Package org.web3d.x3d.sai.RigidBodyPhysics
package org.web3d.x3d.sai.RigidBodyPhysics
The Rigid Body Physics component describes how to model rigid bodies and their interactions through the application of basic physics principles to effect motion.
The Scene Access Interface Library (sai) package provides abstract interface classes for each X3D node and statement, in accordance witht the X3D SAI Specification.
Warning: these interfaces are primarily for internal use to ensure consistency.
Java programmers typically only need to use concrete objects provided by the org.web3d.x3d.jsail
Online: X3D Java Scene Access Interface Library (X3DJSAIL) and X3DJSAIL Javadoc.
- See Also:
InterfacesClassDescriptionBallJoint represents an unconstrained joint between two bodies that pivot about a common anchor point.CollidableOffset repositions geometry relative to center of owning body.CollidableShape connects the collision detection system, the rigid body model, and the renderable scene graph.CollisionCollection holds a collection of objects that can be managed as a single entity for resolution of inter-object collisions.CollisionSensor generates collision-detection events.CollisionSpace holds collection of objects considered together for resolution of inter-object collisions.Contact nodes are produced as output events when two collidable objects or spaces make contact.DoubleAxisHingeJoint has two independent axes located around a common anchor point.MotorJoint drives relative angular velocities between body1 and body2 within a common reference frame.RigidBody describes a collection of shapes with a mass distribution that is affected by the physics model.RigidBodyCollection represents a system of bodies that interact within a single physics model.SingleAxisHingeJoint has single axis about which to rotate, similar to a traditional door hinge.SliderJoint constrains all movement between body1 and body2 along a single axis.UniversalJoint is like a BallJoint that constrains an extra degree of rotational freedom.The X3DNBodyCollidableNode abstract node type represents objects that act as the interface between the rigid body physics, collision geometry proxy, and renderable objects in the scene graph hierarchy.The X3DNBodyCollisionSpaceNode abstract node type represents objects that act as a self-contained spatial collection of objects that can interact through collision detection routines.The X3DRigidJointNode abstract node type is the base type for all joint types.