News & Features

2013 Feb 13
Web3D Consortium members will be presenting their paper, "A Fresh Look at Immersive Volume Rendering: Challenges and Capabilities" at the IEEE VR 2013 Conference.

Web3D Consortium members will be presenting their latest X3D work at the IEEE VR 2013 Conference in Orlando, FL March 16-20.

2013 Jan 21
Two presentations made at OGC's 3DIM and Technical Plenary sessions by Leonard Daly for the Web3D Consortium.

The Open GeoSpatial Consortium held a technical committee meeting in Redlands, Jan 14-17, 2013. The Web3D Consortium made two presentations during the sessions - one each at the 3D Information Management (3DIM) SWG, and the Technical Plenary.

2012 Sep 20
ISO has completed a second study in two years showing that implementing standards provides benefits to companies by increased efficiency, reduced risk, increased international expansion, and new product & market development.

The International Standards Organization (ISO) has released its second case study in two years detailing the benefits to companies by implementing standards. The benefits accrue independent of size, bsuiness sector, or country.

2012 Sep 19
The 3D Portrayal Interoperability Experiment (3DPIE) united OGC and Web3D to successfully test and demonstrate different mechanisms for handling 3D geodata using open standards-based formats and services.

The Web3D Consortium is proud to have contributed to an important effort by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).  The 3D Portrayal Interoperability Experiment (3DPIE) unites and successfully tests and demonstrates different mechanisms for the 3D portrayal, delivery, and exploitation of geodata b

2012 Jul 31
The Web3D Consortium invites all SIGGRAPH attendees to attend its events during SIGGRAPH that showcase interactive animated 3D graphics using web technologies.

The Web3D Consortium has eight events during SIGGRAPH 2012 in Los Angeles that are open to all SIGGRAPH attendees. Except for the Tech Talk, all events will be held in room 513 near the West Hall of the LA Convention Center. The Tech Talk will be held on the Exhibit Floor.

2012 Jul 30
X3D is evolving to include support for medical and volume 3D visualization, user-customizable units, and refinements to the Geospatial component.

The EXtensible 3D Graphics standard X3D ( continues to evolve include more capabilities and improve the clarity and consistency of its specifications.

2012 Jul 27
Visit Web3D events at SIGGRAPH and see how you can interact with 3D content using the Web.

At this year’s SIGGRAPH 2012 in Los Angeles CA, Aug 6-10 (, the largest annual conference for computer graphics, the Web3D Consortium ( will showcase the bro

2012 Jul 27
Researchers, developers, and creators meet in Los Angeles to demonstrate interoperable 3D systems.

The Seventeenth annual International Web3D Conference ( will be held on Aug 4 and 5, 2012 at the LA Convention center, Los Angeles, California USA .

2012 Jun 23
Be a Presenter at our SIGGRAPH 2012 Web3D Tech Talk "X3D: Delivering New Dimensions on the Web".

The Web3D Consortium is sponsoring a Tech Talk at SIGGRAPH 2012 in Los Angeles on Wednesday, 8 August 2012 from 12:45 to 1:45PM.

Submission Deadline is Friday, 20 July 2012 at 5PM PDT (GMT-0700)

2012 Jun 5
W3C's Declarative 3D Initiative using HTML's DOM discussed for creating, modifying, and sharing interactive, animated 3D graphics with HTML documents.

The 1st International Workshop on Declarative 3D for the Web Architecture (Dec3D2012) was held at the WWW2012 conference in Lyon, France on April 17, 2012.
