Uses of Package
The Particle Systems component specifies how to model particles and their interactions through the application of basic physics principles to affect motion.
The Particle Systems component specifies how to model particles and their interactions through the application of basic physics principles to affect motion.
ClassDescriptionBoundedPhysicsModel provides user-defined geometrical boundaries for particle motion.ConeEmitter generates all available particles from a specific point in space.ExplosionEmitter generates all particles from a specific point in space at the initial time enabled.ForcePhysicsModel applies a constant force value to the particles.ParticleSystem specifies a complete particle system.PointEmitter generates particles from a specific point in space using the specified direction and speed.PolylineEmitter emits particles along a single polyline.SurfaceEmitter generates particles from the surface of an object.VolumeEmitter emits particles from a random position confined within the given closed geometry volume.WindPhysicsModel applies a wind effect to the particles.The X3DParticleEmitterNode abstract type represents any node that is an emitter of particles.The X3DParticlePhysicsModelNode abstract type represents any node that applies a form of constraints on the particles after they have been generated.
ClassDescriptionBoundedPhysicsModel provides user-defined geometrical boundaries for particle motion.ConeEmitter generates all available particles from a specific point in space.ExplosionEmitter generates all particles from a specific point in space at the initial time enabled.ForcePhysicsModel applies a constant force value to the particles.ParticleSystem specifies a complete particle system.PointEmitter generates particles from a specific point in space using the specified direction and speed.PolylineEmitter emits particles along a single polyline.SurfaceEmitter generates particles from the surface of an object.VolumeEmitter emits particles from a random position confined within the given closed geometry volume.WindPhysicsModel applies a wind effect to the particles.The X3DParticleEmitterNode abstract type represents any node that is an emitter of particles.The X3DParticlePhysicsModelNode abstract type represents any node that applies a form of constraints on the particles after they have been generated.