Uses of Class
Packages that use SFInt32
The CADGeometry component is provided for Computer-Aided Design (CAD) nodes.
The Core component supplies the base functionality for the X3D run-time system, including the abstract base node type, field types, the event model, and routing.
The Cube Map Environmental Texturing component describes how additional texturing effects are defined to produce environmental effects such as reflections from objects.
The Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) component provides networked interoperability with the IEEE DIS protocol for sharing state and conducting real-time platform-level simulations across multiple host computers.
The Event Utility nodes provide the capability to filter, trigger, convert, or sequence numerous event-types for common interactive applications without the use of a Script node.
The X3D Java fields package provides a
comprehensive set of strongly typed X3D Java classes for
concrete implementation of X3D field types.
The Follower nodes (Chasers and Dampers) support dynamic creation of smooth parameter transitions at run time.
The Geometry3D component describes how three-dimensional geometry is specified and defines ElevationGrid, Extrusion, IndexedFaceSet, and most primitive geometry nodes (Box, Cone, Cylinder, Sphere).
The Geospatial component defines how to associate real-world locations in an X3D scene and specifies nodes particularly tuned for geospatial applications.
The Grouping component describes how nodes are organized into groups to establish a transformation hierarchy for the X3D scene graph.
The Humanoid Animation (HAnim) component for X3D defines node bindings and other details for implementing ISO/IEC 19774, the HAnim International Specification.
The Layering component describes how to layer a set of subscene layers into a composite scene.
The NURBS component describes Non-uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) geometry and interpolation nodes.
The Particle Systems component specifies how to model particles and their interactions through the application of basic physics principles to affect motion.
The Rendering component includes fundamental rendering primitives such as TriangleSet and PointSet nodes, as well as geometric properties nodes that define how coordinate indices, colors, normals and texture coordinates are specified.
The Rigid Body Physics component describes how to model rigid bodies and their interactions through the application of basic physics principles to effect motion.
The Programmable Shaders component describes how programmable shaders are specified and how they affect the visual appearance of geometry.
The Shape component defines nodes for associating geometry with their visible properties and the scene environment.
The Sound component defines how sound is delivered to an X3D world as well as how sounds are accessed.
The Texturing component specifies how 2D texture images are defined and then positioned on associated geometry.
The Texturing3D component specifies how 3D volumetric textures describe surface properties as data points in a volume of space, rather than a flat surface.
The Volume Rendering component provides the ability to specify and render volumetric data sets.
Uses of SFInt32 in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.CADGeometry
Methods in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.CADGeometry with parameters of type SFInt32Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAdd singleton SFInt32 value to MFInt32 index field. -
Uses of SFInt32 in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.Core
Methods in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.Core that return SFInt32Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfield.getValueSFInt32()
If type matches, then get typed value of a SFInt32 field declaration.fieldValue.getValueSFInt32()
If type matches, then get typed value of a SFInt32 fieldValue declaration.Methods in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.Core with parameters of type SFInt32Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAdd singleton SFInt32 value to MFInt32 value field.field.appendValue
(SFInt32 newValue) Append SFInt32 to field for value attribute.fieldValue.appendValue
(SFInt32 newValue) Append SFInt32 to fieldValue for value attribute.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 level field, similar tocomponent.setLevel(int)
.Set typed value of a SFInt32 field declaration.Set typed value of a SFInt32 fieldValue declaration. -
Uses of SFInt32 in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.CubeMapTexturing
Methods in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.CubeMapTexturing with parameters of type SFInt32Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAssign typed object value to SFInt32 size field, similar toGeneratedCubeMapTexture.setSize(int)
. -
Uses of SFInt32 in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.DIS
Methods in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.DIS with parameters of type SFInt32Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionEspduTransform.addArticulationParameterChangeIndicatorArray
(SFInt32 newValue) Add singleton SFInt32 value to MFInt32 articulationParameterChangeIndicatorArray field.EspduTransform.addArticulationParameterDesignatorArray
(SFInt32 newValue) Add singleton SFInt32 value to MFInt32 articulationParameterDesignatorArray field.EspduTransform.addArticulationParameterIdPartAttachedToArray
(SFInt32 newValue) Add singleton SFInt32 value to MFInt32 articulationParameterIdPartAttachedToArray field.EspduTransform.addArticulationParameterTypeArray
(SFInt32 newValue) Add singleton SFInt32 value to MFInt32 articulationParameterTypeArray field.Add singleton SFInt32 value to MFInt32 data field.TransmitterPdu.setAntennaPatternLength
