Web3D 2015: Celebrating 20 years of innovation
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Submitted by anita.havele on Sun, 2015-06-14 20:58
Web3D 2015 Conference, 18-21 June 2015 in Crete, Greece. We are celebrating 20 years of innovation. Come join this community and broaden your knowledge in 3D technology.

Web3D 2015 Conference, 18-21 June 2015 in Crete, Greece. We are celebrating 20 years of innovation. Come join this community and broaden your knowledge in 3D technology. Final Program is now available. Web3D 2015 Conference is an ACM SIGGRAPH sponsored event in co-operation with Web3D Consortium and Eurographics.
Conference Highlights:
- Papers and Research topics related to current Web-based 3D Graphics.
- Tutorials and Technical workshops on 3D technology
- Panel Discussions on Trends and Future of 3D on the Web
- Web3D city modeling competition winners presentation
- Web3D Showcase – Lighting talks showcasing innovative 3D Work
- Opportunities to meet and network with 3D graphics experts and leaders
- and of course the opportunity to experience the beautiful island of Crete!
We hope to see you in Crete!
Press Release:
Release Date:
Sun, 2015-06-14