group GroupingNodeChildContentModel
diagram x3d-3.0_diagrams/x3d-3.0_p170.png
children Background ColorInterpolator CoordinateInterpolator DirectionalLight Group NavigationInfo NormalInterpolator OrientationInterpolator PositionInterpolator ScalarInterpolator Shape TimeSensor Transform Viewpoint WorldInfo Anchor BooleanFilter BooleanSequencer BooleanToggle BooleanTrigger CylinderSensor Inline IntegerSequencer IntegerTrigger KeySensor PlaneSensor PointLight ProximitySensor SphereSensor SpotLight StringSensor Switch TimeTrigger TouchSensor AudioClip Billboard Collision Fog LoadSensor LOD Script Sound VisibilitySensor CoordinateInterpolator2D PositionInterpolator2D StaticGroup TextureBackground EspduTransform ReceiverPdu SignalPdu TransmitterPdu GeoLocation GeoLOD GeoMetadata GeoPositionInterpolator GeoTouchSensor GeoViewpoint HAnimHumanoid HAnimJoint HAnimSegment HAnimSite NurbsOrientationInterpolator NurbsPositionInterpolator NurbsSurfaceInterpolator NurbsSet ProtoInstance ROUTE ExternProtoDeclare ProtoDeclare IMPORT EXPORT
used by
elements GeoLocation GeoLOD Scene
Child-node content model corresponding to X3DChildNode.  GroupingNodeChildContentModel can contain most nodes, other Grouping nodes, Prototype declarations and ProtoInstances in any order and any combination.  When less that Full profile, the precise palette of legal nodes that are available depends on profile and components.
source <xs:group name="GroupingNodeChildContentModel">
<xs:appinfo>Child-node content model corresponding to X3DChildNode.  GroupingNodeChildContentModel can contain most nodes, other Grouping nodes, Prototype declarations and ProtoInstances in any order and any combination.  When less that Full profile, the precise palette of legal nodes that are available depends on profile and components.</xs:appinfo>
<xs:documentation source=""/>
<xs:group ref="ChildContentModel" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:group ref="ChildContentModelSceneGraphStructure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor