News & Features

2012 May 14
Online Registration for Web3D2012 and SIGGRAPH is Available

You can now register online for Web3D 2012 at Los Angeles, 4-5 August 2012. The Web3D 2012 is the 17th annual conference International Conference on 3D Web Technology.

2012 May 14
Quality Assurance (QA) Tool for X3D Scenes is Available Online from Naval Postgraduate School (NPS)

X3D authors now have an excellent new tool for checking their scenes.

2012 Apr 2
A Web3D Member company won the Best Paper Award at the IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2012 in Orange County, CA

2012 Mar 19
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University advances it’s Web3D Consortium Membership to Directing Member

The Web3D Consortium is pleased to announce that Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), has advanced its Web3D Consortium membership level to Directing Member.

2012 Jan 12
The first International Workshop on Declarative 3D for the Web Architecture in conjunction with WWW2012, 21st International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2012) in Lyon, France on 17 April 2012.

You are invited to submit your papers to the workshop. The workshop aims to encourage researchers and practitioners from both the Web and 3D graphics communities to meet and talk about an integration of interactive 3D graphics capabilities into the Web technology stack in a declarative way.

2012 Jan 12
The 17th ACM International Web3D Conference will address a wide range of research topics related to Web-based 3D Graphics. The Conference will be held in Los Angeles in conjunction with SIGGRAPH 2012 on August 4-5, 2012.

The annual ACM Web3D Conference is a major event that gathers researchers, developers, entrepreneurs, experimenters, artists, and content creators in a dynamic environment.

2011 Dec 21
Bitmanagement has released a new BS Contact version 8.000 as announced during summer. Thank you for your feedback as beta testers.

Speed and memory improvements such as X3D binary geometry compression, script sharing, geometry instancing, a new BS SDK update and many more features result in the best BS Contact ever.

2011 Nov 7
The Web3D Consortium attended the fourth international AR Standards Meeting in Basel, Switzerland on October 24-25

The fourth international AR standards Meeting ( was held in Basel, Switzerland on Oct 24-25.

2011 Nov 7
W3C's Declarative 3D Community Group held two session at TPAC 2011 (31 Oct - 4 Nov 2011).

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) held their annual Technical Plenary and Advisory Committee (TPAC) meeting in Santa Clara California from 31 Oct through 4 November.

2011 Oct 12
Vicomtech Starts Participating in Medical Working Group to Advanced Standards for the Display and Handling of Patient-Based Multi-Dimensional Medical Information.

Vicomtech-IK4 (Visual Interaction and Communication Technologies Centre) is a private and non-for-profit applied research centre for Interactive Computer Graphics and Multimedia located in the Technology Park of San Sebastian (Spain).
