June 2015 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Jun 1 07:55:57 PDT 2015
Ending: Wed Jun 24 19:39:05 PDT 2015
Messages: 43
- [x3d-public] Edge cases of Extrusion
Alekseyev, Vsevolod (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- [x3d-public] [x3d] X3D schema, DTD updates: new ClassicVRML encoding, inputOnly/outputOnly fields now complete
Alekseyev, Vsevolod (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- [x3d-public] X3D schema, DTD updates: new ClassicVRML encoding, inputOnly/outputOnly fields now complete
Alekseyev, Vsevolod (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- [x3d-public] X3D schema, DTD updates: new ClassicVRML encoding, inputOnly/outputOnly fields now complete
Alekseyev, Vsevolod (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- [x3d-public] X3D schema, DTD updates: new ClassicVRML encoding, inputOnly/outputOnly fields now complete
Alekseyev, Vsevolod (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- [x3d-public] Edge cases of Extrusion
Alekseyev, Vsevolod (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- [x3d-public] Edge cases of Extrusion
Alekseyev, Vsevolod (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- [x3d-public] Xj3D, X3D-Edit update: improved rendering with latest JoGL, updated subversion trunk
Alekseyev, Vsevolod (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- [x3d-public] weekly schema review meeting minutes
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] About - Blender Conference - blender.org
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] candidate project: DICOM image format loader for X3D
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] WIRED: The Inside Story of Google’s Bizarre Plunge Into VR
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] [x3d] AudioClip, MovieTexture interface hierarchy
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] X3D schema, DTD updates: new ClassicVRML encoding, inputOnly/outputOnly fields now complete
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] [x3d] X3D schema, DTD updates: new ClassicVRML encoding, inputOnly/outputOnly fields now complete
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] announce: Web3D Projects Wish List
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] Edge cases of Extrusion
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] X3D schema review meeting
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] Xj3D, X3D-Edit update: improved rendering with latest JoGL, updated subversion trunk
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] slidesets from Web3D 2015
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] projective texture mapping (PTM) review
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] Blender exporter
Leonard Daly
- [x3d-public] WebVR Specification
Leonard Daly
- [x3d-public] Server Down Time
Leonard Daly
- [x3d-public] WIRED: The Inside Story of Google’s Bizarre Plunge Into VR
Gordon Fisher
- [x3d-public] Blender exporter
Gordon Fisher
- [x3d-public] Availability of X3D viewers -- despite the resource list?
Anthony Judge
- [x3d-public] Availability of X3D viewers -- despite the resource list?
Anthony Judge
- [x3d-public] announce: Web3D Projects Wish List
Michalis Kamburelis
- [x3d-public] viewpoint center of rotation coordinate system
Andreas Plesch
- [x3d-public] viewpoint center of rotation coordinate system
Andreas Plesch
- [x3d-public] Weekly Schema review meeting minutes
Roy Walmsley
- [x3d-public] viewpoint center of rotation coordinate system
Roy Walmsley
- [x3d-public] WebVR Specification
Joe D Williams
- [x3d-public] WebVR Specification
Joe D Williams
- [x3d-public] WebVR Specification
Mitchell Williams
- [x3d-public] Availability of X3D viewers -- despite the resource list?
doug sanden
- [x3d-public] announce: Web3D Projects Wish List
doug sanden
- [x3d-public] X3D schema, DTD updates: new ClassicVRML encoding, inputOnly/outputOnly fields now complete
doug sanden
- [x3d-public] X3D schema, DTD updates: new ClassicVRML encoding, inputOnly/outputOnly fields now complete
doug sanden
- [x3d-public] X3D schema, DTD updates: new ClassicVRML encoding, inputOnly/outputOnly fields now complete
doug sanden
- [x3d-public] Blender exporter
doug sanden
- [x3d-public] Blender exporter
doug sanden
Last message date:
Wed Jun 24 19:39:05 PDT 2015
Archived on: Wed Jun 24 19:40:35 PDT 2015
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