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 antennaPatternLength field, similar toTransmitterPdu.setAntennaPatternLength(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 antennaPatternType field, similar toTransmitterPdu.setAntennaPatternType(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 applicationID field, similar toDISEntityManager.setApplicationID(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 applicationID field, similar toEspduTransform.setApplicationID(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 applicationID field, similar toReceiverPdu.setApplicationID(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 applicationID field, similar toSignalPdu.setApplicationID(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 applicationID field, similar toTransmitterPdu.setApplicationID(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 articulationParameterCount field, similar toEspduTransform.setArticulationParameterCount(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 category field, similar toDISEntityTypeMapping.setCategory(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 collisionType field, similar toEspduTransform.setCollisionType(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 country field, similar toDISEntityTypeMapping.setCountry(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 cryptoKeyID field, similar toTransmitterPdu.setCryptoKeyID(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 cryptoSystem field, similar toTransmitterPdu.setCryptoSystem(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 dataLength field, similar toSignalPdu.setDataLength(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 deadReckoning field, similar toEspduTransform.setDeadReckoning(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 detonationResult field, similar toEspduTransform.setDetonationResult(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 domain field, similar toDISEntityTypeMapping.setDomain(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 encodingScheme field, similar toSignalPdu.setEncodingScheme(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 entityCategory field, similar toEspduTransform.setEntityCategory(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 entityCountry field, similar toEspduTransform.setEntityCountry(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 entityDomain field, similar toEspduTransform.setEntityDomain(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 entityExtra field, similar toEspduTransform.setEntityExtra(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 entityID field, similar toEspduTransform.setEntityID(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 entityID field, similar toReceiverPdu.setEntityID(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 entityID field, similar toSignalPdu.setEntityID(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 entityID field, similar toTransmitterPdu.setEntityID(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 entityKind field, similar toEspduTransform.setEntityKind(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 entitySpecific field, similar toEspduTransform.setEntitySpecific(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 entitySubcategory field, similar toEspduTransform.setEntitySubcategory(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 eventApplicationID field, similar toEspduTransform.setEventApplicationID(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 eventEntityID field, similar toEspduTransform.setEventEntityID(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 eventNumber field, similar toEspduTransform.setEventNumber(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 eventSiteID field, similar toEspduTransform.setEventSiteID(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 extra field, similar toDISEntityTypeMapping.setExtra(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 fireMissionIndex field, similar toEspduTransform.setFireMissionIndex(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 firingRate field, similar toEspduTransform.setFiringRate(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 forceID field, similar toEspduTransform.setForceID(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 frequency field, similar toTransmitterPdu.setFrequency(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 fuse field, similar toEspduTransform.setFuse(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 inputSource field, similar toTransmitterPdu.setInputSource(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 kind field, similar toDISEntityTypeMapping.setKind(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 lengthOfModulationParameters field, similar toTransmitterPdu.setLengthOfModulationParameters(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 modulationTypeDetail field, similar toTransmitterPdu.setModulationTypeDetail(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 modulationTypeMajor field, similar toTransmitterPdu.setModulationTypeMajor(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 modulationTypeSpreadSpectrum field, similar toTransmitterPdu.setModulationTypeSpreadSpectrum(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 modulationTypeSystem field, similar toTransmitterPdu.setModulationTypeSystem(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 multicastRelayPort field, similar toEspduTransform.setMulticastRelayPort(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 multicastRelayPort field, similar toReceiverPdu.setMulticastRelayPort(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 multicastRelayPort field, similar toSignalPdu.setMulticastRelayPort(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 multicastRelayPort field, similar toTransmitterPdu.setMulticastRelayPort(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 munitionApplicationID field, similar toEspduTransform.setMunitionApplicationID(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 munitionEntityID field, similar toEspduTransform.setMunitionEntityID(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 munitionQuantity field, similar toEspduTransform.setMunitionQuantity(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 munitionSiteID field, similar toEspduTransform.setMunitionSiteID(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 port field, similar toDISEntityManager.setPort(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 port field, similar toEspduTransform.setPort(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 port field, similar toReceiverPdu.setPort(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 port field, similar toSignalPdu.setPort(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 port field, similar toTransmitterPdu.setPort(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 radioEntityTypeCategory field, similar toTransmitterPdu.setRadioEntityTypeCategory(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 radioEntityTypeCountry field, similar toTransmitterPdu.setRadioEntityTypeCountry(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 radioEntityTypeDomain field, similar toTransmitterPdu.setRadioEntityTypeDomain(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 radioEntityTypeKind field, similar toTransmitterPdu.setRadioEntityTypeKind(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 radioEntityTypeNomenclature field, similar toTransmitterPdu.setRadioEntityTypeNomenclature(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 radioEntityTypeNomenclatureVersion field, similar toTransmitterPdu.setRadioEntityTypeNomenclatureVersion(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 radioID field, similar toReceiverPdu.setRadioID(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 radioID field, similar toSignalPdu.setRadioID(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 radioID field, similar toTransmitterPdu.setRadioID(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 receiverState field, similar toReceiverPdu.setReceiverState(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 sampleRate field, similar toSignalPdu.setSampleRate(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 samples field, similar toSignalPdu.setSamples(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 siteID field, similar toDISEntityManager.setSiteID(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 siteID field, similar toEspduTransform.setSiteID(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 siteID field, similar toReceiverPdu.setSiteID(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 siteID field, similar toSignalPdu.setSiteID(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 siteID field, similar toTransmitterPdu.setSiteID(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 specific field, similar toDISEntityTypeMapping.setSpecific(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 subcategory field, similar toDISEntityTypeMapping.setSubcategory(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 tdlType field, similar toSignalPdu.setTdlType(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 transmitState field, similar toTransmitterPdu.setTransmitState(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 transmitterApplicationID field, similar toReceiverPdu.setTransmitterApplicationID(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 transmitterEntityID field, similar toReceiverPdu.setTransmitterEntityID(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 transmitterRadioID field, similar toReceiverPdu.setTransmitterRadioID(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 transmitterSiteID field, similar toReceiverPdu.setTransmitterSiteID(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 warhead field, similar toEspduTransform.setWarhead(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 whichGeometry field, similar toReceiverPdu.setWhichGeometry(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 whichGeometry field, similar toSignalPdu.setWhichGeometry(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 whichGeometry field, similar toTransmitterPdu.setWhichGeometry(int)
. -
Uses of SFInt32 in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.EventUtilities
Methods in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.EventUtilities with parameters of type SFInt32Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionIntegerSequencer.addKeyValue
(SFInt32 newValue) Add singleton SFInt32 value to MFInt32 keyValue field.IntegerTrigger.setIntegerKey
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 integerKey field, similar toIntegerTrigger.setIntegerKey(int)
. -
Uses of SFInt32 in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.fields
Methods in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.fields that return SFInt32Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionApply an SFInt32 value to this field.SFInt32.setValueByString
(String newValue) Utility accessor for SFInt32 using String value (which must pass parsing validation checks).Methods in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.fields with parameters of type SFInt32Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAppends a new singleton typed value at the end of the existing value array, increasing the field length accordingly.boolean
Determine whether two objects contain equal values.Assign a single-field SFInt32 as new array value.Apply an SFInt32 value to this field.Constructors in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.fields with parameters of type SFInt32 -
Uses of SFInt32 in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.Followers
Methods in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.Followers with parameters of type SFInt32Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAssign typed object value to SFInt32 order field, similar toColorDamper.setOrder(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 order field, similar toCoordinateDamper.setOrder(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 order field, similar toOrientationDamper.setOrder(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 order field, similar toPositionDamper.setOrder(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 order field, similar toPositionDamper2D.setOrder(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 order field, similar toScalarDamper.setOrder(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 order field, similar toTexCoordDamper2D.setOrder(int)
. -
Uses of SFInt32 in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.Geometry3D
Methods in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.Geometry3D with parameters of type SFInt32Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionIndexedFaceSet.addColorIndex
(SFInt32 newValue) Add singleton SFInt32 value to MFInt32 colorIndex field.IndexedFaceSet.addCoordIndex
(SFInt32 newValue) Add singleton SFInt32 value to MFInt32 coordIndex field.IndexedFaceSet.addNormalIndex
(SFInt32 newValue) Add singleton SFInt32 value to MFInt32 normalIndex field.IndexedFaceSet.addTexCoordIndex
(SFInt32 newValue) Add singleton SFInt32 value to MFInt32 texCoordIndex field.ElevationGrid.setXDimension
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 xDimension field, similar toElevationGrid.setXDimension(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 zDimension field, similar toElevationGrid.setZDimension(int)
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Uses of SFInt32 in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.Geospatial
Methods in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.Geospatial with parameters of type SFInt32Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionGeoElevationGrid.setXDimension
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 xDimension field, similar toGeoElevationGrid.setXDimension(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 zDimension field, similar toGeoElevationGrid.setZDimension(int)
. -
Uses of SFInt32 in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.Grouping
Methods in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.Grouping with parameters of type SFInt32Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSwitch.setWhichChoice
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 whichChoice field, similar toSwitch.setWhichChoice(int)
. -
Uses of SFInt32 in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.HAnim
Methods in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.HAnim with parameters of type SFInt32Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionHAnimDisplacer.addCoordIndex
(SFInt32 newValue) Add singleton SFInt32 value to MFInt32 coordIndex field.HAnimJoint.addSkinCoordIndex
(SFInt32 newValue) Add singleton SFInt32 value to MFInt32 skinCoordIndex field.HAnimMotion.setEndFrame
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 endFrame field, similar toHAnimMotion.setEndFrame(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 frameIncrement field, similar toHAnimMotion.setFrameIncrement(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 frameIndex field, similar toHAnimMotion.setFrameIndex(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 loa field, similar toHAnimHumanoid.setLoa(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 loa field, similar toHAnimMotion.setLoa(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 startFrame field, similar toHAnimMotion.setStartFrame(int)
. -
Uses of SFInt32 in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.Layering
Methods in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.Layering with parameters of type SFInt32Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAdd singleton SFInt32 value to MFInt32 order field.LayerSet.setActiveLayer
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 activeLayer field, similar toLayerSet.setActiveLayer(int)
. -
Uses of SFInt32 in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.NURBS
Methods in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.NURBS with parameters of type SFInt32Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAssign typed object value to SFInt32 order field, similar toNurbsCurve.setOrder(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 order field, similar toNurbsCurve2D.setOrder(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 order field, similar toNurbsOrientationInterpolator.setOrder(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 order field, similar toNurbsPositionInterpolator.setOrder(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 tessellation field, similar toNurbsCurve.setTessellation(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 tessellation field, similar toNurbsCurve2D.setTessellation(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 uDimension field, similar toNurbsPatchSurface.setUDimension(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 uDimension field, similar toNurbsSurfaceInterpolator.setUDimension(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 uDimension field, similar toNurbsTextureCoordinate.setUDimension(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 uDimension field, similar toNurbsTrimmedSurface.setUDimension(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 uOrder field, similar toNurbsPatchSurface.setUOrder(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 uOrder field, similar toNurbsSurfaceInterpolator.setUOrder(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 uOrder field, similar toNurbsTextureCoordinate.setUOrder(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 uOrder field, similar toNurbsTrimmedSurface.setUOrder(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 uTessellation field, similar toNurbsPatchSurface.setUTessellation(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 uTessellation field, similar toNurbsTrimmedSurface.setUTessellation(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 vDimension field, similar toNurbsPatchSurface.setVDimension(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 vDimension field, similar toNurbsSurfaceInterpolator.setVDimension(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 vDimension field, similar toNurbsTextureCoordinate.setVDimension(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 vDimension field, similar toNurbsTrimmedSurface.setVDimension(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 vOrder field, similar toNurbsPatchSurface.setVOrder(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 vOrder field, similar toNurbsSurfaceInterpolator.setVOrder(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 vOrder field, similar toNurbsTextureCoordinate.setVOrder(int)
