 3D graphics supporting humanoid animation, CAD, 3D Printing, medical visualization, cultural heritage, augmented and virtual reality, geospatial information systems, and the next generation of browser-compatible 3D graphics. Come visit these SIGGRAPH BoFs and Booth #1018 for more information
Web3D Consortium Booth #1018: Tuesday - Thursday 11-13 August, LACC Exhibit Floor
Our Members will demonstrate the latest 3D techniques in humanoid animation, CAD, 3D Printing, medical visualization, cultural heritage, augmented and virtual reality, geospatial information systems. Come see how X3D is making 3D work for you. Web3D Birds of a Feather (BoF) sessions are open to all SIGGRAPH Attendees.
1. SIGGRAPH Exhibits Fast Forward: Monday 10 August
Web3D Consortium X-Roads of the Web is being presented in SIGGRAPH Exhibits Fast Forward which provides a review of the products and announcements that companies are planning for SIGGRAPH 2015 in a fast-paced, entertaining session before the Exhibition opens.
- Presentation: X-Roads of the Web by Dr. Nicholas Polys and Anita Havele
2. ACM SIGGRAPH Cartographic Visualization: Monday 10 August
This ACM SIGGRAPH Cartographic Visualization (Carto) session explores how viewpoints and techniques from the computer graphics community can be effectively applied to cartographic and geospatial datasets. Organizer: Theresa-Marie Rhyne
- Presentation: SIGGRAPH Cartographic (CARTO) BoF by Mike McCann
3. Humanoid Animation (H-Anim): Monday 10 August
Humanoid Animation (H-Anim) is being enhanced to portray anatomically correct humanoids with interchangeable motion capture. This includes extending use for medical records and different skins. Organizers: Myeong Won Lee, William Glascoe & Don Brutzman
- Presentation: Humanoid Animation (H-Anim) by William Glascoe, Dr. Myeong Won Lee, and Dr. Don Brutzman
4. CAD and 3D Printing: Tuesday 11 August
This session is for attendees interested in Web3D applications for Computer Aided Design (CAD). Discussion topics include 3D Printing, 3D CAD support, STEP, and CAD data conversion. Organizers: Christophe Mouton and Don Brutzman
- Presentation: NIH 3D Print Exchange by James Tyrwhitt-Drake and Dr. Darrell Hurt
- Presentation: Fraunhofer: High-Performance Visualization of Massive CAD Data with WebGL by Christian Stein, Max Limper and Johannes Behr (WebGl and glTF BoF)
- Presentation: CAD-to-X3D Conversion for Product Structure, Geometry Representation and Metadata by Hyokwang Lee and Don Brutzman
5. Volume Rendering and Medical Visualization: Tuesday 11 August
Interoperability and reproducibility are crucial concerns in medical imaging. This session includes discussion of current and next-generation applications and standardization efforts for volume rendering and Medical Working Group efforts. Organizers: Mike Aratow and Nicholas Polys
6. Future of 3D Web Standards: Tuesday 11 August
X3DOM displays X3D content in HTML5 pages, rendered using WebGL. X3DOM is the prototype for next-generation Web as X3D version 4 standard. The future of Web3D graphics is presented and discussed highlighting tools and examples. Organizers: Johannes Behr, Don Brutzman and Leonard Daly
- Presentation: Web3D X3D Forecast SIGGRAPH 2015 by Don Brutzman
7. Cultural and Natural Heritage, Mixed Augmented Reality (MAR): 12 August
Many different individuals and organizations are exploring the generation, handling and display of digital 3D data for Cultural and Natural Heritage. The possibility of emerging consistency in Mixed Augmented Reality (MAR) applications can help. Organizers: Nicholas Polys and Sandy Ressler
- Presentation: Cultural and Natural Heritage Working Group by Sandy Ressler
- Presentation: Fraunhofer: CultLab3D for Scanning Cultural Heritage Objects by Pedro Santos
8. Geospatial Web: 12 August
From real to virtual cities, from way-finding to economic development, we are embedded in Geospatial data. Discussions on advanced 3D web development methods for GIS. Organizers: Mike McCann and Marc Petit
- Presentation: Geospatial Web BoF Session by Mike McCann
- Presentation: EDF: The Curtis Platform for City Simulation by Christophe Mouton and Marc Petit
9. Computer Graphics for Simulation: 12 August
This session discusses interoperability between the CG community and the simulation community. Topics include Web3D, simulation languages like SIMULINK, scene graphs, GPUs, OpenCL, DEVS, and grand challenges (for example, weather). Organizer: John Richardson.
Web3D Standards Working Meeting: 9 August - Sheraton Los Angeles, Wiltern Room
Working meeting for Web3D Consortium members to discuss proposals and drafts related to the following topics. Organizers: Myeong Won Lee, Dick Puk, and Don Brutzman
- H-Anim motion capture animation and facial animation
- X3D chroma keying
- X3D physical sensors
Last but not least: SIGGRAPH 2015 Party Calendar - be there or be polygonal!