The Future of 3D Web Standards
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Submitted by webmaster on Sun, 2014-07-13 16:54
X3DOM displays X3D content in HTML5 pages, rendered using WebGL. X3DOM is the prototype for next-generation Web as X3D version 4 standard. The future of Web3D graphics is presented and discussed highlighting tools and examples.
Tuesday, 2014, August 12 - 3:30pm to 5:30pm
Pan Pacific Oceanview 5
We will have a number of lightning talks open to anyone with X3DOM or X3D example code or application to show the attendees. Talks will be limited to 3-5 minutes each. If you are interested in presenting, please contact the X3D Co-Chairs.
Press Release:
Release Date:
Tue, 2014-07-15
Presentation Link: