Web3D Ecosystem and the Metaverse - SIGGRAPH 2022 BOF
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Web3D Ecosystem and the Metaverse
Join the Web3D Consortium at our Birds of a Feather (BOF) virtual session on Tuesday, July 26th from 9:00-10:30 AM PDT, for a discussion on how Web3D technology contributes to the Metaverse. From interactive Real-Time 3D, to Mixed Reality and Humanoid Animation, everything we do in 3D is significant to an open Metaverse. Our extensible 3D presentation layer brings 3D content from different domains from across the WWW into rich, interactive 3D worlds. See how our members are scaling expertise in 3D, Modeling and Simulation, Geospatial, Augmented Reality, and Web Audio towards an open, interoperable Metaverse. Use cases: 3dMD - Medical 3D, Virginia Tech - AR/VR, and Versar - Geospatial 3D.
Web3D Position Paper: The keys to an open, interoperable Metaverse.
Web3D Members will also be presenting at the Cartographic Visualization (Carto) BOF on Monday, July 25th from 10:00-11:00 AM PDT.
SIGGRAPH 2022 Program and Registration