.Assign typed object value to SFInt32 vOrder field, similar toNurbsTrimmedSurface.setVOrder(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 vTessellation field, similar toNurbsPatchSurface.setVTessellation(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 vTessellation field, similar toNurbsTrimmedSurface.setVTessellation(int)
. -
Uses of SFInt32 in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.ParticleSystems
Methods in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.ParticleSystems with parameters of type SFInt32Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPolylineEmitter.addCoordIndex
(SFInt32 newValue) Add singleton SFInt32 value to MFInt32 coordIndex field.VolumeEmitter.addCoordIndex
(SFInt32 newValue) Add singleton SFInt32 value to MFInt32 coordIndex field.ParticleSystem.setMaxParticles
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 maxParticles field, similar toParticleSystem.setMaxParticles(int)
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Uses of SFInt32 in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.Rendering
Methods in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.Rendering with parameters of type SFInt32Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionIndexedLineSet.addColorIndex
(SFInt32 newValue) Add singleton SFInt32 value to MFInt32 colorIndex field.IndexedLineSet.addCoordIndex
(SFInt32 newValue) Add singleton SFInt32 value to MFInt32 coordIndex field.TriangleFanSet.addFanCount
(SFInt32 newValue) Add singleton SFInt32 value to MFInt32 fanCount field.Add singleton SFInt32 value to MFInt32 index field.Add singleton SFInt32 value to MFInt32 index field.Add singleton SFInt32 value to MFInt32 index field.TriangleStripSet.addStripCount
(SFInt32 newValue) Add singleton SFInt32 value to MFInt32 stripCount field.LineSet.addVertexCount
(SFInt32 newValue) Add singleton SFInt32 value to MFInt32 vertexCount field. -
Uses of SFInt32 in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.RigidBodyPhysics
Methods in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.RigidBodyPhysics with parameters of type SFInt32Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionMotorJoint.setEnabledAxes
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 enabledAxes field, similar toMotorJoint.setEnabledAxes(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 iterations field, similar toRigidBodyCollection.setIterations(int)
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Uses of SFInt32 in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.Shaders
Methods in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.Shaders with parameters of type SFInt32Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionFloatVertexAttribute.setNumComponents
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 numComponents field, similar toFloatVertexAttribute.setNumComponents(int)
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Uses of SFInt32 in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.Shape
Methods in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.Shape with parameters of type SFInt32Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionFillProperties.setHatchStyle
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 hatchStyle field, similar toFillProperties.setHatchStyle(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 linetype field, similar toLineProperties.setLinetype(int)
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Uses of SFInt32 in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.Sound
Methods in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.Sound with parameters of type SFInt32Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionChannelSelector.setChannelSelection
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 channelSelection field, similar toChannelSelector.setChannelSelection(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 fftSize field, similar toAnalyser.setFftSize(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 frequencyBinCount field, similar toAnalyser.setFrequencyBinCount(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 maxChannelCount field, similar toAudioDestination.setMaxChannelCount(int)
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 numberOfChannels field, similar toBufferAudioSource.setNumberOfChannels(int)
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Uses of SFInt32 in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.Texturing
Methods in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.Texturing with parameters of type SFInt32Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTextureProperties.setBorderWidth
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 borderWidth field, similar toTextureProperties.setBorderWidth(int)
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Uses of SFInt32 in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.Texturing3D
Methods in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.Texturing3D with parameters of type SFInt32Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAdd singleton SFInt32 value to MFInt32 image field. -
Uses of SFInt32 in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.VolumeRendering
Methods in org.web3d.x3d.jsail.VolumeRendering with parameters of type SFInt32Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCartoonVolumeStyle.setColorSteps
(SFInt32 newValue) Assign typed object value to SFInt32 colorSteps field, similar toCartoonVolumeStyle.setColorSteps(int)